Suggestions for Luau Potluck?

fair-weather psuedo wizard-fashion Mr. Potato Head out-of-town real estate prospector who's clearly already eaten 7 or 8 full Luau soups
Does this remind anybody else of that Puss in Boots, The Last Wish scene? If you don't get what I'm talking about, look at the spoiler (if you really want to know). But it is kinda true. All the governor does is eat your Luau soup and move on to the next town. Maybe, just maybe (probably not but maybe) in an update of Stardew Valley he'll be given a larger role.
The scene where Goldilocks and Baby start arguing and roasting each other.


However, when Gold and Big Milk quality Cauliflower is out of your reach, don't despair! There are alternative options that can keep you victorious! If your farmer also has an obsession with the art of fishing then Gold quality Catfish, Gold quality Sturgeon and Gold quality Super Cucumber will be the undisputed choices. Indulge visitors with the wonders of the brilliant sea and unparalleled plant luxuries

I am a godkin descended from a god, the "SEPUH" of Stardew Valley ( ̄⊿ ̄)╭


The first thing I always do when I start a new game is get a Deluxe Barn and some pigs. Truffles count as forage and I try to get up to max forage by the luau so I end up with an Iridium truffle. That always gets the Wow response from the governor.


I’ve recently started a new server and I’m having difficulty with the potluck that I don’t remember having in my previous server. I added an iridium quality herring and the governor said it was disgusting. I summoned the power of Yoba and turned off the game to restart that day XD. But then I added a gold quality red pepper and I thought that was a safe bet, but then the governor said the soup was nothing special.
Any suggestions? The fate of the soup determines my friendship with the whole town’s people—which makes me wonder, why is it just ME who must make or break the soup? There’s almost thirty people in town! C’mom Pierre, where’s those “high quality produce” you’re always boasting about? 🤨
But for reals, please help 😭


I’ve recently started a new server and I’m having difficulty with the potluck that I don’t remember having in my previous server. I added an iridium quality herring and the governor said it was disgusting. I summoned the power of Yoba and turned off the game to restart that day XD. But then I added a gold quality red pepper and I thought that was a safe bet, but then the governor said the soup was nothing special.
Any suggestions? The fate of the soup determines my friendship with the whole town’s people—which makes me wonder, why is it just ME who must make or break the soup? There’s almost thirty people in town! C’mom Pierre, where’s those “high quality produce” you’re always boasting about? 🤨
But for reals, please help 😭



I usually use (gold star) Truffle. In my new save, i will use (gold star) Cauliflower, for the 1st Luau.

Strange thing is, i think i remember using Gold Star Flounder in 1.5 sufficed, for best response, but now wiki says that must be smoked.


I just did the potluck and threw some summer squash in and they seemed to love it and it was really easy to get ahold of the squash


I just did the potluck and threw some summer squash in and they seemed to love it and it was really easy to get ahold of the squash
With summer squash, even at gold/iridium quality, you will only get the "good" response, not the best one. But I agree this is an easy way to get a good an answer and make villagers happy.


Mmmmm.... keeping that gold Cauliflower around just leering at me for a whole season just rankles me. Lookin' all self-satisfied knowing it's never gonna be sold or processed into Caulipickles. Waiting for its hot tub party on the beach with all it's long-lost meat and veg pen pals. No way, I process and sell that overgrown albino meristem bouquet and the best the Gov can hope for is a silver quality Grape. Or a Leek, Grapes are pretty and purple.
I skip the beach and hide out in the mines or on Ginger. Governor hasn’t noticed my absence once. 🤣


But yes gold star high price fruit or veggie gets you the best reaction. Silver quality high priced fruit or veggie gives you a good reaction. If you have a spare 3000g then Pierre sells a regular quality star fruit which also gives good reaction. ( My opinion no matter what I stick in there: That greenish, brownish, grayish lumpy bumpy bubbling soup looks so incredibly gross bubbling in the hot heat of summer oh gag the smell must be horrid! 🤢 )


That's pretty much what I do every time. I have a general idea of what the better things for the Luau soup are but as long as it's gold star, reasonably valuable but I don't reeeeeeally need it, in it goes to the soup!

I'm there to talk to everyone and enjoy the breeze, not make some fair-weather psuedo wizard-fashion Mr. Potato Head out-of-town real estate prospector who's clearly already eaten 7 or 8 full Luau soups from neighboring towns happy and full when everyone else is cool with a decent gold parsnip. Or purple lettuce. Kinda like Lucky Charms! Y'know, whatever works.
🤣🤣🤣 Mr. Potato Head! Now that I think of it I think he looks more like the cartoon Chicken McNuggets from those old McDonalds 1980’s commercial introducing them into their menu.