Stardew Survey


I am Survey Nut and find them fun to make and respond to (and get to know other Forum Folks) it is! : ) The Stardew Survey
Copy/Paste (in Bold) and Answer in Reg Type to participate! Feel free to make answers as short or detailed as you wish!

1. How long have you been playing?
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
5. What do you love the most about SV:

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:
7. Current Spouse:
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:

11. Favorite SV Animal?
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
13. Favorite Summer product/produce?
14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?
17. Favorite festival/holiday?
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?
19. Favorite SV season:

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?


I really only have answers for a few of these, because the rest....I dunno, they don't really matter to me so I don't have an answer

1. How long have you been playing?
Since a bit before 1.4. I have about 800 hours in over 3 farms

4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
Trying to get to my bed at 1:50am after a long day in skull caverns and that STUPID DOG will not move.

5. What do you love the most about SV:
Being able to attain small and reasonable goals and see a measured gain.

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:
None, They don't matter as they don't have any mechanical effect (other than the stardrop) and tend to get in the way more than they actually help. I will say I hate Shane with a passion and wish I had the option to kick that self absorbed ass over the cliff.

7. Current Spouse:
Leah, Best of all the meh options. She gives me coffee and salad, both things I use regularly.

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?
- Kids to actually do something, like craft random tokens that you can add to your Player wallet that give you some small effect.
- Spouses to have a little bit more mechanical benefit.
- Spuses/Pets/Kids to be able to be moved through without resistance
- Crafting/Cooking to ask WHAT item you want to use when a Fridge/Chest/Backpack contains multiple possibilities
- Spring Onions....there should be something to do with them
- Minerals, there should be a way to do something with them, like the Bone Mill for bones.
- Stardrops give you Energy OR Health (your selection). In late game Energy is kinda useless.
- Ability to change Farm Cave selection (for a price of course)
- Sun Totems!
- More GOOD Community Upgrades like Pam's House. The shortcuts were OK, but it didn't have the same oomph.
- Shortcut in the Skull Caverns (I know there is an elev Mod, but not on console)
- Rookery, a small building that attracts crows, that eat seeds planted around them, and may leave random goodies/items in their place.
1. How long have you been playing?

Since the port to the xbox one system
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:

Green man wears totem mask, kelp shirt, grass skirt, and rubber boots
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:

Bert's Aquarium Supply. So many fish I have to chase willy with a broom to keep him out.
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?

Crap is it 4am again. It's gonna be a long day in real world
5. What do you love the most about SV:

Just being freeform and letting you make a spot for yourself

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:

Abigail, reminds me of my wife a little to much
7. Current Spouse:

8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:

Alex, for a steroid jock at least he does a mini community upgrade 14 heart
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:

Hat Mouse, I wish I could feed him cheese
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:

Emily's Dance makes me think of the pork soup party fron Chronotrigger

11. Favorite SV Animal?

Fez pig
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?

13. Favorite Summer product/produce?

14. Favorite Fall product/produce?

Wild Plum
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?

Snow yam

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?

Secret Woods
17. Favorite festival/holiday?

Laura, tangy ingredient reaction
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?

Gourmand frog statue
19. Favorite SV season:


20. What is your SV wish for future updates?

A sequel or prequel or presequel

Magically Clueless

Staff member
1. How long have you been playing?
I've been playing since it came out in 2016!
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
Lots of hair, very fun, enjoys long walks and basement boys
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
Pretty but otherwise not very organized
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
Making a lot of money, honestly. Minmaxing is a bit boring for me so it takes me a long time to get a bunch of stuff in the game.
5. What do you love the most about SV:
The characters are my absolute favorite!

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:
7. Current Spouse:
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:
This is a tough one... maybe Harvey's

11. Favorite SV Animal?
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
13. Favorite Summer product/produce?
14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?
The space right above the sewer entrance in Cindersap Forest
17. Favorite festival/holiday?
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?
Singing stone
19. Favorite SV season:

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?
I would like more for the kids your farmer has so I can interact with them more and make it more of a family setting-- especially the spouses interacting with them. I like the kids just fine, I just think going on playdates and picnics and stuff would be really cute.


1. How long have you been playing?

I'm a Noob! Just started this year.
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
Basically a digital pixel me with long hair
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
I didn't plan it this way but my farm is turning into an "Oddities" Farm, kind of like a roadside attraction place. Current attractions include blue chicken, a purple meteorite, and a mushroom forest.
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
I don't know why but I have SO much trouble figuring out the mechanics of decorating and moving all the furniture around!
5. What do you love the most about SV:
I actually thought I would never LOVE a video game since the 90's. I'm pretty much a RPG Squaresoft 90's kid and I never really connected with the graphics heavy/high tech stuff. I feel like a lot of it sacrifices the story and characters for the advanced graphics (and I also find them hard to play.) This game has elements of my beloved Chrono Trigger/Final Fantasy AND MORE with the open-ended play and building. It's got it all-great music, characters, story, world building, and I love the farming/building elements.

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:

Shane for the boys, Abigail for the girls
7. Current Spouse:
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:
Harvey, he's super cute and I love his backstory/secret interests.
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
Pam and Clint
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:

11. Favorite SV Animal?

Blue Chickens- combines the fantastic with the domestic
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
13. Favorite Summer product/produce?
14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?

Secret Woods
17. Favorite festival/holiday?
Jellies Night-so magical and ambient!
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?
Mermaid Painting
19. Favorite SV season:

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?
Would love to see more dialogue and activity for spouses (maybe dates at new locations, etc.) The spouse characters are so much fun, I love seeing what they have to say and how they interact.

Lew Zealand

1. How long have you been playing?

Since Version 1.3.28, so about August 2018, 2.7 years

2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
Bobbi attempts to be a Lazy Farmer but frequently fails even this meager test as efficiency is also her goal and sometimes that clashes with ultimate laziness. She likes long walks in the park, bike rid , she used to be a team lackey on the Zuzu City Chickens Rocket League team but retired due to worn out knees. She changes her look as much as possibe between different saves and even within the same save. Occasionally goes to Zuzu city to get LASIK.

3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
Barn o' Pigs, Coop o' Dinos, Greenhouse o' Ancient Fruit, married by Winter Y1 (Elliot, you're next!), big patch o' Sprinklered seasonal Cauli, Melon, Pumpkin (Y1), or Rhubarb, Red Cabbage, Pumpkins (Y2+), Shed full of Preserves Jars and Kegs converting those goodies. Rest of the Farm is generally a mess though on occasion there will be an array of Fish Ponds and Trees for various projects which inevitably are pushed aside.

4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
Ginger Island. Even Skull Cavern is more palatable

5. What do you love the most about SV:
The peopley bit. It's why I binged this game 2.5 years ago to the exclusion of anything else. And why I replay it pretty frequently.

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:

Haley, right now. She's such a nut. Everyone else makes some sort of sense but Haley as your wife on the farm is just loopy. She's a big surprise as her early game character is not particularly likable.

7. Current Spouse:

8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:

9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
Clint. He really needs someone to break him out of his shell, and it's not gonna be Emily. I think this is Sandy's ultimate destiny.

10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:
I'm not familiar with the theme songs, defo something I've ignored in the game.

11. Favorite SV Animal?

Pigs, cuz Truffles. G is good.

12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
Cauliflower, 'cuz big

13. Favorite Summer product/produce?
Melon, 'cuz big

14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
Pumpkin, :wink: you know!

15. Favorite Winter product/produce?
Crystal Fruit, 'cuz shiny!

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?

Spa, 'cuz Penny's 10 heart event. But for a place you visit more regularly, I like the The Sewers for Krobus and Mutant Bug Lair.

17. Favorite festival/holiday?
Night Market, because Deep Sea Fishing Tour. Honorable mention to any festival where I can beat one of the NPCs in a contest. So, Egg Festival and Festival of Ice

18. Favorite non-farming item/object?
That would be my sweet, sweet lovey, the Return Sceptre. Saver of my lazy butt on many occasions, deliverer of Farmer Bobbi to the front step at 1:50am on countless days (see: Deep Sea Fishing Tour), rescuer from the annoyances of the evil Parrots. The Obelisks are nice, but the Sceptre is divine.

19. Favorite SV season:
Spring. Every time Spring rolls around with that music and scenery, I'm taken back to those first few days playing Stardew Valley in August 2018 and anything that can do that is just MAGIC.

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?
Yes, please.
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1. About a year.
2. My farmer Lilan is a rebellious character who hates joja. She is brave, kind, brutally honest.
3. My only farm love farm is a greenhouse, a coop, a barn, a shed, a little garden abd the rest is trees that I never chopped down.
4. The mines.
5. The fact you don't have a deadline abd the NPCs.
6. Harvey. That one person who is a bit similar to me.
7. Harvey
8. Alex
9. Pierre. A joja hater like my farmer and I do not selling crops to him so I have no problems with it.
10. A stillness in the rain (Abigail)
11. Void chicken because why not?
12. Strawberry because I love them IRL.
13. Tomatoes. My favorite vegetable!
14. Bock Choy. I love it and it is underrated!
15. Crystal fruit
16. The mines/skull cavern
17. Dance of the moonlight jellies
18. My steel smallsword.
19. Summer. The best music and crops!
20. The children age up!

Dr. eeL

1. How long have you been playing?
320 hours
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
Looks like me, rather nondescript.
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
I only convert a manageable part of the farm into farmland, the rest stays full of grass and trees (no rocks).
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
Figuring out the puzzles without outside aid.
5. What do you love the most about SV:
The pace of the game, the characters, the music., the changing seasons.
6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:
7. Current Spouse:
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
Gus & Willy
11. Favorite SV Animal?
Frogs (when you see them), rabbits, and the many different kinds of fish.
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
13. Favorite Summer product/produce?
14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?
I do not farm in winter.
16. Favorite Place outside your farm?
Willy's dock
17. Favorite festival/holiday?
Halloween carnival
19. Favorite SV season:
20. What is your SV wish for future updates?

I'd like to see the kids be able to go outside, functioning similar to the current cat (occasional cry of delight), limited to the farm but occasionally interacting with the farmer.
If you go to bed at the same time as your spouse, I'd like to see some commentary, like: "try not to snore," "yikes, cold feet!" "don't let the bed bugs bite you"
"sweet dreams, sweetheart," "Ew, take off your backpack before getting into bed." If this commentary was really cute, fewer farmers would be staying out past 10 P.M. just
so that they could enjoy the interaction with their spouse more.
Be able to take someone to the spa with you for a heart building soak, or to have a pool party at the spa with multiple characters and a beach ball.
Have an A and B set of community gatherings that rotate randomly with the years. A first glance, both A and B look identical, with some tiny exceptions. For example:
one or two NPCs have a different conversation set piece, you have to catch one additional fish to win the contest, the Easter eggs are misplaced, the golden pumpkin maze
has an additional twist. In this way, the player goes to these holiday events never quite knowing what will happen.

Lew Zealand

If you go to bed at the same time as your spouse, I'd like to see some commentary, like: "try not to snore," "yikes, cold feet!" "don't let the bed bugs bite you" "sweet dreams, sweetheart," "Ew, take off your backpack before getting into bed." If this commentary was really cute, fewer farmers would be staying out past 10 P.M. just so that they could enjoy the interaction with their spouse more.
This is really really good, I like this idea a lot!

Lew Zealand

I would love this! I need to see what deranged weird stuff Shane will say right before bed. XD

You smell, but not good like Chickens.
I asked Pierre where he gets his Grange produce from and he went all quiet. So I poured a beer on his display when he wasn't looking.
Your clothes are all wet from watering. Now I'm thirsty.
Why is Clint so surly, can't he just lighten up?
I didn't remember there were cliffs below Cindersap Forest.
Alex is the same prat I remember from middle school. He's just old now.
When you get to bed after midnight, why are you always covered in blood and smell like ash?
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1. How long have you been playing?
A Month
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
He did his best with what he could, he was torn choosing between Haley and Penny at first but upon seeing Penny's 8 heart event, Haley was the right choice. Maybe in a different timeline *ahem 1.5*
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:

4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
Playing blindly, there was this constant urge to search for answers as I really want to get good at this game but I'm glad I kept those urges at bay, I have finally bought the gold clock.
5. What do you love the most about SV:
The early game definitely

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette: Penny
7. Current Spouse: Haley
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette: George
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC: Linus
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song: Leah

11. Favorite SV Animal? My three little pigs
12. Favorite Spring product/produce? Strawberry
13. Favorite Summer product/produce? Blueberry
14. Favorite Fall product/produce? Pumpkin
15. Favorite Winter product/produce? Cheese

16. Favorite Place outside your farm? Caverns
17. Favorite festival/holiday? Christmas
18. Favorite non-farming item/object? Galaxy Sword
19. Favorite SV season: Autumn

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?
More dialogue options especially during events

More events
Evolving relationships with Pelican Town
*A new adjacent town/village with different characters

*I wish Penny's 8 heart even was her 6th instead, at that point it would inform the player that he has a rival giving him a sense of urgency, I just wish that her 8th event was focused solely about my relationship with her, like her home movie event.
*I hate the fact that my spouse chooses to hang out with my former rivals instead of her family during events.
1. How long have you been playing?
A little after the first release in 2016
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
Alternating looks but always female, long hair, and cat
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
Current one has been planned and actually following through. Four corners each one having its own specialty.
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
The Journey of the Prairie King and Junimo Cart. I find them impossible to do but am determined to win someday.
5. What do you love the most about SV:
It's relaxing, easy going; but if you want to challenge yourself or try hard there's a route for you too. The npcs are lovely and the interactions seem natural. Its my go-to game for when I'm feeling down.

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:
I always say to myself I'll marry Penny or Leah, perhaps even Shane....but I always marry Sebastian.
7. Current Spouse:
Just started a new save game, but yea......Sebastian.
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:
Elliot or Emily, maybe her sister too. They have their quirks that I see many not liking. Emily being the least likely to be picked as a marriage candidate.
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
Probably Granny? It's really hard to pick since I love them all. Granny though is kind and caring to George, the town, and you.
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:
A stillness in the Rain with Abigail. Really beautiful.

11. Favorite SV Animal?
It's a hard decision because I love chickens and cows IRL; cows though are probably my most favourite
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
Strawberrys :heart: They're my favourite fruit.
13. Favorite Summer product/produce? The starfruit I think. They look so...idk the shape but I can't imagine how good the taste would be.
14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
Cranberries. They look so vibrant and juicy, makes me want to eat them.
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?
Crystal Fruit, same reason as the last two....I just really love fruits.

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?
The mountains, especially when it's raining. Reminds me of the rockies when my family would visit for my scuba diving. The rain was always so fresh.
17. Favorite festival/holiday?
I'm a halloween fanatic so spirit's eve is my favourite.
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?
Swords, I love swinging my sword around.
19. Favorite SV season:
Fall, favourite season IRL too. So comfy and warm.

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?

I already made a post about this but I'd love some stardew specialties from Robin, Clint, and Marnie during the fair. It feels a little empty and doesn't serve much besides stardrop and rarecrow.
Robin having mini games like build something, or find the differences (smudges, dents, etc). Also having a store that you can buy special items.
Clint sells his swords that you can't find by yourself or buy at the Adventuring Guild.
Marnie having a petting zoo where you interact with an animal, then have the option to bid for it. The price of the animal goes up but in return it has a heart or two.


1. How long have you been playing?

Since the 5th Anniversary sale. 🙂
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
Look to the left of this post.
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
I'd say "Brutally Utilitarian" but Lew Zealand does that better than I do. Maybe Lazy Utilitarian? I do the bare minimum to get by (CC bundles, etc.), and expect to have pretty much everything but the ancient fruit greenhouse and the Shed-O-Kegs shut down by the end of Y2.
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
I'll probably always wrestle with the UI.
5. What do you love the most about SV:
The cat's butt-wiggle-and-pounce animation. :heart::cat:
In the big picture sense that everyone else answered - the relaxation. No pressure other than my own desire for efficiency, such as it is. I've got all the time in the world and know that I won't miss anything.

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:

Maru, of course.
7. Current Spouse:
Look to the left of this post.
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:
Maru? I get the impression most other players don't consider her overwhelmingly superior to the other marriageable characters like I do. For a non-Maru answer, maybe Krobus.
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
Demetrius, for basically the same reasons as Maru.
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:
I don't pay any attention to music in games.

11. Favorite SV Animal?

My cat.
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
13. Favorite Summer product/produce?
14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
Sweet Gem Berries. Honorable mention to Fairy Rose.
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?
Ancient Fruit, because the greenhouse doesn't care about seasons.

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?

The Museum.
17. Favorite festival/holiday?
Luau. Handy for boosting everyone's friendship levels, and in my next save I look forward to seeing everyone eat Lewis's shorts. :shorts:
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?
The mini-obelisks. Teleportation is handy. If the obelisks count as a "farming object", perhaps the sewing machine as an alternate. I'm amused by the huge wealth of options, and look forward to putting on a dinosaur suit (will update profile pic accordingly; edit: updated).
19. Favorite SV season:
Spring. Fall makes me worry about fires (Hi! I live in California!), not a fan of snow, and Spring has a slight edge over Summer for me.

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?
More cat options - tuxedo, tortoiseshell, calico, gray & white, etc. We have the aforementioned absurd list of clothing options, we should have more than three cat and three dog looks to choose from! And I'd love more pet interactions/animations, for example my Pet Toys suggestion. :cat:
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Here's mine.

1. How long have you been playing?

2018 was the year I found about SDV and also the year I start to play it, before the multiplayer feature was implemented.
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:
A man with straight spiky hair who loves cat and anything sweet, and the husband of his sweet wife, Leah.
3. Briefly describe one of your farms:
A farm consist of two cabins, some fields, and barns in the middle of the forest. Not so shabby, but also not so fancy.
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?
Greeting everyone in town everyday, and preparing gift for each of them every week.
5. What do you love the most about SV:
The characters in the game, of course.

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:

No one else, but Leah.
7. Current Spouse:
Of course, Leah.
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:
No one. I am pretty sure they're great in their own way.
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:
Linus, Robin, George, Evelyn, Jas, Vincent, Kent, Jodi, Caroline.
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:
I like all of 'em, I guess.

11. Favorite SV Animal?

My cat, Zoltar and my horse, Jack.
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?
13. Favorite Summer product/produce?
Hot pepper.
14. Favorite Fall product/produce?
15. Favorite Winter product/produce?
Any kind of fishes and forages available.

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?

The Cindersap Forest, because that's the place where Leah usually hangout and my favorite event with her happen.
17. Favorite festival/holiday?
All of the festivals are my favorite, but my most favorite will be the Flower Dance and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. I can get to dance with Leah in the Flower Dance and the jellyfishes are just so beautiful in the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies.
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?
Driftwood and any kind of collectable items.
19. Favorite SV season:
I like all of the four seasons.

20. What is your SV wish for future updates?
Our spouse and kids able to do much more around the house, farm, and town, portrait for our kids (it doesn't have to be very accurate and realistic like how in real life works, they look like our spouse should be fine), and more events (especially that involves our spouse and kids).


1. How long have you been playing?

Since the full version became available on PC 2016
2. Briefly describe your Farmer:

Now that you have a no hair option my famer is a skinhead the same as me with boots and braces
3. Briefly describe one of your farms

I prefer the lazy farm build over the cute, aesthetic farm build which is too saccharine for my taste.
4. What was/is the biggest game challenge for you?

Running around doing errands from the notice board it gives me a migraine, tried it once, never again.
5. What do you love the most about SV:

The content plus the laid back play style

6. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette:

None, hate them all equally
7. Current Spouse:

Don't have one, but I usually pick Krobus as a room mate for his dungeon
8. Most Underrated Bachelor/Bachelorette:

No opinion, never marry any of them.
9. Favorite Non-Marriage NPC:

The witch, as she goes around cursing everything just like my wife
10. Favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette Theme Song:

Really never taken any notice

11. Favorite SV Animal?

The horse, it can wear hats
12. Favorite Spring product/produce?

13. Favorite Summer product/produce?

14. Favorite Fall product/produce?

15. Favorite Winter product/produce?

Truffles, I save them all up in Spring, Summer and Fall then make Truffle oil in winter for a big money maker

16. Favorite Place outside your farm?

The mountain lake, always fish there whenever I have some spare time to kill before nightfall
17. Favorite festival/holiday?

Luau for the extra friendship boost
18. Favorite non-farming item/object?

GaLaxy Sword and the Infinity Blade upgrade
19. Favorite SV season:

Summer for the thunder storms
20. What is your SV wish for future updates?

UFO's abducting your cows then the aliens leaving behind strange otherworldly crops to grow in exchange.