Simplified Chinese Typo/Display Text Errors


It seems that the new translated text has corrected some old texts that have been used for many years in an "academic" way. I understand that the starting point of this correction is good, and I also thank the new Chinese translation team for their efforts. However, as a localized translation of a game with non-realistic elements, should gameplay and the usage habits of the corresponding language be considered more than academic accuracy?

For example, in the translation of "Warp Totem: Mountains", the old version of " 传送图腾:山岭" was changed to "传送图腾:山上". I don't quite understand at what level can the latter be more accurate? As far as I know, no Chinese speaker I know uses this way of speaking, and the two words even have different parts of speech. Not to mention other similar translations such as "Spring Onion" and "Book of Mysteries", the former is too mechanical, and the other is a bit too localized.

In any case, you are the official, and you are the final say. But can you at least give players who are more inclined towards using older versions an option? Let us choose whether to use the new or old version ourselves (including the selection of new and old fonts)?

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude again to the new translation team for their efforts and for this opportunity to provide feedback.

When replying yesterday, I still respected the efforts of the new translation team, but today's response on the wiki surprised me.

Can they really blame the numerous feedback from various platforms on "survivorship bias"? Even their understanding of this term is somewhat problematic. Now I'm not surprised why the quality of the new translated text is so controversial. With this kind of mental victory, they are invincible, and all those who have not commented are classified as positive reviews. They have countless "supporters".

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I think "首页改变" should be an incorrect translation(?). It appears when I successfully change a chicken's coop.


Hi, I've also seen many people comment that they like the new font. There tend to be more comments of dislike because people who like the new font are less likely to express their opinions explicitly, so that's not a good reason to support your opinion. Most likely you're just not used to the new font. If you really hate it, please describe of which part you dislike the font instead.

The new font is chosen because it's more round and cute, and fits the style of Stardew Valley better. The previous font is pretty blocky and unstylized, and rendered in a low resolution which leads to warped strokes.
The disadvantage of the new font is that the letters are too big and crowded, which is very inconvenient to read in Chinese reading habits. Each word is right next to the others tightly. At least the new font should ensure that it will not get people tired in reading. It really needs to increase the distance between letters and every lines, and adjust the font size slightly, this is what the previous font did well. They are too close and too big now.

I can understand that the team are trying to make Chinese version better, but the results are really not as good as the previous fonts. That‘s why we don't like it.


The disadvantage of the new font is that the letters are too big and crowded, which is very inconvenient to read in Chinese reading habits. Each word is right next to the others tightly. At least the new font should ensure that it will not get people tired in reading. It really needs to increase the distance between letters and every lines, and adjust the font size slightly, this is what the previous font did well. They are too close and too big now.

I can understand that the team are trying to make Chinese version better, but the results are really not as good as the previous fonts. That‘s why we don't like it.
I couldn't agree more.

The font is adorable and looks nice on its own.
For me, it's fresh air and brings a new gaming experience.
However, the small separation between each characters indeed makes it hard to read.
It'd be better if the size of font is slightly reduced.


谜之盒——>盲盒:强烈建议改回“谜之盒”。一般提到盲盒的英文会想到“blind box”而不是“mystery”。翻译成盲盒不仅英文对不上,还失去了原有的“韵味”。说难听的,实在是太土土土土了,实在无法忍受!


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Here are some suggestions for Chinese Simplified!
离地而居→自给自足 Instead"依地而居"(It fits the meaning and is similar to the original translation.)
门卫→保镖 Changed to the old translation.
杏子树苗/桃子树苗→杏树苗/桃树苗 Changed to the old translation.(The same number of characters has more rhythmic beauty in Chinese.)
谜之盒→盲盒/金色谜之盒→金色盲盒/谜之书→盲盒的奥秘 /谜之上衣→盲盒上衣 Changed to the old translation(The old translation is more mystery!)
山岭→山上 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
腌鱼籽→腌鱼子/鱼籽→鱼子 Changed to the old translation.(It don't make sense.)
果汁→蔬菜汁 Maybe it's not a good enough, maybe "果蔬汁”?This word covers both fruits and vegetables.
伐木秘事→阿木的秘密 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
珍稀诱钩→珍稀路亚 Changed to the old translation.(If the player is not a fishing enthusiast, they don't know what "路亚" means.)
虫子杀手→杀虫 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
草中窜→草上飞 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
珍奇乌鸦→稀有稻草人 Changed to"珍奇稻草人"or changer to the old translation .(Think of "珍奇乌鸦" as a brand of scarecrows)
石箱→石制箱子 Changed to the old translation.
橡木梳妆台→橡木抽屉柜/胡桃木梳妆台→胡桃木抽屉柜/桦木梳妆台→桦木抽屉柜/红木梳妆台→红木抽屉柜 Changed to the old translation.
玫瑰仙子→仙女玫瑰 /玫瑰仙子种子→仙女玫瑰种子 Changed to the old translation.(COME ON!Is't inmeaningful! The old translation haven't mistake and players are get used to it.)
羊奶→山羊奶/大瓶羊奶→大瓶山羊奶 (To be honest, I think it's okay to change this back to the original translation.)
Although it is realistic, veteran players are used to parsnip, and as the first crop, it has its own iconic role, so it is recommended to change the comment to "What? The real name of this tuber crop is Parsnip?(什么?这种块茎作物真正的名字叫欧防风?)"
老师傅香炸奶酪卷→老坎诺利大师 Changed to the old translation.(What is the significance of this change?! We don't know who Mater Cannoli is! "老师傅"shows what it meant to be.)
unification Sebby as塞巴斯 Inmeaningful,"塞巴" can show Robin's affectionate name for his son.
大型背包 → 大背包/豪华背包 → 高级背包 Changed to the old translation,inmeaningful.
My English is not good, I hope you can understand what I mean and take my advice!


Thank you for the update. However, I am profoundly dissatisfied with the Chinese translation and the choice of typeface in version 1.6.4. I am perplexed as to why the interpreter chose to incorporate numerous academic and cumbersome terms. As a result, I am disinclined to engage with the game further. I kindly request the removal of all Chinese translation updates.


Kent's 3 hearts event dialogue
English: I'm sorry, honey. You couldn't have known the sound of popcorn would make me upset.
Current: 真抱歉,亲爱的。我本该知道爆米花的声音会让你不安的。
(That sounds like Jodi is the upset one when hears the popcorn's sound)
Suggestion: 真抱歉,亲爱的。你不可能知道我现在变得会对爆米花的声音感到不安。


mystery box:I think "谜之盒" is better than "盲盒". "谜之盒" is more in line with the style of Stardew Valley, it is unique and does not need to be popular.
other names like "珍奇乌鸦" are also better than current name, I have the same reason.
thank you


  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

It seems like "posted" has been translated into "邮寄", which means close to "mailing". instead, I think it should be "张贴", which means stick paper-ish thing onto the wall.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)

P.S. I'm okay with the recent change on font, but it would be definetly better if it could be more "pixel".



1.Livin' Off The Land:目前的“自给自足”不太好听,可以换成许多人反馈的“依地而居”等。
2.Mystery Box/Golden Mystery Box/Book of Mysteries/Mystery Shirt:谜之系列保持旧翻译更符合游戏意境。
4.The Mountains:“山上”过于口语化,可以改成“山区”或者直接保持旧翻译。
5.Preserves Jar:新版翻译有些不知所云,保持旧版翻译就好。
6.Woody's Secret:不知所云+1,建议保持旧版翻译。
7.Curiosity Lure:“路亚”这个术语本身就是纯音译,并非优秀翻译,要专业化不如使用“拟饵/假饵”,或者干脆保持旧翻译。
8.Dressed Spinner/Spinner:“旋转亮片”这一术语过于专业,没钓过鱼是看不懂的,不过这确实是一个专有名词,是否还原还是看制作组取舍吧。
9.Wild Bait:在游戏内,鱼饵、高级鱼饵、万能鱼饵是有层层递进的升级含义表达的,“野生鱼饵”失去了这一含义,可以考虑保持旧翻译。
10.Ancient Seed:两种“古代种子”虽然在原文里是同一文本,但是在游戏角度应该做一些区分,但是旧翻译的“上古”和“古代”在区分的同时却没有表达出其内在的同一性,可以改成“休眠古代种子”或者更加隐含的“休眠种子”。
12.Fairy Rose:新翻译是正确的,但是”玫瑰仙子“真的很好听。
13.Dusty:”按中文习惯,它的名字应当被翻译成‘小灰’。“ ——官方中文维基(达斯迪)
15.Bug Killer:作为武器附魔,”虫子杀手“更加好听,”杀虫“则略显苍白。



As well as in the new version.
What do you think is wrong? And what was right before? Is it right to point to a scarecrow and call it a crow or to point to a Ipomoea batatas and call it a Dioscorea polystachya?


mystery box:I think "谜之盒" is better than "盲盒". "谜之盒" is more in line with the style of Stardew Valley, it is unique and does not need to be popular.
other names like "珍奇乌鸦" are also better than current name, I have the same reason.
thank you
I don't think “珍奇乌鸦” is better. The original text is “Rarecrow”, which is a wordplay on “rare” and “scarecrow”, and the old translation interprets without real understanding.


I can't understand why some correct translations have to be changed. Just to show off that they're the new translation team? Like this sentence on the picture replaces the correct translation with some emerging internet phrase. It doesn't fit Sebastian's character.