Hi there. Im on a google pixel 6 pro Android version 13. I found a Bug: when going to sleep at night the level up pop up occurs even though ive already leveled those specific things. Is there anything I can do??
Edit: forgot to list what type of phone


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Type of phone: Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro (Android 13)
Details of your issue: when I sleep, it shows the choice of professions (from when you reach level 5 of the skills) even though you are already at another level, it continues to show.
Any other info that might be relevant: this started to happen after the new patch that came out


Device: Google Pixel 7

I'm not sure whether this is actually impacting anything, but I was looking in my phone's device folders (on my computer) and noticed that the last modified date on the save files for the game are for 1/06/2023. The game still saves and loads fine, but if I needed to move the files to a new device, I would lose my progress.


I don't think it's a bug, but is there a possibility of adding the option to show already created items the same way it exists on PC? It would help to make the 100%.


Type of phone: Pixel 7 Pro

Details of your issue: When I wake up to start a new day, I get the option for level 5 mining skill choice, even through I've already selected before and I'm currently level 6. I get this pop up every single new day

Any other info that might be relevant: I saved my game and shut it off the day I got the original pop up, possibly putting it into a loop? Didn't have this issue with other skills


Phone: IPhone 13 pro

Anytime I open another app to listen to music or videos passively on my phone while I play the mobile app, the game freezes and I can’t do anything until I reopen Stardew, close the other apps, or pause the sound. I’m confused because I used to do this all the time but since last week, I can’t do both anymore. It makes the game freeze every time. I’ve tried many different apps from Netflix to YouTube to Spotify and they all create the same results.


Type of phone: Pixel 7 Pro

Details of your issue: When I wake up to start a new day, I get the option for level 5 mining skill choice, even through I've already selected before and I'm currently level 6. I get this pop up every single new day

Any other info that might be relevant: I saved my game and shut it off the day I got the original pop up, possibly putting it into a loop? Didn't have this issue with other skills View attachment 14260View attachment 14261
I’m having the same issue with Mining and Farming.!


I have found 2 issues with the xml which I hope can help to narrow down the source of the bug with repeatedly asking to select a new profession when the player gets to level 5 or level 10.

This was identified and tested with both 12.9 inch iPad Pro and an iPhone 13 pro running version

When my character reached level 10 in mining I selected Excavator. And the next night I was asked again, like others have reported.

I looked at the xml and found two interesting things.

1. in the <professions>...</professions> section instead of adding the new profession a single time int added the the new profession twice. It differed from the previous nights save by having <int>22</int><int>22</int> I presume the code should only have added <int>22</int> a single time.

2. The proximate cause for repeating the messages is the xml section <newLevels>...</newLevels>

in the files which causes the question to be repeated the prettified xml reads:

In the previous night's file, before maxing the skill, the corresponding entry is a piece of malformed xml containing only the end tag: </newLevel>. My xml linter rejected the file but the game apparently accepts bare closing tags without complaint since that file works normally.

I patched the problem in my own current file by replacing the section containing the skill+level tuple with an empty section <newLevels></newLevels>, and by removing the duplicated profession selection.

I hope this helps.

For users who are brave enough to fix the problem by editing their own save files. I say, keep a safe backup before touching the file. And yes, you can get it to stop asking by removing the <Point>...</Point> information in the <NewLevels> section. You can try doing that alone, or also, as I did, find a duplicate <Int>..</Int> in the <professions> list and cleaning that up.
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General Mobile G301

I cannot interact with some kegs in big shed. Even I cannot broke.View attachment 12368

Same bug happens w/ casks too. I guess buildings' left bottom tiles are unusable.
Here's another vid:
I have the same problem (iPhone 8). I’ve discovered you can interact with those objects if you like zoom in on them—finicky but it works. For me it’s not just buildings, it’s anything interactive on the edges of the map, ie kegs and jars and cheese presses, berry bushes, rocks and branches, foragables, etc


Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy Tab A
Details of your issue: Special project community cleanup. Progress shows green bar, 20 trash. But can only put "trash" in bin - not soggy newspapers, etc.
Screenshots/video: (highly encouraged)
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Not sure?
Any other info that might be relevant:
(additional details that maybe don't fit in the main issue or something you think might be related)



Device: Google Pixel 7

I'm not sure whether this is actually impacting anything, but I was looking in my phone's device folders (on my computer) and noticed that the last modified date on the save files for the game are for 1/06/2023. The game still saves and loads fine, but if I needed to move the files to a new device, I would lose my progress.
There is a pinned thread about the new save file location. Check if files that where changed after that date are accessible there.

Moonbeam 1780

Motorola G Stylus 2021

When I am sleeping for the night, the level up message pops up for level 10 mining, with the option to choose blacksmith or prospector. This has started today, probably since I have reached this level in mining.

Regardless of which option I choose, this pops up again the next night. I have experienced this 5 nights in a row so far.


I have loaded through the load game menu as well as the emergency load option. All with the same effect.

In all of my time playing this game I have never encountered this, so it must be related to the new updates.


Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 (2022 model)
OS: Android 13 (fully updated)

Like so many others getting the daily "pick your profession" level up. You can see my actual levels though.

View attachment 14162View attachment 14163View attachment 14164View attachment 14165View attachment 14166

Also noticed this. I am now waking up with lost health in winter.
View attachment 14167

Going to bed early or late doesn't matter. Will wake up with full energy but missing health. Is this intended because it's winter time for my little sprite currently?
Same for me. Health bar is getting longer too, but without me levelling up. Always missing about 50hp every morning no matter when I sleep. I've levelled to 6 combat (quite soon after hitting 5) but still get the 'pick your profession' pop up'

Playing on android, lenovo tablet.


Phone: Samsung Galaxy

Issue: When going into the hen house / barn I have chests and produce items lined against the back of the building. I can't collect items, input items, or open chests sometimes. At other times I can do all these functions.

Thanks for making the game! 🙂


Type of phone: LGK 52, ANDROID VERSION 12
Details of your issue: The game crashes whenever I place an item in the community center.
Screenshots/video: dont have, because crashes
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
I wake up in the bed, but even if i pass the day, the game crashes whenever I place an item in the community center.
Any other info that might be relevant:


Type of phone: Google Pixel 5a
Details of your issue: I attempted to change profession at the dog statue in the sewers. It worked, but now every subsequent morning it asks me again for the same profession path (foraging in my case). At this point the prompts also don't make sense (Gatherer -> Lumberjack). Lastly, if I go back to the statue, the option of 'Foraging' isn't there anymore, as though I've already selected it for the day.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Just a normal load for me.

Amazing game, thanks for being willing to support us mobile users up to 1.5!