
Creator & Developer
Staff member
please update your game everyone, I'm seeing a lot of bug reports for things that are already fixed. Current build # is 32, you can check by hitting the "?" button on the title screen and looking in the lower left corner. second patch will be out tomorrow and fixes a lot more.
thanks for reporting bugs have a good night
Type of phone: iPhone 13 (latest iOS update)
Details of your issue: the side bar isn’t scrolling, I’ve tried everything from making it bigger to smaller.
Any other info that might be relevant: spoken to a few others who play the game on their mobiles and they are having the same issue. :(



Type of phone: Iphone 13 pro

- I can’t crack geodes because if I click on them or try to drag them nothing happens.
- I can’t buy any update of buildings in Robin farm: I goes to the desk but the screen doesn’t change and nothing happens.


Hi, there’s a few bugs I have noticed while playing the update, I have a iPhone 11

Preserves jars barely work anymore, I can no longer take the produce out of them or place anything in the jars, occasionally it kinda works, but you have to click them so many times. Couldn’t place them elsewhere either ‘cause it seems to be nearly impossible to pick them up with an axe. Tho it only happens in that specific corner where they have been placed, they are just stuck there.

I can’t go into a cave with a horse anymore like I was able to before, the horse just gets stuck in the entrance. It happened on my farm with the fruit bat cave and also at the mountains in the mine.

Any of my farm animals haven’t ate a single peace of hay in so many days.

A chest in my greenhouse hardly opens, you have to keep clicking it.

Pam sometimes teleports into odd places.

At the night market I didn’t receive a pearl after the show when I clicked the clams, I tried it twice.

This seasonal plant doesn’t have a plant?

This bug I’ve had before the update, where Robin just appears around my farm and stands there still, but I can’t interact with her, it’s very creepy. Usually it has happened when she’s been working on something on my farm, and she’ll stand like in the middle of my crop field or in a very far corner of the farm. For example when I go look inside the coop she’s working on she’s also seems to be there. It has happened at random times as well where she appears out of nowhere.


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Thanks for another day of bug reports everyone.
Another patch is being submitted with the following fixes/additions:
-Fixed crash if you "emergency load" and have junimo huts
-Fixed issue where NPC's were found in strange places, and walking where they aren't supposed to
-Fixed issue where the horse was missing after an emergency load
-Fixed issue where shipping bin deposits would be lost after an emergency load
-Fixed animals getting stuck outside and becoming upset
-Fixed issue where cursors were showing up in menus
-Fixed inability to advance text during the "Solarian Chronicles" event
-Fixed issue where auto-grabbers were erroneously showing as "full"
-Restored the missing starter quest
-Tapping on supply crates now auto-selects an appropriate tool
-Fixed pathfinding issue with the secret fishing spot in the Beach Farm
-"Add items to stacks" button added to chests
I hope you will get as much days of "Thank you, I'm enjoying the game" than you got "bug reports" days once most of the issues are fixed! 😅
And thank you for releasing this second patch so quickly! 👍


Type of phone: LGv20 Lineage OS 18.1 (Android 11)
Details of your issue: The Date Box is HUGE if set at 50 or lower. The other elements scale correctly, it's just the Date Box that doesn't scale correctly. Screen resolution: 2720x1440

Here's what it looks like at size 25:

View attachment 12369

And here's what it looks like at size 200:

View attachment 12370
hey bro I found out that if you set the date size to 51 it will start to a very small scale, please try it


Hi. I ran into a bug with the sound of rain, when you go in and out of the house - the sound does not change.
Link to video:
Phone: Samsung galaxy a71

Also I noticed a bug because of which the size of the toolbar was reset (you can see the size in the video) the size I use 53


Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy S7+ tablet
Details of your issue: on the Feast of the Winter Star (winter 25th) I can not leave town, so I can not finish this festival. I just can't click on the outermost square, but about 3 squares next to it. I tried both exits (on the top left, and on the bottom left of the village).
Sorry if someone posted it before, I cound't find it.


Cervianna Star

Phone: Samsung A51
Issue: Bug with Special orders board
I just updated to the latest fix, and started my game, the horse disappeared to the stable which I thought wasn't supposed to happen anymore, and then when I opened the special orders board, it doesn't let me close it. Every time I press the exit button it just closes for a split second and goes right back to the board, when I press the back button, it shows the cursor for also a split second.

I couldn't upload an mp4 file to show it screen recorded so here's a screenshot instead.



Device: ipad pro
issue: when i painted my buildings, my horse shed moved up and i cant move it down anymore
Type of phone: Iphone 11
Details: Everything looks smaller and buttons are harder to press. The toolbar is also really hard to scroll.


Phone: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro
Issue: Its not letting me close Willy's shop screen
Edit: (I dont think that it will matter but same thing happened with Pierre's as well, Robin's worked fine)
Link to the video:

My game is up-to-date (Build 33)
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type of phone: LG K41 S
(android 10)

-I don't know if it's a bug, but in version 1.4 I could attack monsters just by holding the attack button (invisible), but now I have to keep clicking a lot to defeat them. because of that I have lost a lot of life in the mine

-The slimes are jumping very far, and that's why it's difficult to hit them, and even if they detect me, she doesn't walk a little before jumping, she jumps straight and still manages to hit me.

-I don't know if it's just the copper watering can, but when I hold the button to water more than one plant, it just stops watering the same space.