
Everyone having the character and time freezing on please check if this happened right after dismounting from your horse (and then digging a hole, cutting down a tree and so on). This is happening to me a lot and i tried to narrow down the issue, apparently i can replicate this only if i recently dismounted the horse

(digging without vs with the horse:
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I have iOS 16 on the newer iPhone SE. I have been using Stardew for about 6 months with no issues. I can no longer interact with some objects like chests and the furnace. I can still use the bed etc. I installed the new update to see if that was the cause but it did not improve. I also used to be able to play music while in the app as long as I started it after the game was loaded (swiping up).
On ios it’s near impossible to scroll the inventory sidebar e.g. scrolling down to get something near the top/end of inventory
I find myself manually moving my inventory items into the cells I can see before using them


Everyone having the character and time freezing on please check if this happened right after dismounting from your horse (and then digging a hole, cutting down a tree and so on). This his happening to me a lot and i tried to narrow down the issue, apparently i can replicate this only if i recently dismounted the horse

(digging without vs with the horse:
So I just had a few successful attempts to crash the game… Basically I dismount the horse, hoe some tiles, click on the horse again and then the game crashes. This is somewhat difficult to replicate though, doesn’t always happen.


Phone: Realme RMX3630
OS: Android 12

(lol I actually bought a new phone just so I can play this game better. I love this game so much!)

(1) Crashing after day is finished
I'm at Year 3 Fall Day 2.
Whenever I end my day by either sleeping or passing out, the game crashes before it can compute my earnings. Sometimes it goes back to where I left off, sometimes it restarts the whole day. Doesn't matter if I visit the island or not, I just can't finish my day.
Save file I'm using is my original playthrough. I have a new one, Beach Farm, but I'm just at Day 2. So far, no issues with the new one.

(2) Auto Grabber
Whenever a lucky rabbit's foot is available, there's always another one that's a gold quality that disappears whenever I've grabbed the rabbit's foot.

(3) Lagging
It's laggy, especially if I'm in my farm, in Ginger Island, or when I'm fishing (didn't stop me from getting my first legendary tho haha I got a mutant carp.)

So far that's just it. :)

Honestly, the lagging and the auto grabber rabbit foot glitch ain't a big deal. I can still enjoy the game with those. It was just a bummer that I found 20 golden walnuts and I couldn't save and move on to the next day.

Although, the good thing about the crash is that originally I was only able to get 5 GW but since I keep restarting my day, I ended up finding all of them! :D
Downloaded the latest update. It's still crashing between transitioning to another day.


Phone Type: Iphone 13pro
Issue Type: everytime I close the game, then I don’t have my horse with me (and it’s not at his stall), the animals during the night don’t enter their buildings and everything I sold by sending it is not recognised at the end of the day.


I have encountered 4 major bugs so far.

Phone: Google Pixel 3XL

1. When I dismount my horse and hoe up an item or break a rock near my horse the whole game freezes. This doesn't happen if I walk a distance away first. The clock pauses (flashes, doesn't progress) but I cannot move or open the menu to save. The only option is closing the game and losing progress. Sometimes it will let me pick up where I left off, but speed & skill boosts are gone and horse goes home! Last time it happened though it didn't save and I lost a whole day of work, including a long haul at the casino where I got 100 farm totems 😭.

2. Collecting from loom, preserves jars, kegs, etc on the southern interior wall of buildings is very hard to do. Not impossible but tedious for some reason. It wasn't hard to collect from the crystallariums in my house though, even though they are in the same orientation. This was an issue in my sheds (left of the door) and coop.

3. I was trying to figure out how to get into the mushroom cave on ginger island and I walked behind the rocks and got stuck! The fellow was still yelling for help but the only person in the cave was me! (pic attached)

4. I put wheat and beets in the mill and when I went to collect, they both showed but when I selected them the flour disappeared and I only got the sugar.

I'm so grateful for the update! I can't wait to see everything new!



Não aparece a permissão do armazenamento, por qualsa disso eu não consigo fazer backup do meu save novo, quando eu fasso backup não aparece em nenhum lugar do meus arquivos 🥺

The storage permission does not appear, which is why I cannot back up my new save, when I make a backup it does not appear anywhere in my files 🥺

Screenshot_20230109-084642_Permission controller.jpg


Bom dia, criei um save recentemente, mas o jogo não criou uma pasta no meu aparelho. Portanto, posso perder meu save. O save está no jogo, mas não tem pasta de backup no aparelho. Veja a imagem em anexo.
Translation: Good morning, I've created a new game save, but the game did not create a folder in my device. So, I may loose my save. The save game is in game, but the backup folder is not in my device. See the image clipped.

It also happened with me both on phone and tablet.


Type of phone: Galaxytab A8 2020
Details of the issue:
1- After clicking on calendar I can not leave the calendar interface and got stuck. (Solved)
2- Some NPCs interactions like with Robin or Gunther got stuck and keeps repeatedly popping up on screen even without clicking and even clicking on exit, becoming impossible to leave the dialogue box. (solved)
3 - The Portuguese text and general interfaces/menus are very small (unsolved)
4 - There's a minor bug during fall, the leaves/flowers that appear during windy days are too geometrical if I can say, they appear in straight lines.


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Samsung s22 ultra

I gave a diamond to Grandpas shrine on day one. The cut scene repeated on day two, I gave the shrine another diamond. Cut scene repeated in day 3, it asked for a diamond.

On my other game, pretty sure I got a iridium producing statue at this point... View attachment 13045View attachment 13046
The diamond is used to trigger grampa's cutscene, to get the iridium statue you need all four Shire candles to lit (you are probably missing one bcs after all four are lit you can no longer put a diamond in the shrine). Check the wiki's guide to complete the grandpa's evaluation (Wiki article )


Hello :)
I just donated Jade and Frozen Tear to the museum and got 2 rewards for those from Gunther. After collecting them, they automatically got put in the last two inventory slots but i don't even have the last upgrade at the moment. The items are now stuck in those slots (i guess until i buy the last inventory upgrade). I tried holding and dragging the item and single/double click on them. Nothing seems to get them moving.

My game runs on Android (Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Pro)


Type of phone: iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 16.1.2 ; game version
Details of your issue: Enchanting the weapon has no effect even though ingredients are consumed; Enchantment info is outside of the info box making it hard to see. Also - it's very difficult to place the ingredient In the forge (doesn't stick to the slot)
Any other info that might be relevant: n/a


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