Type of phone: Redmi 10 Android 12 13.0.15
Details of your issue: Hi guys. I am sorry for repeating my question. I want to let you guys know that I still did not have the info where it tell you how many have you crafted. For 100% purposes.I noticed that the latest update/bug fixes you said you guys has fixed the advanced info crafting, is that for this problem I have? Because I already updated my SV to the latest updates 39 but it still did not fixed.. Should I reinstall my SV? Please help.
One more, do I need to go the menu every time I need to exit the game? I cannot use the back button anymore. When I used it, it only show me my journal. Thank you for you help.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? : I loaded my game through the Load Game Menu
Details of your issue: Hi guys. I am sorry for repeating my question. I want to let you guys know that I still did not have the info where it tell you how many have you crafted. For 100% purposes.I noticed that the latest update/bug fixes you said you guys has fixed the advanced info crafting, is that for this problem I have? Because I already updated my SV to the latest updates 39 but it still did not fixed.. Should I reinstall my SV? Please help.
One more, do I need to go the menu every time I need to exit the game? I cannot use the back button anymore. When I used it, it only show me my journal. Thank you for you help.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? : I loaded my game through the Load Game Menu