The name Jaster is greati love your cat!!! he looks so much like my cat, jaster, and i have to do a double take LOL
he looks very sweet and like a little goblin

The name Jaster is greati love your cat!!! he looks so much like my cat, jaster, and i have to do a double take LOL
he looks very sweet and like a little goblin
I am melting now!!! Happyhappy!View attachment 11781
Ophilia is also really enjoying being upside down lately, she’s very much a sweetheart though and no goblin. Our other cat Gimli is like 200% goblin (and probably a little dwarf)
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Also this picture of Maggie melting into the couch makes me happy.
it looks coppery that's awesome! (I have to stop myself from catching things....... I had a friend chide me once about always removing poor critters from their habitats, it's true I do it I love getting up close.) but I do it a lot less now -a- days figuring that most things don't want me fairyhandlin' them. I wouldn't want to be whatever handled.View attachment 11784
Found this amphibian in our driveway hopping away. Was able to snap a photo of it while it was hiding by a downspout. thank goodness the kids weren't around or they would've tried to capture the poor thing.
FROOOOGGGGG!!!View attachment 11784
Found this amphibian in our driveway hopping away. Was able to snap a photo of it while it was hiding by a downspout. thank goodness the kids weren't around or they would've tried to capture the poor thing.
is the second rock the one from the rain pic? has no one claimed it? or is it a twin?Another late afternoon stroll and yet again the spirits and faeries cast the stones:
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So what will it be today? Valkyries? Random acts of violins? Spoiled Camembert?
Oh! This guy:
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He really tries to wave whenever he sees me go by but you know how it is, you're just resting in your bear skin on the cool porch after a long day of hunny chasing and bee slapping and the last thing you want is to be encouraging the attentions of someone brandishing a pail of bent, modestly aerodynamic fish. You just want a clothing-optional cool breeze before settling for Honey-Nut Cheerios for dindins.
Head bob and I move on about my day. Cat count for the walk: 4. Pretty good, bumper crop! They're too appreciative of the cooler weather to care about some stray photon reflections being vacuumed up by the mild annoyance walking by looking like they're creepin' on the neighbors.
Suuure, you were looking for cats... I'll let you off with a warning but maybe you should drive next time. This is SoCal, walking is for outta-towners.
The second rock is likely the one from the rain pic but it is in front of a different house so it's not clear to me which spirit or faery is casting these runes about. I have seen others multiply in the 3 locations fronting different houses.is the second rock the one from the rain pic? has no one claimed it? or is it a twin?
Bear!! next time take him some maypul surrupperhaps.
Yayyy, minipumpkinThis pic is more about my little pumpkin. Much like Abby Ipumpkins! Garrison with his goblin booger nose is just there as a reference for size and cuteness. Pssst The pumpkin is cuter, hehehe. Fall is officially here if I gots my little pumpkin.
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I also love stickers and yes I am 4 at heart. These were procured at another harbinger of fall-- our local state fair! I've been going since a small little fey. Iit.
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happy feels all around!
You have posted a pic of your maypal serruo stash! So I believe.The second rock is likely the one from the rain pic but it is in front of a different house so it's not clear to me which spirit or faery is casting these runes about. I have seen others multiply in the 3 locations fronting different houses.
Our home is the haus d' maypal serrup, we usually have about 2 gallons in stock at any point. No, that is not a joke. So I should give Mr. Bear a quart when next I pass.
Actually, I believe peachicks is the correct term, just like peacocks are males and peahens are females, and the proper term for the species is "Peafowl"Bebé peachicks! I don't know the correct term lol.
I like seeing the different rock art updates.
Jeez, that's like me and soy sauce. Very sad SDV has no soy sauceOur home is the haus d' maypal serrup, we usually have about 2 gallons in stock at any point. No, that is not a joke. So I should give Mr. Bear a quart when next I pass.
Certainly not I, iffen I can help it.But lets be real, who around here is actually proper? ^_^
The thread just got a little chatty there lol! It's still happy pics, especially now that we have Petey Jeff here. The tail cracks me up.I have no idea what is going on in this thread anymore. All I know is that I have some photos on my computer again, as of a few days ago. Please enjoy this picture of a chipmunk named Petey Jeff.
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Haha, I didn't even realize it was sticking straight up. Yup, Petey Jeff is a real one.The tail cracks me up.