Happy pics


OK y'all not gonna believe this so I'll just post the picture first and then explain it.

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So I want another small screen on my desk to monitor important stuff while I'm doing far less important stuff on the actual good screen, and thus logically decided that this most important of stuffmonitoring should have a place of honor on my very smallest screen — an 11" MacBook Air. Which I haven't used in more than 2 years because not enuffs stuffs RAM.

So I fetch it from it's place of rest on the bottom of the wire filing rack but when I put it on the desk, it seems to be cosplaying a Weeble. It didn't fall down but definitely had a preference for wobbling, which I didn't recall from 2 years ago. I then notice that while it still has a flatscreen display, it doesn't have a flatscreen keyboard any more, instead having a very dromedary hump.

I gasp! Could it be?

Excitedly, I apologize to the lil' laptop, flip it on its turtle back, and disrobe its undercarriage to examine the wonders of nature.

I think...

I might be wrong...

But I theeeenk.........

It's pregnant!

With twins.
Also that is very odd.... Maybe that's the "air" because it's a MacBook air. Wakka wakka.


Was in someone's office earlier today and found this on their desk:

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I have a Bad Bad Rubber Piggy around here somewhere but he wasn't in the last place I'd seen him...

3 years ago.
so is this Gir handmade?Because he looks fabulously handmade and did you have to sneak this picture? hehheh. I barely remember the piggy episode... I remember a lot of piggies... I am sure Invader Zim is streaming somewhere.

Lew Zealand

@Lew Zealand I am hoping you are planning on telling us what is in those teggchnos (egg+techno...ahem rolling my own eyes and continuing) Because I am imagining bunches of tiny mechspiders bursting forth and I don't think that's what I want it to be.
I have a little story about all of it but I have to unearth some things long buried in order to tell it the right way with the appropriate pictures. There is history with this particular occurrence. I'll give a spoiler that it's probably not mechspiders...

Lew Zealand

so is this Gir handmade?Because he looks fabulously handmade and did you have to sneak this picture? hehheh. I barely remember the piggy episode... I remember a lot of piggies... I am sure Invader Zim is streaming somewhere.
Yes, very much handmade and likely made by the person's daughter as there are a number of interesting crafty things about the office and he mentioned her a few times. There's also a series of photocopies of a hand, growing ever larger in each subsequent one— pretty cool.

My assumption is at the end it exploded in a shower of mechladybugs.

Lew Zealand

A bit of a different Happy Pic and about 15 years in the intending but 1 year in the making. It's an analemma, a trace of the sun's path through the sky over the course of a year. In this case, you make a mark of an immobile object's shadow once a week (you could do every day if you really wanted to!) at the exact same time of day.

While you might expect the shadow to get longer as the days get shorter, the shadow also moves subtly to the left and the right because the Earth's orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle and thus moves faster when it's a little closer and slower when it's a little further away. So it falls a bit "behind" at the same time of day on those slower, further parts of it's orbit, and moves "ahead" at the same time of day on those faster, closer parts of it's orbit.

So the path over the course of a year makes a figure 8, and every figure 8 is unique depending on where you are on the planet and the time of day you make the mark. This is ours, but I haven't taken the proper perspective picture as I need to get up on a ladder to do so and I'm not feeling well today.

So you get a preview from a snake's eye level:


You can see the shadow edge we used as this was taken a minute or two after the final mark was made on Sat. The sharp-eyed will notice a missing mark from 3 weeks ago as the weekend was clouded out. We probably missed 4 or 5 days from this but have all the others.

Check out the other ways to do this online, it's fun!


A bit of a different Happy Pic and about 15 years in the intending but 1 year in the making. It's an analemma, a trace of the sun's path through the sky over the course of a year. In this case, you make a mark of an immobile object's shadow once a week (you could do every day if you really wanted to!) at the exact same time of day.

While you might expect the shadow to get longer as the days get shorter, the shadow also moves subtly to the left and the right because the Earth's orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle and thus moves faster when it's a little closer and slower when it's a little further away. So it falls a bit "behind" at the same time of day on those slower, further parts of it's orbit, and moves "ahead" at the same time of day on those faster, closer parts of it's orbit.

So the path over the course of a year makes a figure 8, and every figure 8 is unique depending on where you are on the planet and the time of day you make the mark. This is ours, but I haven't taken the proper perspective picture as I need to get up on a ladder to do so and I'm not feeling well today.

So you get a preview from a snake's eye level:

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You can see the shadow edge we used as this was taken a minute or two after the final mark was made on Sat. The sharp-eyed will notice a missing mark from 3 weeks ago as the weekend was clouded out. We probably missed 4 or 5 days from this but have all the others.

Check out the other ways to do this online, it's fun!
this is mind-blowing! for me anyway lol