French Typo/Display Text Errors

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:

  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)


This post summarizes obvious issues in French text based on the previous thread, reviewing the game code, and changes in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6. Feel free to mention any other issues in new posts below.

(Issues in purple affect most or all languages.)

Pre-existing issues
  • In Strings/Buildings:
    • Missing translations for Paint_Region_Building and Paint_Region_Trim (building paint menu region names).
    • Missing translation for Mill_Name ("Mill").
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation:
    • The description for item #165 (Auto-Grabber) is outdated. The English text was changed in 1.4 to say "must be placed inside a coop or barn" instead of "works for cows, sheep and goats" (e.g. it also works for rabbits now).
    • Does Bone Moulin make sense as the translation for Bone Mill? Shouldn't it be something like Moulin à os? (This also affects Data/CraftingRecipes.)
  • In Data/furniture, possibly missing translation for item #1609 ("J. Cola Light"; note that 'light' here means a wall-mounted lighted sign).
  • In Data/hats, should item #19 be "Fédora" instead of "Fedora"?
  • In Data/ObjectInformation, possibly missing translations for:
    • item #211 (should "Pancakes" be "Crêpes"?; same in Data/CookingRecipes);
    • item #223 (should "Cookie" be "Biscuit"?; same in Data/CookingRecipes);
    • item #543 (should "Aerinite" be "Aérinite"?).
  • In Strings/Shirts, missing translations for IslandBikini_*.
  • In Data/mail:
    • the willyBackRoomInvitation letter is missing the mail name (after "[#]" in the original text).
    • the foundLostTools letter has an untranslated name ("Lost Tools").
  • In Characters/Dialogue/*, missing MovieInvitation translation for Evelyn, George, Kent, Linus, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Willy, and Wizard.
  • In Strings/Characters, missing translations for MovieInvite_Spouse_*.
Secret notes:
  • In Data/SecretNotes, the translation for entry #1009 is missing the newer enchantments.
  • In Strings/credits, missing translations for link text at the bottom.
  • In Strings/Notes, the first letters of entry #20 spell out "SUPER CUCUMBER TOWN", etc. This should be translated into an equivalent French version.
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for:
    • Character_FarmNameSuffix ("Farm");
    • ParrotPlatform_Forest ("Jungle");
    • DisplayAdjustmentText ("Press up/down to adjust the screen size to fit your display").

New in Stardew Valley 1.6
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translation for PurchaseAnimalsMenu.ChooseLocation (used when buying animals if you have animal buildings in multiple locations).
  • In Strings/Buildings:
    • Missing translation for BuildingSkinMenu_ChooseAppearance (used when choosing a building skin).
    • Missing translation for Construction_ChooseLocation (used in the carpenter menu when multiple locations allow buildings).
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, missing translations for item #221 (Item Pedestal).
  • In Data/ObjectInformation:
    • Missing translations for all items with category Litter -999.
    • Missing translations for item #742 (Haley's Lost Bracelet).
  • In Strings/Objects, missing translation for:
    • CactusSeedsOutside.
  • In Strings/Shirts, shirts with male/female variants have been split into separate items, with an (M) or (F) suffix in the name. These should be translated if needed.
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • FarmComputer_Intro_* (the title shown in the Farm Computer summary);
    • Attack_Miss (short text shown near monster when an attack misses).
  • In Strings/Characters:
    • Review the Relative_* translations (which were based on the old Data/NPCDispositions).
  • In Strings/Locations, missing translation for Backwoods_MonsterGrave.
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for...
    • AGO_LegacyRandomization and AGO_LegacyRandomization_Tooltip (shown in advanced game options UI).
    • NextPage and PreviousPage (used when paginating the location choices when multiple locations allow buildings).
    • Carpenter_ChangeAppearance (button text to change the player skin, shown in the carpenter menu & building paint menu).
    • Item_CantBeUsedHere (shown when rain totem is used in a disallowed location context (like the desert), and may be reused in the future).
  • Strings/WorldMap (new asset)
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Here are previous user reports that still apply in Stardew Valley 1.5.6 and 1.6-alpha (and aren't covered above). Note that it's up the translators to decide whether reports are correct.

General issues
- "Fougères de Fern" (Fiddlehead Fern), I think is supposed to be "Crosse de fougère" or "Fougère-à-l'autruche" because otherwise it means "Fern's fern", where fougère is the French word for fern but Fern is a proper noun (name or place). (Pickling this also causes the aforementioned capitalization typo) - Still present in v1.52


- I had Robin build a second Shipping Bin ("bac d'expédition") and in the dialogue following, the name of the object starts a sentence without being capitalized. (Note: I didn't advance the dialogue, this is how it pops up, just to clarify) The addition of a definite article ("Le" in this case) would help.
View attachment 3064

-Upon winning the egg hunt (Year 2) and winning gold, the box dialogue says "A reçu 1000po". The "A" would be correct for he/she but this text refers to the player, so "Ai" (I/je), or "Avez" (you/vous [consistency with other 'you' pronouns used by game]) would be better here or simply "Reçu".
View attachment 3074


- Corn seeds only say "à planter en été" ("To plant in summer") but the English description correctly states both summer and fall.

-Auto-grabber description is completely different: in English, the second line of the description is "Must be placed in a coop or barn", but the French description is "Fonctionne sur les vaches, les moutons et les chèvres" ("Works on cows, sheep, and goats"). The Auto-grabber does function in coops but French description tells player otherwise (I believe this is the old description).
"Leah": "Gus m’a raconté comment il fabrique ses sucres d'orge artisanales. *Bâille*$u#$e#JJe pense qu'il a mis trop de lait de poule à la cannelle."
should be:
"Leah": "Gus m’a raconté comment il fabrique ses sucres d'orge artisanaux. *Bâille*$u#$e#Je pense qu'il a mis trop de lait de poule à la cannelle."


"11": "Glazed Yams/Patates douces au sucre glace ! C’est la saison des ignames, et quel meilleur moyen de profiter de ces délicieux tubercules que de les enduire d’un glaçage doux et collant ? Vous aurez besoin d’une belle patate douce bien mûre et de tout un tas de sucre. Voici la recette..."
should be:
"Glazed Yams/Ignames glacées ! C’est la saison des ignames, et quel meilleur moyen de profiter de ces délicieux tubercules que de les enduire d’un glaçage doux et collant ? Vous aurez besoin d’une belle igname bien mûre et de tout un tas de sucre. Voici la recette..."

- From: Data/TV/TipChannel
"4": "Guide spécial pour les habitants de Stardew Valley. Cherchez des oignons de printemps au sud-ouest du village, où la rivière rencontre rejoint la mer. Vous pouvez parfois en trouver tout un tas qui pousse hors de la terre."
should be:
"4": "Guide spécial pour les habitants de Stardew Valley. Cherchez des oignons de printemps au sud-ouest du village, où la rivière rencontre la mer. Vous pouvez parfois en trouver tout un tas qui pousse hors de la terre."
... on the island :
"... qui sait ce qui me saurait arriver"
should be
"... qui sait ce qui me serait arrivé"

View attachment 3836
During "the Feast of the Winter Star" :
View attachment 4208
Dialogue with Gus :
[...] pour la partie blanche du sucres d'orge ce qui [...]
should be :
[...] pour la partie blanche du sucre d'orge ce qui [...]
(no "s")
PC, 1.5.4, French
Translation for Rice Shoot is currently "Germez de riz"
Should be: "Germe de riz"

Germez is the 2nd person plural imperative of "to sprout". As if you were ordering a seed: "You, seed, SPROUT!"
When using the farm computer, the line that presumably says "Farm cave ready" has been translated as "Ferme cave prêt", which is completely wrong. It should be "Caverne prête" or "Caverne de ferme prête" instead. The former is better phrased, but the latter leaves less room for misunderstandings.

Spoilers about 1.5, you know the drill. The "Qi Gems" have been translated to "Qi gemmes". It should be "Gemmes Qi" instead.

The following dialogue from Sebastian (spoilered for space) is missing a word. It should be "Si tu veux devenir amie avec ma demi-sœur..."


The enemy named "Squid kid" has been translated to "Jeune calmar". Phrased like this, it basically means "juvenile squid", as the fish, and a lot of people probably wont have any idea what's it's supposed to reference. Also, I don't remember the Squid kid been mentioned anywhere in the game except on those help wanted posters, and the monster itself is pretty elusive, it's easy to forget about them since they don't even look like squids at all. Also also, the dangerous mines have actual squids as enemies, so even more confusion is possible. I suggest retranslating the Squid kids to "Tête flottante" (floating head) to avoid any possible confusion.

The enemy named "Pepper Rex" has been translated to "Poivron Rex", which doesn't make any sense. This phrasing implies that we're fighting literal peppers, as the vegetable. Again, Peppers Rexes are not encountered that often in the game, so it's easy to forget about them and/or misunderstand. I suggest simply retranslating it to "Dinosaure" (dinosaur), or, if if preferable to keep the reference to pepper, "Poivrosaure" or "Poivronsaure" (peppersaurus). They don't quite have the same meaning though, as the first one refers to the spice, and the second one refers to the aforementioned vegetable.
In the introduction cutscene, Lewis says the following, which I presume is a translation of "Everybody asked about you/after you":

View attachment 8051

This is wrong both semantically and syntaxically. Based on context, it's possible to entirely rephrase it to something like "Tout le monde est impatient de vous rencontrer" (Everyone can't wait to meet you).


Livin' off the Land says the following on Spring 4, year 1:

View attachment 8052

One of the two underlined words is superflous and should be removed. (It's literally translating to "The river meets rejoins the sea.)


When you interact with Shane at JojaMart while he's working, it says the following:

View attachment 8053

It sould be "Shane travaille."
View attachment 10315Typo in the description of the item :
"Nécessite 200 Ailes de chauve-souriss" should be "Nécessite 200 Ailes de chauve-souris"
View attachment 10316When unlocking Willy's boat :
Instead of "Cette bonne vieille chalut", it should read "Ce bon vieux chalutier".
View attachment 10317Cutscene with Gus :
Instead of "Je calcul", it should be "Je calcule"
View attachment 10318Loading screen :
Instead of "Défilemnent du menu", it should be "Défilement du menu"
View attachment 10319Before Luau :
Replace "est le soupe populaire" with "est la soupe populaire"
View attachment 10320Replace "Nécessite 5 Lingot en ors" with "Nécessite 5 Lingots en or"
View attachment 10321First cutscene with Emily and Haley :
Replace "Arrête de pleurnicher et nettoye-les" with "Arrête de pleurnicher et nettoie-les"
I omitted issues related to gender/plural agreement with item names or combined item names (e.g. Vin de Orange), since I don't think translators have a way to fix that within the game's current translation feature.

Issues with non-dialogue text using ^
Dialogue can use ^ to switch between gender-specific text (like "Hey dude!^Hey gal!"). This doesn't usually work in most other game text, but past translators added a French-only hack so Game1.parseText applies it. This breaks non-dialogue text which uses ^ for other purposes.

Related reports:
Bulletin board post missing text in order for Sam, but the journal entry does indicate what is needed to complete the order.

View attachment 5753
View attachment 5754
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@Zangdar I fixed those in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Thanks for reporting them!

The exception is the awkward placement of fille in some dialogue (like "Est-ce que to savais que fille déteste 'Argile' ?"). We'll need a larger change to fix that since those dialogues are dynamically generated, but we're too close to the 1.6.0 release date for larger changes unfortunately.


Sometimes there is a missing space between words.
the possessive "ma" (feminine) "mon" (masculine) is not generated "dynamically", i guess. :penny:

the systematic use of the plural could prove judicious to circumvent the absence of the connecting word. this would work very well to designate a fruit or vegetable loved or hated, but not really for "Clay" or "Coal" where it would rather be necessary to add "morceau d'Argile" ("piece of Clay") or "morceau de Charbon" ("piece of Coal") ... which makes it more complex the problem without solving it.

I think you could insert "the object" or "the thing" verbatim just before the thing in question in the sentence so as to avoid the absence of the necessary reference word in the French language such as "l'", "la", "le", "les" or "d'", " du", "de", "des", (as appropriate) in French.
l'Argile. / de l'Argile.
le Café / du Café.
la Banane / de la Banane / des Bananes.

Eg: "Est-ce que tu savais que ma fille déteste l'objet 'Argile' ?"

Ultimately, I suggest the generic wording like this :
Eg: "Est-ce que tu savais que [prénom] ... [déteste = hated / adore = loved / apprécie = liked] cet objet : [nom de l'objet]' ?"

This might be the solution regarding these little “language mistakes” for French. For other languages, I don't know. :sweat:

Thanks for reading me. Good luck to your team. :stardrop:



This must be a translation error. It says to "mettre quelques pommes de terre dans un fût"

However, in the game, you can only put a fruit, hops, wheat, honey, or milk, but no vegetables, therefore no potatoe

I guess, Pam asks us for 12 "Jus de pomme de terre". And the fr translator may also have confused "cask" (fût) and "keg" (tonneau).


I am a Switch user, so this problem concerns the actual version of the game. With some items, whether they are stored in my inventory or in my furniture, they seem to display "true" instead of their names. I post here as i'm a french user but i saw that this is a problem even if i choose english language.

Thanks in advance, and thank you again for your amazing work, i just can't stop playing this wonderful game <3.



It seems that there is a problem between the object of the mission and the explanatory text of the quest.

Here the text states that the dehydrator requires "5 pieces of coal" to operat
“Nécessite 5 fruits ou 5 champignons" looks maybe better.

Edit: March 23
There are characters at the end of these sentences that should not normally appear. samples: "3:g:", "6:g:"and "()"

thank you for your understanding :blush:
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I play on Windows on the last version (1.6.2 I think) and saw this typo while leveling up (level 5 of Farming) :
It should be "Les récoltes valent 10% de plus."
Thanks in advance


3 more concerns here in the French version :

Here I don't know if it's a related issue to display a wrong error line or if it's a bug. Because the farm teleporter, as its name suggests, works on a farm. Whether she's in Stardew Valley or on Ginger Island. Or it would be necessary to specify that the pair of teleporters does not work anywhere other than the Stardew Valley farm. :george:


4 more concerns here in the French version : an extra "s" in the text contained in the information bubble
sample : "nécessite 1 ...s"


Hi! Here are some typos I found while playing. I don't know if they've already been reported though. I play on Windows on the last version (1.6.3)

1. Clint says "ton outil" then "votre inventaire", it should be "ton inventaire" as he always addresses our character as "tu"

2. At the Stardew Valley Fair, the tourist with a kid says "vallait" but it should be "valait"
fête de sv.png

3. The quest title for Robin's lost axe: "perdu" should be "perdue"
hache robine.png

4. "le travaille" should be "le travail"

5. "Shane travail" should be "Shane travaille"



I have a problem when a talk to Penny. She asks me :
"j'aimerais connaitre ton avis. Crois-tu qu'une personne doit-elle être jugée par ses actes ou par ses intentions ?"
I can't answer because the dialog window does not open correctly ([...]stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Dialogue.cs:line 313 according to SMAPI)
Cannot skip that. I think a have to restart the game.

Im playing on the last update 1.6.5 in french of course.


Just report the problem. Have a good day people


Characters - Dialogue
"MovieInvitation" lines are not translated

Strings - Characters
"MovieInvite_Spouse_" lines are not translated

Strings - UI
"AGO_LegacyRandomization" and "AGO_LegacyRandomization_Tooltip" are not translated


Hello !
I encountered a few mistakes while playing.
I play on the last version of the game available on the PC Game Pass.

The first one is with Sebastian as a husband. He gave me an amethyst during that dialogue.

(The following screenshots are a month old so maybe it was already fixed.)
Then there is this one, after the cut scene where we get a frog with Sebastian the second answer is in English.

The last one is with Robin talking about her husband. The word "mon" is missing : "Si tu veux que mon mari [...]".

Have a good day !


I already posted this in the general bug reports, but figured it also belongs here. The issue is in "Characters/Dialogue/" for the "Wed" dialogue entry. $d picks one of two dialogue strings based on the condition being true/false, but the French string has "||" instead of "|" so the game thinks there are three string options (adding a blank string between the two actual strings) and throws an IndexOutOfRangeException. The fix is to change "||" to "|". Other languages look fine, so I assume this is just a typo in the French version of the string.

English: "Wed": "$d bus#You don't know how glad I am that the bus is up and running! I feel alive again.|Times have been tough lately. I got laid off of my job as a bus driver. If I got that job back I could drive you to Calico Desert.",

French: "Wed": "$d bus#Tu ne sais pas à quel point je suis heureuse que le bus soit opérationnel ! Je me sens revivre.||Les temps sont durs. J’ai été licenciée de mon travail. Si je pouvais récupérer mon travail, je t'emmènerais dans le désert de Calico.",


There's some wonky things going on with the movie theater. A while ago, the title card was broken and showed only the first word, but the rest of the film went on smoothly. Now, there has been a change in the typeface of certain lines, which has messed up some of the text boxes and makes the movies hard to understand.

All the text written in the new font shows up correctly (I only included one example here to keep this post short),

but the dialogue boxes are sometimes broken,


sometimes they are fine

I do not know the logic at play here, maybe someone more tech-savvy can try and find the problem. Otherwise, I trust the devs to have a look at it and let us francophones enjoy a night at the movies again!

That's all for now, have fun :proud:

Edit: I'm playing on steam, Windows 10, fully unmodded game, v1.6.8