French Typo/Display Text Errors


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Capture d'écran 2024-08-08 214452.png

While trying to use the dehydrator, the game kept telling me to use coal (morceaux de charbon) instead of saying I didn't have enough of the item I was trying to dehydrate.
I am playing on the latest version so 1.6.8 I think on the PC Game Pass.

Have a nice day ! :happy:
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@450735 @BussinBungus @Clothilde @jazhmock @NecroPheles @parallax @Sarevok187 @steedfox0 @Zangdar All the issues you reported should be fixed in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.9 (except those mentioned below). Thanks for reporting them!

Sometimes there is a missing space between words.
the possessive "ma" (feminine) "mon" (masculine) is not generated "dynamically", i guess. :penny:
That's fixed for relation names like "ma soeur" in 1.6.9. If it affects other text too, feel free to report specific examples and I'll take a look.

I think you could insert "the object" or "the thing" verbatim just before the thing in question in the sentence so as to avoid the absence of the necessary reference word in the French language such as "l'", "la", "le", "les" or "d'", " du", "de", "des", (as appropriate) in French.
l'Argile. / de l'Argile.
le Café / du Café.
la Banane / de la Banane / des Bananes.

Eg: "Est-ce que tu savais que ma fille déteste l'objet 'Argile' ?"

Ultimately, I suggest the generic wording like this :
Eg: "Est-ce que tu savais que [prénom] ... [déteste = hated / adore = loved / apprécie = liked] cet objet : [nom de l'objet]' ?"

This might be the solution regarding these little “language mistakes” for French. For other languages, I don't know. :sweat:
It's tricky because item names are inserted dynamically in many different contexts, and item names are sometimes plural. For example, text like "Est-ce que tu savais que Abigail déteste cet objet : Graines anciennes ?" is a bit awkward. I'm not sure there's a good way to translate that text that won't sometimes be awkward though. Ideally I'd want to discuss with a translator before making changes like that, but that probably won't happen this late in 1.6 unfortunately.

Here I don't know if it's a related issue to display a wrong error line or if it's a bug. Because the farm teleporter, as its name suggests, works on a farm. Whether she's in Stardew Valley or on Ginger Island. Or it would be necessary to specify that the pair of teleporters does not work anywhere other than the Stardew Valley farm. :george:
It's called a Mini-obélisque in French currently, but that might have changed after your comment. You could post in the suggestions forum about enabling them on the island farm too though.


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


usages culinaires et médicinAUX pas "médicinales"
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Je fouine, sans S
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This is the first time I play the new update on switch, and I realized that all the apostrophes appear as a square (it happens to all the apostrophes, I only put two pictures as an example).
The update version is 1.6.9 build 36.

Thank you for helping resolve this issue, or maybe it's just on my game ? If so, could you kindly tell me what to do ? :)

Have a great day and thank you !!



Hey guys ! Hope you are doing good.

So, French is my native language. I was wondering if you were looking for extremely nit-picky people over the translations or if you prefer focusing on the big typos and that's it ? I play the English version because the French translation sometimes lacks the natural flow of the language. At times, It feels a bit "word to word" without including the nuances of how it's actually used and spoken, which overall feels a bit off to me. But I'm aware that not everyone might care as much so let me know if you're interested and I'll get to hyperfocussing on refining some translations if I have the time.

Have a nice day, take care !
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"Fête Hawaïenne" (Hawaii Festival) should be renamed to just 'Luau' like in all other languages!


When Robin and Lewis are introducing the Special Order Board, something like "la construction est réussite" instead of "réussie"

can't play it again to have the exact citation, sorry