Switch [BUG] Stutter/Lag on same TV split screen


Been playing co-op for the last few months, and the severe lag when my partner and I encounter the rex at skull caverns is insane. died twice due to the lag, just freezing but still taking damage... might just have to skip these with staircases??? ugh


Reproduced this bug with 2 a 3 way split screen on Windows 10 when fishing for harder fish - sturgeon and pufferfish. When other fish were hooked, the stutter was not noticeable. It was a bit more challenging :)


Hi, just made an account to bump this thread. Same issue, co-op split screen on switch, random stutter lag that lasts 1-3 seconds doing any random tasks or even just walking. Hope this gets fixed but it’s looking dire after several years of posts….


I also am still experiencing this issue on the switch on the current version in split screen coop and it's a full second stutter every minute or so and also when entering buildings.

We are also experiencing the right side of split screen is choppy all the time vs the left is not.

I can also confirm the dinosaur fire completely stops the screen for 3 to 5 seconds and the damage still registers during the freeze so you usually end up dead.

We also experienced an issue in the mines where the left side only the items that drop will be picked up but remain on the screen frozen there. And when a weapon is swung it will also leave the swipe trail on the screen.

Every 3rd or 4th day the game will crash at random throughout the day. If it doesn't happen during the day it will crash during the attempt to save the day. Sometimes the day saves and sometimes not. To get around this we restart the game every two days.

I have tried repairing the game and redownloading which was unsuccessful in fixing the issue and created an account to bump this post into all the other fixes going on. We absolutely are in love with the game after buying it for the first time a few months ago and just want to say thanks for making such a fun addicting game hahaha