Hi everyone ! I have to say that I have hundreds of hours sunk into this game on the switch, and have only now started playing coop.
Last year, I started noticing a hick-up or two while playing single-player, but it was rare enough and didn't really bother me too much, although it was a bit annoying. Now that I've started playing split-screen co-op, I see it happening every few minutes. The stutter is random : in mines, while fishing, while changing from one area to the next. Sometimes, it means death, other times, missing a fish, etc.
I've read through the rules of the forum and I apologize if this has been said somewhere, but does ConcernedApe read this forums for the bugs? An acknowledgement of this bug would be great, as someone in a similar thread said he has been noticing this for at least 2 years.
Anyway, I hope we can obtain any kind of update on this. I look forward to hearing from anyone, really! :)