translation bug

  1. Windows Spanish translation error

    Hello, on the first day of Autumn, Lewis builds the new special order board, but there is a dialog error, the game says: "Ah, hola <player_name>. Has aprecido en el momento exacto" when it should be: "Ah, hola <player_name>. Has aparecido en el momento exacto" I know it's a mini bug but I...
  2. Windows Translation Bug - Switching Languages -> Non-Stacking for New Items

    I've noticed that when I switch the in game language (Spanish to English or vice versa specifically) it causes the new dried fruit and mushroom items to become a different item stack, so that the ones that were already in game and new ones I collect do not combine into a single stack. This does...
  3. mod Language Translation

    shiko The Turkish translation of the Npc mod was translated without Turkish letters because it was done before the Turkish language support came to the game, when I try to fix it myself, the npc leaves spaces instead of Turkish letters, how can I fix this?
  4. kiryoku

    Android translation bug

    i'm playing in japanese. The dialogue when repairing the fence is displayed together with the dialogue of the female. Platform:android Language:Japanese version:
  5. Lxrentz

    Windows Missing information with the Auto-Grabber translation.

    I usually play the game in english but a friend of mine (who plays the game in portuguese) recently said something about not having an Auto-Grabber in his coop. I asked why and he sent me a photo of the item's description, saying that the item only works in cows, sheeps and goats, but in english...
  6. Windows Game expects me to translate ALL files in Content/Data/weapons.xnb

    So, I was able to create a custom translation Content Pack and renamed a sword. It worked, but EVERY other sword in the weapons.xnb showed "3" "6" "8" numbers, instead of their titles. Apparently, the game expects me to translate ALL the sword titles in Content/Data/weapons.xnb. There are...
  7. PC French mistake - dog - lack of space

    In the french version, when you get the dog it is presented to you whitout a space bewteen ''this'' and ''dog''. Therefore, ''cechien'' should be ''ce chien''.
  8. liquidcat

    Please Read Dedicated typo and translation error thread

    Please report all the typos and translation errors in this thread! Be sure to specify - Platform you're playing on - Language you're playing in - Version number
  9. ChemMixer

    PC [BUG/HELP] List of all untranslated Japanese(日本語)strings for V1.5

    1. Item names that haven't translate into Japanese. String data pointing the wrong values, which unable to produce item name in-game. Weapons: Iridium Needle, Infinity Blade, Infinity Gavel, and Infinity Dagger Hats: Panda Hat and several hidden items. Also missing strings for English. Misc...
  10. PC PT-BR translation issues.

    I've been seen some mistakes in the PT-BR translations, both in-game and in conversations, where should I report this? An example can be seen in the image, where Pierre's name is Pedro, but in the hole game his name is Pierre. I've seen some inconsistencies in items names too. But right now I...
  11. 0n1x™

    PC [Issue] Brazilian portuguese translation typing error - Part 2

    Recently I've reported 2 typing error in the Brazilian translation, and today I found another one. The tomato seeds is written wrong, in the game you will find it written as "sementes de tomantes", but the correct word is "tomates". Thank you guys, this is such an amazing game :)
  12. 0n1x™

    PC [Issue] Brazilian portuguese translation typing erros

    I've found two typing erros in the brazilian portuguese translation. The first one is in the letter that you receive from you mother at Spring 12th, the word is written "Dolá" and the correct word is "Olá", that means "Hello". The second one is in a dialogue with Halley, the word is written...
  13. PC [BUG] Translation Error

    I found a translation error when you get to level 5 in forraging. In German there is written Bäune but it should be Bäume.