switch bug

  1. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  2. Switch Co-Op save file lost after crashing?

    The last few days on my co op world it will kick me out with an error code, usually after about an in game day and a half. This has never been a problem until a couple days ago, I’ve done every troubleshooting thing I can for the error code (error code 2618-0006) and nothing. I’ve already...
  3. jaebuh

    Solved Game crashing

    I tried to divorce Elliot, and when I went to go to sleep, the game crashed just before the money report. I'm not sure if this is a common issue or if it's just my switch. I've tried restarting the console, resetting Internet, etc. and there's so difference, still crashes! My console is updated...
  4. Switch Bricked save file on switch multiplayer

    Host Logged off after sleeping but before saving was able to save world however community center won’t show any bundles or books on the ground
  5. Switch Mill Storage Bin Broken

    Just updated to 1.6.9 build 37, from 1.5 (unsure of exact previous V#). I can no longer open my mill storage bin... which is a bummer bc I had a lot of truffles and other goodies in there. Is there a solve out there? Thanks in advance!
  6. Switch spouse standing and sleeping in bus stop area

    created a new singleplayer farm to try out 1.6 on a fresh save and i've noticed after marrying sam, 1 to 3 times a week he will stand / walk around in either the bus stop area or the left side of the farm (where the coop is on meadowlands farm) and also sleep in the bus stop area i am still able...
  7. Switch Alex stuck at bus stop

    I'm probably doing this wrong so my apologies, but for the past irl week, Alex keeps getting stuck inside the fence of the bus stop area when going to his grandparents house. Every other in game day when I'm walking to town I keep finding him just standing inside the fence near the sign not...
  8. Switch Lesser reported bugs I've encountered on Switch (1.6.9)

    I spend way too much time on SDV on Switch, and noticed some potential bugs that I haven't seen mentioned a lot yet. I'll categorize them in three ways- minute stuff I've noticed, things that I'm not entirely sure are bugs or not, and common stuff that others have reported, just for the sake of...
  9. Switch Entered the "outside"

    It is the latest version of the game, 1.6 on switch. I experienced this in switch split-screen multiplayer. This happened on the other player (not the host) in a cabin during the upgrading of that cabin. I had slept multiple nights in a row, but on the first night I already noticed that the...
  10. Switch 1.6 Switch - island trader doesnt have golden coconuts

    I've been playing on switch, 1.6 update and just opened 3 Golden Coconuts with Clint, then went to the island trader to exchange normal coconuts for Golden ones. However, the island trader does not have Golden coconuts in his inventory to trade. I've visited him 4 days in a row to see if maybe...
  11. Switch A couple performance issues as well as a huge problem with spouse

    I play the latest version of stardew on my switch and have noticed a couple problems. First, there are tiny moments of lag where my screen freezes then picks up as normal, often during this I can still hear the noises in the game, just the picture is frozen. Secondly, this is nothing big, but...
  12. Choogii

    Switch Local/online play bug for switch??

    I’m not sure if this is a legit bug or if it’s an issue that’s already been resolved but me and my friend have been trying to play locally on a save that we had played with Nintendo online for the switch we played locally first, played using online ONCE, and now we’re trying to play locally...
  13. Switch Game crashes randomly

    I’ve seen other people commenting on a co-op issue, that when playing split screen their game crashes, but my issue is that my game crashes seemingly randomly, and I don’t play co-op. I have checked and I am on the most recent update, and it doesn’t happen when I place bombs, but more every so...
  14. Leot5550

    Switch Calicio spins went weird

    Im unsure why this is happened and its been like this for a while (don't remember how long) im not sure its cause how old the save is or anything (I'm on switch and saves from right when it got released to switch more or less) im worried this might happen to other sections of the save since this...
  15. Switch Advanced Crafting Information Bug

    Hello again! I've also noticed that the advanced crafting information setting no longer works without the items directly inside of your inventory. Before, having them in the chest attached to a workbench would supply the information on how many of the item I can craft. Since the update, I am...
  16. Switch Coffee Machine in Split screen disappear in joined players house

    My wife has found that her coffee machine will disappear from her kitchen every once and a while, and will reappear in after a few days. Occasionally if she goes into the cellar and then comes back up it will reappear sooner.
  17. Switch Raccoon shop issues

    I have finished the entirety of the raccoon story line, yet I am only able to trade for the four seeds it opened with. It's also just generally pretty buggy, when I finish one trade it opens the menu for the next one and makes the raccoon dialogue appear on top of itself. I play multiplayer...
  18. coffinfang

    Switch Vanishing Spouse Glitch???

    Hey! I'm new to this forum and I don't know how active it is, but I've been having a lot of trouble with one bug in particular ever since the 1.6 update on the Switch. So, I married Elliott, way prior to receiving the update and I have 2 kids with him. For some reason, I can't leave the house...
  19. Switch Statue of blessings problem

    Since the 1.6 update I have noticed that when I click on the statue of blessings and I get the infinite energy perk my energy still actually goes down? I haven't seen anyone else talk about this issue so wondering if it's just me?
  20. Switch Switch workbench

    On version for the switch. When using the work bench to craft items it doesn't show item count in the big chest