stardew valley

  1. Need Help with Stardew Valley Multiplayer Connection.

    Hey everyone, I just recently found out that Stardew Valley got a multiplayer feature. I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I've been waiting for this for so long and I'm really excited! I want to play with my girlfriend, but the problem is we're in different countries. I'm not very...
  2. Moonmist

    Switch Issues with Mining and Barn Animal Behavior in Split Screen on Switch

    I am experiencing multiple issues while playing Stardew Valley in split-screen mode on the Nintendo Switch. Here are the problems I've encountered: Mining Issue: Player 1 is unable to mine properly. When they hit a rock, the resources freeze, and the item cannot be collected. This issue...
  3. lovelyfantasy

    New Year 2025

    wishing you great year
  4. Colleen&Potato

    Other Math Project??

    I’m not sure where to put this, but i figured since I’m more proud of the artsy part than the actual math part it belongs here. For my pre-calculus final we have to demonstrate how math is used in real life (particularly in media), and since my teacher plays, we decided to research patterns and...
  5. Switch DIVORCE • system crash

    after filing for divorce, you can play the game as normal until you go to sleep, then the game crashes and closes completely. playing co-op on the OLED switch & this happens over and over and i’ve read it’s a common issue for other players as well
  6. Steam Awards Nominee 2024!

    Stardew Valley is a nominee for the 'Labor of Love' category for the 2024 Steam Awards! :heart: Congrats on your well-deserved nomination, Concerned Ape and Team! 😄 Link to the Steam Awards page
  7. Juliana Prado

    Community Botanical Garden

    Description: I suggest adding a community botanical garden where players can donate rare and common flowers, cared for by a new NPC, the botanist. Benefits: 1. New objective for players to collect rare flowers. 2. Encourages exploration and cultivation of different species. 3. Exclusive...
  8. lovelyfantasy

    Art Emily , Watercolor

    Emily @ stardew valley Testing & experiencing 🤣 until I managed and I feel I did it right
  9. BloodSeiryu

    SMAPI Modded Help

    I really hope I am posting this in the right place. I'm pretty desperate so I hope someone is able to help me. Recently updated the game and SMAPI (and most of my mods) but I'm getting tons of warnings and errors in SMAPI, most of which I have no idea what they mean. Can someone take a look at...
  10. lovelyfantasy

    Art Mystery Maze

    I miss the inktober arts work to make this entry for Stardew pumpkin contest : My farmer & the kids are lost :D
  11. lovelyfantasy

    Chibi Abigail playing flute

    hello owo :abigail::junicheer::heart: here lil fanart for Abigail ..
  12. Tainted-Love

    I cant get my stardew version to work

    Hi! So I got the version of stardew for modding.. after trial and error I finally got all Mods for ridgeside to work but right after that a message started popping up stating that stardew valley isn't responding but before that.. it was working/playing just fine. Is there anything I...
  13. androidkisser

    Coding Help need help resizing the sprites of babies/toddlers for customization

    I'd like to replace the in-game baby/toddler sprites with custom ones. only issue is that the baby sprites are way too close to each other on their spritesheet, making it impossible for me to add anything in height. I've looked for guides or tutorials online, but haven't been able to find an...
  14. Windows stardew valley não inicia na steam (já tentei de tudo)

    Estou tendo problemas relevantes com a inicialização do jogo na steam,clico para jogar e ele só aparece'rodando' e não abre de forma alguma,já tentei várias formas para arrumar o erro (testar as versões betas que a própria steam disponibiliza,verificar a integridade dos arquivos mais de uma vez...
  15. KiddiBam

    Have Smart mod failed

    Hello everyone! When I try install and play with SmartMod, I have this error, help me please(( Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Can't parse JSON file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\SmartMod v2.02\manifest.json. Technical details: 0.0.0 isn't a valid...
  16. Heramegu

    Starting Items acording to the Farm Map

    The new Farm "Meadowsland Farm" is very interesting, because . The instead of 15 Parsnip Seeds set the farm mood, and push the player into the animal caring with in the early game. And I really like that "Riverland Farm" does the same with However farms like "Forest Farm", "Hill-top Farm"...
  17. HELP | FPS Drop :/

    I want to apologize in advance for my English, I don't understand it well and I use a translator. I've been playing Stardew Valey with mods (SMAPI) for some time now. Everything was fine, the game ran normally, but suddenly at some point the fps started to drop. After that, downgrades of up to...
  18. Issue An error occurred in the base update loop: System.Exception: Error on new day:

    Hello there, ended up with this issue, so I cannot pass the day whenever I try sleeping, please help. I tried validating the game files and re-installing some mods, but that did not seem to fix it. I'm playing on Windows, Steam, version 1.5.6 Smapi...
  19. Duplicating Xbox 2023 solo

    How can I duplicate on Stardew valley on Xbox in 2023 solo.
  20. Ridgeside village not working

    I downloaded all the stuff needed for the Ridgeside Village mod to work but when I start up stardew only a few things actually work here is my SMAPI log: