
  1. Android Save file was not reflecting

    Hello. It seems that when I save a new file, it didn't reflect to the folder The screenshot 1 is a newly created farm The screenshot 2 is folder of Stardew Valley in my phone
  2. Sfrojden

    Windows Game crash on load

    Hello! Since the update involving Ginger Island I've been having some issues with my game. I've been playing with no issues for quite a few weeks but a few days ago the game started crashing when I attempted to load my most recent save. The game boots up correctly, I press load game and my...
  3. kisin_pie

    Music I made a track inspired by winter in Stardew Valley

    hello everyone!! I made a track inspired by the winter in Stardew Valley! you can listen on YouTube. I will be glad to hear your opinion!! and sorry for my poor English, I use a translator:music: WINTER TALE <-------- click!
  4. Issue Ridgeside Village Mobile

    Hey guys, I've recently modded stardew with Ridgeside and I'm having a couple of issues, I'm playing on Android and I've got access to ridgeside however it looks totally different then the Wiki and I cannot access the quest board, which to my knowledge there should be one of either side of the...
  5. PlayStation Coop / Multiplayer friends

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for other stardew fans to play with. I'm looking for 18+ preferably. I am located EST and am on most weekdays, and late weekends. I'm down to start fresh, join yours or you join mine. Just looking for a good group to play with. My PSN is my name. Thanks
  6. iOS Missing Recipe Bug

    I watched the Queen of Sauce re-runs every week and ever since I spent an expensive amount of gold for Robin to renovate my house. Then one day, the recipe known as “Roasted Hazelnuts” would not appear in my list of other recipes after tapping on the stove. I went back to the TV to be sure my...
  7. PC looking to play a file

    So... I want to play some stardew valley with some more ex[erienced players. We will be playing on the Forest farm, with the money being shared. I am not picky about age. I just want a casual playthrough. we can text each other on discord. My username is Honeycomb_cookie (Soapyface21)#7974 .
  8. Issue Adopt n' Skin Mod Support

    I have a multiplayer server with friends and we all installed adopt n' skin (not the multiplayer one). I saw that there was the multiplayer version and wanted to try it out for myself (i own the server.) So, I went on the server by myself. I already have three pets (2 strays and 1 pet from the...
  9. Switch 18+ looking for nice people to play co op with

    Hi, i am just looking for a nice group of people to play co op, iv never played co-op before but have a farm that over 10 year. I'm definitely not an expert just looking to play chill.
  10. Switch ISO multiplayer farm for people around 18 years old (MDT)

    Hello! I (18F) am looking for people around my age to play with on the weekends! This would be my first time playing with people I don't know very well but it will be a good opportunity to have some fun! I've played the game for a while but I'm not an expert so any experience that you have is...
  11. staubmotte

    Art new work

    Hej ladies and gents :) I drew another one of my little farmer self some time ago.
  12. Udisen

    Stardew Valley 1.5.6 how to get SOMETHING - Tutorials (2022) (series)

    EP 01 Stardew Valley how to get FISH POND (EASY) (2022) | Stardew 1.5.6 Fish Pond
  13. PC Looking for a CO-OP friend!!!!!

  14. licherlay

    Windows [BUG] Vincent Glitching

    Vincent was walking through a hill and running to the playground. It was weird. I think it was somewhere at the start of spring... He was saying how he can not have anymore gummies.
  15. Spiffy

    Switch Co-op farming

    Hello, I’m fairly new to the game but I’m looking to make a friend who plays consistently, who wants to start a new farm with me. If you’re interested add my discord spiffyitup#0128 (Ages 18+)
  16. AthinaCrown

    Bachelors sprign Dance

  17. Xbox [HELP] I bought the furniture catalogue and now it's gone!

    I've searched up if I couldve accidentally put it in the bin while binning some other furniture but all it said was that it is not able to be sold. I'm not sure what's happened and I've looked everywhere it's just not there.. I don't want to waste 200000 if I can just get it back because its a bug.
  18. Art Stardew Valley button pins Thread (hand embroidered)

    I made a hand embroidered green slime on muslin cloth and then turned it into a button pin I’m thinking of doing some other Stardew items like stardrops and crops or forage items. Let me know what you guys think might be good as a pin.
  19. Trash bear

    i have no idea what this item is that the trash bear wants. i’ve tried giving him an omelet multiple times but he won’t accept it. please help me lol.
  20. Time for some FanArts Yaaay

    Hi, I have been playing in Stardew for some time. So, coz of i fell like it happened to became my next "hobby/passion/thing i like to do" i made this fanart of my character from Stardew Valley. Hope, u like it <3