
  1. Fan made board game spouse standees

    Hi all, Big fan of the Stardew Valley IP. I even have official plush Junimos on my christmas tree every year! I'm having a lot of fun with the board game and I'm also a board game designer/publisher. I've made a number of tweaks to the rules to better suite my game group and this is my latest...
  2. PC [BUG] Duplicated "houseplant bought by spouse" when going back to title screen and reopen savefile.

    When I woke up, Penny was next to that red-pot plant, and gave me the usual spiel about "thought about sprucing up the place a bit". I returned to title screen, and opened back the savefile. When I did, the second plant she is next to now appeared. She's giving me again the dialogue of...
  3. Professor Brian O'blivion

    PC [BUG] MIA Spouse (Emily)

    When married to Emily she doesn't return home on Monday's and Friday's, but is home the next morning, Tuesday and Saturday. It's stupid that I found that stressful and annoying, but I did and divorced her.
  4. Talking to Wife/Girlfriend

    It would be amazing, If it could be possible for you to answer there questions. Like when you come back your wife ask what did you do today and you could answer whit a message or when you wake up from sleep and they ask you did you sleep well you could answer yes or no.
  5. PC [BUG] Spouse row on relationship tab is the only one with no tracker for "talked to today" and "gifted them today"

    What the title says. I understand you can gift your spouse everyday, and that makes the tracker a bit redundant, but I would argue that precisely because you can do it everyday they're the easiest to forget about. EDIT: And I just noticed that the kids don't have the "talked to today" either...
  6. PC [BUG] 1.5 Spouse watering

    Spouse watering crops isn't working on beach farm. Screens below. Mods: Content patcher SMAPI Seasonal Outfuits
  7. zedrang

    PC [BUG] Spouse can block doorways

    Spouses will stand staring at the carpet dividers as if it were any other furniture meaning that they block the doorway.
  8. Xu Chu

    PC [BUG]Spouse always pregnant?

    I'm married to Haley in my play-thru and we've had two kids for a while now. Yesterday while playing she game me the dialog of 'Im pregnant! ' even tho we hit the max amount of children. Now everytime I interact with her she brings up being pregnant? It's a small bug but I am bothered that my...
  9. Petmousse

    Android [BUG] Spouse Leah says numbers

    I have married Leah and sometimes if I speak to her she says, "I planned these behind the house" and then a bunch of numbers strings of 2 or 3, like 34 887 22 45 etc. Is she supposed to be giving me something like with the name exploit?
  10. Losermac

    Additions to marriage and children.

    I wanted to post a suggestion that I think would be a massive addition to the game to make some parts more fulfilling and interesting. Marriage and children is such a unique and beautiful concept in a game such as Stardew Valley. It makes the game super interesting and exciting, everything...