
  1. TheLionKim

    Sam doodle

    I started a new playthrough and married Sam this time. I sketched my last spouse so thought I’d do it again! He’s a sweetheart ❤️
  2. Android Spouse not feeding animals

    Whenever Haley tells me she got up early to feed the animals, my hay benches are still empty and my animals can still become irritated that they've not been fed.
  3. A special melon

    Okay so a series of woo-ing quests for your spouse that results in honeydew melons being available- “the honeydo list” 🌽✨
  4. iOS Spouse not coming home

    I married Penny and have noticed that she doesn’t come home fairly often, but I’ve hadn’t had much of a chance to investigate since I would notice about 10-11 o clock that she hadn’t come home. About 3:00 of summer 12 I was leaving my farm when I noticed Penny stuck in a fence near the bus stop...
  5. Switch Spouse missing dialogue?

    Switch, current version 1.6.9 build 37. Single Player. I married Elliott for the first time in this save file, but I noticed I'm only getting one, maybe two sets of dialogue from him a day. Other spouses I've had would have new dialogue maybe 3 or 4 times a day: first thing in the morning...
  6. Switch Game crashing bug

    I noticed that alex (who's my current spouse) has been spawning in this specific fence and being stuck there until I go to the next day. NOW when I try to divorce him the game crashes every.single.time i try to go the the next day HELP
  7. AircoAirco

    Switch I cant kick krobus out of my house

    So with the newest update, my farm is no longer laggy as hell, so im back at my all spouse portrait collection objective (because i love collecting things i am insane). however if i divorce/kick krobus out in the major's house during the day and then go to bed, my game will not save over night...
  8. Windows Spouse Out of Bounds

    I have never had this issue before. I came back to the game after about 7 months. Now both Leah and her room are somehow messed up. This is my already completed perfection save so I would like to learn some solutions.
  9. DulceMariaMski

    Switch Elliott is disappearing from the house

    Hey everyone, is anyone else having this problem? I downloaded the latest patch (November 13th) for Switch and it's currently a Sunday in my save, Winter 21st and I noticed that Elliott disappeared from the house. I restarted the day and discovered he was leaving the house at 8:30 am, the same...
  10. PlayStation Stuck spouse

    Shane has frozen at the bus stop. I left the farm about 10am on Sat 27th Spring and saw Shane (spouse) stood here facing the bus. Interacting with him made him turn to kiss my character, but there's no dialogue pop up even though its my first time interacting with him today. Leaving the bus stop...
  11. Windows Spouse friendship/heart bug

    I married Sam and Leah then divorced them. Now I married Elliott while having 10 hearts with Harvey. The problem is my friendship with Elliott is stuck at 10 hearts, too. I have reinstalled the game but my relationship with Elliott is not progressing. I have reinstalled the game but it didn't...
  12. Lumelore

    Linux My spouse is in the sink

    I woke up, went looking for my wife, only to find her taking a bath in the kitchen sink. The only new things I did in the previous day was add the corner room to my house, adopt a baby, and complete the raccoon quest of giving it dried fruits and jelly. I am on Linux, unmodded, playing version...
  13. cursedcure

    Coding Help What size should a custom spouse room be on tiled?

    I've tested 7 x 10, 7 x 12, 12 x 12, but it still doesn't load up the room :skull: I also just use the normal map-tiles, no custom ones there's no error messages. I'm using this code in the game, which was from the wiki, but changed the ID/names:
  14. iOS Spouse bug (blocking access to fridge)

    My spouse in the game is Harvey. For many (in-game) hours he stands in front of the fridge blocking my access to it until 10pm when he goes to bed. I went inside around 5pm and he wouldn’t move until 10pm.
  15. Solved HELP, Can't get Sam to ask for baby

    I am married to Sam in one of my save files. I have been married to him for a long time and he has not asked me if I wanted a child. How do I get babies?
  16. Xbox [BUG] Spouse breaking torches

    If you have a torch placed on the rightmost square of the porch and a spouse does a farm task for you and stands there in the morning, the torch becomes an item floating on the ground
  17. curl


    Hello all ^_^ I was curious and wanted to know from people who have chosen different spouses in different save files, who has been your favorite of the possible choices and why? (Mine has always just been Sam)
  18. HomeintheValley12

    Krobus and a spouse

    Hi all, I have been wondering for some time why one cannot have Krobus and a spouse at the same time, and I really feel like this would be a great addition to the game. I've always felt like the game as is treats Krobus a little oddly - it seems to claim you're not marrying him if he moves in...
  19. Spouse revamp

    The current system is nice but quite primitive, they give you stuff and help a bit but nothing interesting. Marriage is already a kind of late game thing so it should be nice and fleshed out. Please post comments with suggestions and ill add them to the list. I will split this up into...
  20. Koesherbacon

    Stop blocking doorways, beds, and possibly others!

    Hi, I'm new here and have a confession. I don't actually play SDV myself but my wife loves it and she is constantly complaining about not being able to get inside her home and/or get in bed and retire for the night. Friends, spouses, pets, (in her game she's only had this happen with cats), and...