
  1. Switch [BUG] Robin's Desk Clip

    So, I was doing some construction work on my island and I decided to tear down some buildings. I destroyed a well, the game gave me the prompt as to if I wanted to tear down a [player]’s house. I had second thoughts and said no. When I went back, the game clipped me inside Robin’s desk. I am...
  2. PC (Help) No build menu from Robin

    Like the title says, i cannot access the build menu when speaking to Robin. When I talk to her it goes right to the shop menu, prohibiting me from buying or upgrading buildings. I have edited my save and set days from completion to zero but the bug persists. Please help I put many hours into...
  3. Switch [BUG] Robin didn't finish barn construction, now she only sells stuff.

    She was working on constructing it for 2 days one day she was outside construction area, second day she was right in the center. on the third day it was still just under construction with her being home and only selling me items (no constructions/upgrades) maybe it's because I constructed the...
  4. stinkerbell

    Android [BUG] Robin is running around on my farm and creeping me out

    I woke up this morning and in the corner of my screen I see Robin being an absolute speed demon and just running in circles near the grandpa shrine or whatever. I talk to her and she says, "Sorry if it smells weird in here, [my name]. It's my husband's bizarre science project..." I wish I could...
  5. neonhoney

    Switch [BUG] I can’t get deluxe animals?

    HELP!!! Robin only gives me options to build a “barn” and a “deluxe barn”.There’s no “Big Barn” option. Also, I have purchased the deluxe barn and I don’t have the option to get deluxe barn animals. They are grayed out and it says I need a deluxe barn.
  6. iOS [BUG] Robin Bugged while loading up save (mobile)

    Robin was building a fish pond and I decided to "Save Backup" and exit. I load up my save file from that point and Robin does the "..." text bubble to signify I'm in her way (which I'm not, she's in the little construction box which I cannot enter.) She then proceeds to speed up while...
  7. PC Unable to give Robin gifts if she's building something on her birthday

    If you assign Robin a bigger building to build on the day before her birthday - such as a fish pond or a new (not upgraded) barn, she spends all day working on it. Which is fine, except she's too far to interact with - and that means you can't give her a birthday gift that year. I'd suggest she...
  8. AtomsJosh

    Android [BUG] Robin is Stalker(/Spy)

    Last day i paid Robin to make me a mill and ofcourse she will go to my farm and start working, while she is working on the mill i enter my Farm house and then... I was totally SHOCKED! (I was playing at around 2:30am, and this is almost give me a nightmare) Half of her body is inside my house...
  9. PC [Bug] 1.5 Second Community Upgrade Overwritten

    I play on PC via Steam. Went to Robin's and purchased the second community upgrade from her. She said something to the effect of it'll be done in about 3 days, iirc. I then spoke with her again to access the shop and noticed the "construct farm buildings" option was still available. I needed a...
  10. plagueborn667

    Android [BUG] Robin and Penny

    When I was getting the first upgrade on my house in fall, Robin was standing in the doorway of my home when i went inside to sleep at night. When Penny is sitting on the bridge with Sam, i couldn't talk to her.
  11. Magically Clueless

    (possible spoilers) Robin's rare dialogue

    So I was perusing stuff looking at information for the skull caverns and came upon the wiki page with a bunch of secrets. This one in particular caught my attention: Both Marnie and Robin have a small chance to say, when you enter their shops...
  12. iOS [BUG] A Problem with Robin & Horse Bug

    Hello! I’ve encountered two bugs in my save file. #1 is the problem with Robin. I’d usually ask her to build stuff around the farm and when she’s finally done, I would find her going around my farm in her programed path inside her house and I can’t converse with her. I also checked out her...
  13. Mobile Bug - Stardew Mobile ver.

    Hello, I don't have the option to build structures even when I have the materials (trying to build a silo). I'm using a Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 (see attached for full specs)