
  1. Windows Is there any way to set a default resolution?

    I have a low end PC and I play on 32 bit. I want to play in fullscreen but I can't because when I fullscreen it automatically sets my resolution to 2500 x 1600 and my monitor can't handle that resolution so it displays an out of range error, making me restart my computer because its just a black...
  2. JoelSF

    Windows [HELP] Resolution box is greyed out / no fullscreen option.

    I'm playing via steam on a new PC and have run into these issues while playing: 1) Whenever playing I'm limited to only Windowed or Borderless Windowed, with no fullscreen option available in the drop down. 2) The resolution box is greyed out, preventing me from changing the resolution in-game...
  3. Windows [HELP] Scaling Issue

    I have a 1920x1080 screen on my laptop. For some time, when I set the window mode to fullscreen, I couldn't see the whole game. I tried deleting startup_preferences but it didn't work. However, a few minutes ago, I discovered that it has something to do with scale settings in Windows 10 (I had...
  4. PC [BUG] Game crashes, when resolution is changed

    Everytime I change the resolution or toggle windowed/fullscreen mode from within the game (on farm, not in main menu) the game either crashes instantly, or puts me back to the main menu and crashes when I try to reload the farm from there. After restart the game starts with the changed...
  5. jo-82

    PC [HELP] Window size gets reset on every start

    Is there a way to save the current window size and have SV use it on the next start? My SV window gets always reset to 1280 x 720 on every start, which is pretty annoying. I did try deleting the file "startup_preferences" but the problem still exists. Now playing 1.5.4, but i think the issue...
  6. PC [BUG] Resolution distorts closing laptop

    I was trying to recreate the console experience, but on PC. This involved getting everything working on a laptop and plugging the laptop to my TV via HDMI. With the lid open it screen mirrors just fine, but when I close the lid the resolution (as seen on the TV) changed to be 1/4 of what it...
  7. PC [BUG] Windowed > Windowed Borderless just makes it full screen.

    Even when changing the resolution to a smaller size from Full Screen > Windowed > Windowed Borderless. Am I doing something wrong?
  8. PC [BUG] Resolution messing up on sync.

    So I'm playing Stardew off of GOG, and when I go from one to computer to the other, THIS is happening after the game Sync. Not sure how to fix. Thanks! EDIT: finally fixed the issue by going into the appdata and editing the file. Would be nice if there was a way to fix resolution from the main...
  9. PC [BUG] Ultrawide resolution & UI Scale/Zoom Level Display Issue

    Problem: When SDV (either GOG or Steam versions) on the current 1.5.x version is run at a resolution of 3440x1440p (21:9) ultrawide resolution (and possibly higher) (in either fullscreen/windowed/window borderless) and the game's UI scaling option and/or zoom level scale is below 85% and set at...
  10. PC [HELP] Problems with resolution

    Hello. I'm having problems with your game! I have a screen resolution of 1024x768. When entering the game, the mouse cursor is not available in the right area of the screen. There is no way to change the monitor. Please help me, or make support for these monitors, many people with this screen...