PC [BUG] Resolution distorts closing laptop


I was trying to recreate the console experience, but on PC. This involved getting everything working on a laptop and plugging the laptop to my TV via HDMI. With the lid open it screen mirrors just fine, but when I close the lid the resolution (as seen on the TV) changed to be 1/4 of what it should be. Opening the lid then fixes it. Note that this isn't just as seen on the TV. When I open the lid I can briefly see the 1/4 resolution on the laptop screen before it fixes itself.

At present this means I have to play with the lid open which is more than a little distracting and a waste of power.

Now, as I understand, this would be caused by windows automatically reverting the display mode to the last active selection, so this bug seems related to the bug where changing to windowed mode and then back to full screen will distort the resolution so bad I had to delete the preferences file just to fix it.

Maybe a possible solution would be to have something that listens for resolution changes and then forces it back?