
  1. MrRaymeo

    PlayStation [HELP] Unable to transfer save from PS4 to PS5

    I download my save file from the PSN cloud to my system storage but am told by SDV that there are no saved games available to load. This Reddit thread seems to point to the same issue occurring for others as well, no matter what method was used to transfer the save file from the PS4 to the PS5...
  2. PlayStation [BUG] Can't walk well

    I've played this on the Switch with no problems, just purchased on the PS4 and moving around is not smooth. Stutter stepping, usually when trying to head North but sometimes other directions too. I'm using the left thumbstick to move, analog buttons are a really slow walk. I'm ten minutes in...
  3. PlayStation [BUG] end of Day 10 PS4

    I was about to sleep. Then I moved my dog near my bed. Then when I go to sleep. It just went black and just the sound of the fireplace.
  4. PlayStation [BUG] my journal is showing a blank page right after opening the skull cavern.

    I used my skull key, opening the door and the game states that my journal has been updated. When I open the journal, it shows a blank page with an ”X” in the upper right corner and the hand cursor but no words. I continued into the skull cavern and made it all the way to level 28 before the day...
  5. PlayStation [HELP] Duplicate save files on PS4?

    Hello! Do you know a possibility to duplicate a save file on a PS4? Or / and do you know a workaround to Save the files on an USB-Stick (works) and load the file back as a different Playstation User to play on from this day? (doesn't work)
  6. PlayStation Kids will never go to bed

    Hello :smile: So my kids will never go to bed, i stayed home the whole day waiting for them to go to bed but they never do.
  7. vozenta

    PlayStation [HELP] Error "NP-103496-3" for Online Co-Op

    Tried searching around and couldn't find anything, I apologize if this has been addressed. Tried to join online co-op on a farm that my friend and I have been playing for a bit now. However, suddenly I receive error "NP-103496-3" with text saying "Something went wrong". We've done complete...
  8. PlayStation [HELP] Controller lag in 3 player local.

    Hey everyone. I have always used two Dualshock 4s and a wired controller for split screen on my ps4 pro. But recently my daughter has grown and doesn't need the PlayStation small controller and we all wanted another wireless controller. We decided to buy a third party controller (xbox layout...
  9. Auto-Grabber Sheep

    I have just installed an Auto-Grabber in the Barn. i have all my sheep 5 hearts and i have the Shepherd Profession. Normally the sheep should grow it's coat in one day, so i can shear it daily but with the Auto-Grabber it's every two days. Should this be happening?
  10. Solved [BUG] No sound after mermaid show

    SOLVED: uninstalled, and reinstalled I was watching the beginning of the mermaid show, and went into my journal menu, and then all sound stopped. No music, ambient, SFX, footsteps. Nothing! It doesn’t say anywhere that the game is muted, and I can still move all the sound bars fine, but still...
  11. Skeling

    PlayStation [HELP] Couch Co-op Skull Cavern Crash at floor 200

    Playing couch coop on ps4, the game consistently crashes at floor 200 of skull cavern.
  12. PlayStation HELP/BUG - "Share Play" No Longer Works After Latest Update

    Hello, I recently got back into SDV after the 1.5 update. While it was downloading to my system, I had used Share Play (SP from now on) to show off the game to a few of my friends, convincing them to purchase it to play with me. We've two other friends who were wanting to watch us play as of...
  13. PlayStation [HELP] Repeated Crashes Just Before Saving on local 4 player co-op

    Hello! I waited a lot of years to play couch co-op with my kids on this game and it was initially going great! After about 7 days the game crashes after we all go to sleep, before saving. That's a day lost. We powered forward and redid the day but the game kept crashing after we went to sleep...
  14. PlayStation HELP! Multiplayer Extreme Lag/Game Failure

    Playing multiplayer on PS4 and experiencing extreme lag, delays in interacting with NPCs/objects, eventually culminating in being unable to pick up or interact at all. Right now my game is stuck at 5PM and the host is at 2am waiting for me in bed. Issue only started post update 1.56. Is anyone...
  15. PlayStation [BUG] Chat/Console while using Splitscreen (Unable to pause)

    Hello, I am experiencing the following bug when playing a 2-Player splitscreen game on PS4 with the most recent Patch: There is no way to pause the game. But let me go a little more into detail, to explain what is actually happening: When going to the chat and pressing X, the PS4 input dialog...
  16. PlayStation [BUG] [Crash] Host Game Crashes when other players join the farm [1.55]

    Hello I have a save file with 3 other friends (4 total) and ever since the 1.5 patch the hosts game crashes whenever someone joins the game. The host can load and play but as soon as someone joins it crashes. We've spent 80 hours in this farm and are really sad we cant play the new update...
  17. PlayStation [HELP] Update 1.5 not available to download

    Hi there, so I have a European PS4 Pro console. I have a Japanese PSN account attached to it, with a Japanese Stardew Valley from the Japanese PS Store. Thing is, it's still on version 1.44. I've tried manually looking for updates, deleting and reinstalling, nothing works. I even tried on my...
  18. PlayStation [BUG] Shrine of illusions Easter egg PS4

    I don’t know if I’m messing something up but when I try to do the item code name at the shrine the brackets don’t pop up, it was in the patch notes so I feel we should have it but idk hopefully bug and not that we can’t use it🥺
  19. PlayStation [HELP] PS4 version crashing when going to sleep.

    I'm in Spring year 1 on the beach farm, 25% profit. Twice already I've gone to bed, the screen fades to black, stays black for about 10 seconds and then goes to the crash screen. Progress for that day is deleted. Any way I can prevent this and return to playing?
  20. PlayStation [BUG] Naming Bug

    In split screen multiplayer on the regular farm when you go to name something including the dog, and chickens both players have control of the naming screen. But the game is not paused for the second player allowing them to be attacked by enemies when I'm trying to buy a chicken.