
  1. Do patches update current gameplay files?

    This may be a silly question, but I have recently fallen in love with the game on ps4 after my little sister introduced me. 1.5 will be the first patch that I have seen as a player. I've made so much progress on my current file; I've finished the community center, I'm married and working on...
  2. DocBrown86

    1.5 for Console

    I've been looking and haven't seen anything yet, but has anyone seen or have a guestimate as to when we might see the update make it to PS4?? Super pumped to see it released on Steam!!!! Can't wait to play it with my friends on the console! :-)
  3. jnt1989

    Solved Transfer saved game between PC, PS4 and/or Switch

    Hi Stardew Valley's community! First of all, sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't find any specific info on the forum and even on the rest of the internet. I own Stardew Valley on PC, PS4 and Nintendo Switch. I would like to use the same saved game for the three platforms. I know PC...
  4. PatrickKJ03

    PlayStation 17, Need buddies on PS4.

    Hey, I'm Patrick. I could use some friends on Playstation. My psn is Machine_Head2346. Hope you hear from you!
  5. PlayStation [HELP] CO-OP Connection Failed

    Hi. I'm on PS4 and whenever I'm trying to join my friends farm to play coop I'm getting an error message: An error has occurred (NP-32206-3) And then connection failed. Could you please tell me what's causing this? It's driving me crazy. We all have PS plus. Thanks.
  6. Archievement not works - Craft Master (ps4)

    Hey guys. So I'm playing Stardew valley in a few months, and I would like to get the game platinum on ps4, the trophies that need to build all the items did not appear, even following the wiki guide. I wanted help from you to find out if there is an item missing that was not made. Follow the...
  7. Odin

    PlayStation [Updated 2/25] Stardew Valley has returned to the EU PlayStation store!

    Stardew Valley has returned to the PlayStation store in Europe and other regions where it was unavailable! Latest update, February 23rd: Some more details on the issue: Previous updates on the issues from CA: August 2nd: August...
  8. PlayStation [HELP] Why game isn't available in Russian PS Store?

    I want to play it on my PS4, but can't purchase it :C Why is that?
  9. aSheep

    PlayStation Looking for some people to create a new farm!

    I've never tried co-op in SV before soo thought I'd give it a shot! The age range preferred is 15 - 19! - PSN is DiscipleXVII_
  10. PlayStation [HELP] Sleeping in multiplayer causes black screen and doesn't save.

    Hello first post here! Thanks in advance for taking a look. When we both go to sleep, the game does the "Waiting for player (1/2)" and (2/2) to confirm we both have gone to sleep. The game then tries to go to the summary of sales but it remains in a black screen, not letting us save the day...
  11. Kick an AFK Player

    So I have a friend, who somehow always manages to fall asleep before the day cycle rolls over and we save out multiplayer game. Because of this, we (the three other players) are often left at the end of a hard “days” work, with no way to save except by sleeping. I know on PC there is a kick...
  12. Couch co-op in consoles

    We really REALLY need a couch co-op in consoles. I already saw a few posts around the internet of couples (bfs/gfs or even married ones) asking for this feature since the launch of multiplayer in consoles, and I'm sure you would make everyone happy with it. Thanks for all the work so far. We...
  13. PlayStation [HELP] Lost multiplayer world

    Hey! Me and my friends all had our own world where we just made it to the 2nd year. We finally got all of our crops situated, and as we slept through the night and started the next day the game closed out on us. It didn’t crash and send me to the playstation home screen, but just the title...
  14. PlayStation [HELP] 'Craft Master' achievement not popping?

    Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone else on PS4 atm has theissue that Craft Master is not popping? I just played an extra year in game to get the last rarecrow so I could craft the deluxe scarecrow, because that was the only thing according to the wiki I could've missed, and still nothing...
  15. Luceat

    Solved [HELP] Drop PS4 savegame to Mobile?

    Title says it all. Is there a chance, that i can copy my savegame from PS4 to my mobile-version of STV?
  16. Kanako

    PlayStation [HELP] Unable to Move Forward from Black Save Screen

    My friend is hosting a Co-Op, and we sit at an infinite black screen after going to bed. I force close my game, and the game ends up saving for the host. Any possible solutions available ? Both of us have power cycled the Playstation 4's, checked for updates, uninstalled and reinstalled the...
  17. Local co op for ps4

    Hi. I have request for splitscreen on console. The game already have multiplayer but having option to play SDV with other person in same room is essential for me. To have thst option to play with my other half we got pc versions and we both play it on laptops but it's not the same as with...
  18. Maimy99

    PlayStation [HELP][BUG] hardwood bug

    Hi, I'm playing on the PS4 and the number of hardwood I have in my chest keeps dropping even though I'm not using it and am in fact adding to it. I have 2 different games going, don't know if my chipping wood in the one is affecting the numbers in the other somehow. It went from 57 to 27 to 21...
  19. didimd

    PlayStation [HELP] Multiplayer crashing everytime someone joins my game (Error code: CE 4878-0)

    I am the host of the file, I'm already in Year 3 and I don't want to lose my progress :(. The game crashes (Error code: CE 4878-0) everytime my friend joins the game. We've tried uninstalling, then reinstalling the game, restarting the consoles, restoring the licenses, and updating the software...