multiplayer issues

  1. Windows Multiplayer online co-op not working

    Me and my gf are trying to play online co-op both on windows. I have the Microsoft store version and she has the steam version When either of us tries to join the hosts farm, it says connecting for a while before it fails. We also tried connecting via LAN but we get the same message...
  2. Switch Any Type of Explosion Crashes Game

    Basically the title. My boyfriend and I play local and online multiplayer together and when we tried to go to the skill caverns together, we discovered the big. my boyfriend is the host, and anytime he uses an explosive, my game crashes. Any time I use an explosive, his game crashes therefore I...
  3. Mac multiplayer festival issue

    My boyfriend and I play a multiplayer farm on 1.6 and usually have a bad wifi signal. This usually isn't an issue as my boyfriend would reconnect just fine after being kicked out of the game. However, during festivals, he cannot reconnect as the game asks him to wait for the host's even to...
  4. Mac Multiplayer does not work

    Hi, my multiplayer has been working until recently, when suddenly I don't have to option to "Show invite code." My Steam is open and running Stardew, so I'm not sure why. I've tried different wifi networks, restarted computer, restarted Steam, verified file integrity on Steam (it says that "2...

    Hello! This is the first time my statdew valley have crashed. A friend just downloaded stardew valley earlier on her pc and i invited her to join on our farm that was already created weeks ago. When she tries to join, my app crashes. I tried playing the same farm on my own but it never crashed...
  6. onidor

    Windows Game crash sometimes

    When I want to go to a different area than my friend's farm the game shuts down. I bought the game on steam not long ago and I have this problem all the time. We tried to fix it somehow and because of this I can't return the game anymore for too long gameplay. If there is no solution to this...
  7. DromeyDungeons

    Windows Multiplayer Disconnection Issues: Related to complexity and game length?

    Hi, I have been hosting a multiplayer game since November 4, 2022 with my partner (lives in the same house, uses the same internet) and my friend who lives in the States (I live in Canada). Over the past several months we've had recurring disconnection issues where both my partner and friend...
  8. Morbid

    ISSUE: Trying to play a modded game with my SO but they get stuck on the loading screen

    I've been trying to play a modded multiplayer game with my SO but unfortunately they always get stuck on the loading screen and a bunch of errors pop up. We both have the exact same mods and config settings so I'm not sure whats up. If anyone can help or look at the logs to see if a specific mod...
  9. Windows [HELP] Not able to create a new player multiplayer

    Hello, while trying to join a friend in a multiplayer save they've had for a little while now (Year 3 Spring) I'm not able to create a character and press okay despite having an empty cabin. I can customize the appearance as normal and fill out the favorite thing, but im not able to press okay...
  10. Windows [HELP] multiplayer issue

    Recently, my friend cannot connect to my server, pauses for a long time on the loading screen and then gets the error that the server has disconnected, but when I try to log in to her server, I can log in. We didnt have such a problem before, what should I do?
  11. haleyes98

    Issue SMAPI reports game, not mod, error--random crashing during multiplayer. Not sure what to do to fix it! Please help!

    Hi all! My partner (guest playing on a Mac) and I (host playing on Windows) have been struggling with Stardew crashing on his end randomly during multiplayer gameplay. I have no issues on my end. we're not sure what's triggering it. Here's his SMAPI log...
  12. Switch [HELP] Game keeps shutting down

    Every time we try playing multiplayer the game kicks one of us out. Is this common?