
  1. Issue PLSHELP

    Hello Stardew valley friends! trying to figure out how to answer this question as it has been confusing, I did it once before but that was a very long time ago and I just need a straight forward answer please! here is the question I'm needing help with it shows up on the terminal- Type the...
  2. Issue DGA mods freezing my game?

    Hello! I recently picked up sdv again and completely redid all of the modding. Fully uninstalled, deleted, started from scratch. I installed Dynamic Game Assets which I'd never used before, and installed several DGA-reliant mods for furniture. One of which was a fairy pond mod. I placed a pond...
  3. Issue Smapi on MacOs can't find executable after installing

    Good day This is a two part question and I'm calling for anyone with Mac experience to aide me here as this process has become incredibly frustrating. Question 1: As far as installation of the game itself goes, I downloaded a .zip file, unzipped and installed the .pkg file, set the...
  4. Issue Slime hutch walls and floor are green from the inside

    Hi all, I am unsure whether this issue is mod related, but my slime hutch building is green from the inside. The slimes also seem to escape from their pen, despite the fencing. I've tried multiple layouts, but none seem to work out. I run the game modded, though none of them should affect the...
  5. Issue Game crashing

    Hi, When I start the game it says "an incorrectly packaged content was not loaded to prevent the game from crashing, check it from smapi screen" after that my game crashes after a few minutes. I even re-installed the mods but it still crashes. Here is my log...
  6. Issue Modded Stardew crashes upon both New Game and Load Game.

    Hi, I had a heavily modded save that I dropped for a month, because of personal reasons. When I came back to it and updated the mods on my Vortex account, the game launched normally, but when loading up the save, it crashed back to the title screen, I attempted going to my save back-ups and both...
  7. An error occurred in the base update loop

    Hi! I'm in a multiplayer save with 3 other people and once in a while we get a giant error with smapi when we leave our houses barring us from moving. It says NPC map locations, but idk if its fixable or if we have to dump it Here's the log
  8. PistonRat

    Issues with friend being unable to join me in multiplayer

    This is mine This is his We were playing just fine, suddenly he's having errors and is permanently loading before he can join. I just wanted to play some Stardew D:
  9. Black screen when entering community center

    Hello! I recently installed a bunch of PPJA mods like Artisan Valley, Mizu's Flowers, etc., and today when I was playing and tried entering the community center I was met with a black screen. I could still see the cursor, but couldn't pause the menu or do anything but fully close out of the...
  10. Issue Blackscreen on new day load smapi stuck on Json assets building map to resolve normal objects.

    My girlfriend and I have a modded world we have been playing on for our first playthrough and have just ran into an issue almost on year 3. It started when we went to sleep and in the morning her character was able to move and go about her day but my game was frozen and stayed that way for a few...
  11. Modded Farm Dragon Cove Farm Progress (Modded + Custom Map Beach Farm)

    I thought I'd make a little thread to track the progress of my farm, it's become a special farm to me and although its not much yet I thought it would be nice to share and look back on. Early Spring Year 1 ~ the empty farm Late Spring Year 1 ~ had mostly focused on mines to prep for...
  12. Windows Game refusing to open my save file

    I've been attempting for over 4 hours now to fix whatever issue is going on with this. I always have a million issues playing this on my ancient computer with or without mods. Ive ran the error log through smapi to see if I could figure out what the issue is this time. Essentially I'll open the...
  13. Issue Game crashes when I hover the mouse cursor on an NPC

    After talking to an NPC (the cursor still works fine until then), when there's no interaction left with said NPC, the cursor goes invisible whenever it goes near the NPC and will freeze and crash if I don't move it away fast enough. Here's my log...
  14. TreakleFurs

    Issue SMAPI Crashing Co-op - Please Help!

    Please Help!! I've been playing co-op with my partner for 60+ hours heavily modded but recently the game crashes whenever we go to sleep. It boots me from the game and once that happens my partner can continue playing as normal without me. (I have to reload my game but once I'm disconnected...
  15. SDV_Kitty

    Solved SDV Vanilla giving error

    Hello! I am having a problem with my game. I have been recently updating mods for my game and now the game won't save when going to bed. I ran the log parser and it seems though as the issue lies in the Vanilla not in the mods. SDV game (Vanilla) crashes without running it through SMAPI once I...
  16. Issue Ridgeside Village Mobile

    Hey guys, I've recently modded stardew with Ridgeside and I'm having a couple of issues, I'm playing on Android and I've got access to ridgeside however it looks totally different then the Wiki and I cannot access the quest board, which to my knowledge there should be one of either side of the...
  17. Meadowlark

    Interior Slime Hutch Design

    Despite its bad reputation, I decided to get a slime hutch on my farm, and I decorated it. I thought it looked nice so I wanted to share it on here. Sorry about the slimes not being very photogenic, they're probably camera-shy. Mods used: Gray Stone Slime Hutch, That One Tile in the Slime Hutch...
  18. Chetjie

    Issue Stardew Expanded glitch when entering Secret Woods

    Hi, so I've recently added the Stardew Expanded mod to Stardew Valley, and when I try entering the Secret Woods (using the chair hack), the screen just freezes on a part of the woods. I can't see my character, or move the screen, but the game goes on with time running and blobs moving, etc. I've...
  19. Mr_Jakob99

    Issue Game crashes shortly after startup after updating mods

    Hello everyone, so I haven't been playing for like 3-4 month now and wanted to start again. So I updated round about 100 mods and started the game. The console opens for about 15 seconds, some stuff gets logged, and then it just simply disappears. I realized that the new SMAPI version won't...
  20. Solved [Solved] Craft Master achievement not working

    I figured it out, it was the damn gold and iron bars. I thought I had made them but it turns out I didn't. Hi! I am trying to get every achievement and for some reason, I can't seem to get the craft master one. I have triple-checked the wiki and I think I have everything but It just doesn't...