
  1. dorkydoodlebug

    Android HELP PLS

    i just got my first stardrop and completely forgot that i had set my "favorite thing" to be my partner's name (at the time) and i was wondering if there was any way to change your favorite thing on mobile? id just hate to see his name every time i got a stardrop, considering its supposed to be...
  2. Blu3b3rry

    What is this?? iOS

    I saw it a while ago but stopped playing now I’m back and still confused
  3. Colonel_C45

    iOS [HELP] Multiplayer

    Howdy. First time speaking on a forum so forgive me for any wrong formats. I was wondering if there was any form of Multiplayer for IOS users, I hadn’t been able to find an option like my cousin and some friends had told me. If there is no multiplayer is there a possibility for future...
  4. iOS [HELP!] Defense 0 attack 0 [MAJOR BUG]

    whenever i attack with my sword it does 27 or even less damage while it is supposed to do like 63-71 damage and that is because of my 2 damage boost rings without those it does 6 damage or less. ( it is the best sword called star sword or something, the one you get by using the prismatic shard...
  5. PC Help

    I moved my save file from pc to mobile and now it says files mismatched and now i lost my save file for mobile and I need to get it back so I can play my pc file on my phone I updated my phones stardew valley
  6. iOS Rarecrows Missing From Night Market//museum rewards

    I need to get rarecrow #7, which you get by donating 20 artifacts to the museum. I don’t have it, and I’ve fully completed the museum. I’m not sure if I sold it/got rid of it or if that was bugged. Either way, since I got 20 artifacts and got all my rewards from the museum, I should be able to...
  7. Solved [BUG] Music not working

    I opened the game just to encounter that the music is not working. I unistalled and installed it again and it doesn't work. I don't know what triggers the bug, but in this link https://youtu.be/tRXFobeWNxM there Is a video I recorded about an example of the bug. This happens in the latest...
  8. Android Android /mobile

    Venho aqui expressar o meu descontentamento com a versão mobile, para ser mais objetivo estou insatisfeito com o controlador, a versão mobile o controle é muito ruim, difícil de usar e doente de jogar, você poderia criar o movimento por joystick + ataque automático , ajudaria muito, .... outro...
  9. Android [HELP] Is It Possible to transfer a save file from mobile to pc

    I started my game on mobile. I want to play my game on mobile on my pc but I can not figure out how. Help please
  10. Gamma Lead

    iOS [BUG] Fish Reeling Sound

    When reeling in a fish, if an alarm starts and gets dismissed (slide up and off the screen), the reeling sound continues until the save is quit until the title screen, then reloaded. Reeling sound runs in duplicate when fishing again after the bug (2x reeling sounds play, not synced). Persists...
  11. Bennettsville

    Android [HELP/BUG?] Music isn't working! (Pixel 4XL)

    I recently upgraded from a Pixel 2XL to a brand new Pixel 4XL. The bgm isn't working on the new phone. No load screen or intro music, jukebox doesn't work, no cutscene music, and volume control does nothing to fix it. All other sounds are working fine. I tried starting a new file thinking it...
  12. iOS [HELP] Lost all my fighting mojo

    Level 10 combat Great sword All of a sudden my ability to inflict damage has dropped by 90%. help! Super sad!
  13. Journi

    Solved [HELP] Purchased Game.

    So on my old phone I have purchased SDV, and today I got a new phone today, and I have the same email that purchased the app, and its saying that I have to purchase it again. :( I did everything, update google play and the services, restarting app. I do't know what to do. I need my game...