
  1. Frigolit

    Windows [BUG] Baby slime spawned outside (infested) floor in the mines

    I was killing a couple of slimes that were mating on an infested floor in the mines. Attacking them caused them to get pushed into a corner, and right before they died they had a baby which spawned outside the map, preventing it from being killed and clearing the floor. Version is 1.5.6 hotfix...
  2. Windows [help] game crashes in skull cavern/mines

    Hi! Has anyone experience the game crashing when they're in the skull cavern or mines? I'm playing on PC, with the latest version (1.5.6). I saw on some threads that a ring may cause the crashing. So I tried going to the skull cavern/mines without anything (clothes/rings/shoes/inventory) and it...
  3. Windows BUG // Treasure Chest finds in mines delete same backpack-objects

    Hello everyone, I think I have a bug and come across this multiple times in my non-modded, current-updated game (Steam, current Windows). I play single player. The situation: When I come across a treasure floor in the mines and open the treasure chest, I receive a number of a specific item...
  4. Magically Clueless

    Art [mid/late game spoilers] i wanna live in the mines

    so, i experienced the hardmode mines for the first time yesterday and i was just in absolute awe at floors 40-70, i wanted to live there!! i wanted to be there forever!!! the colors are gorgeous and the mushrooms were so cute and the monsters were so interesting!!! so i drew it....
  5. Windows [BUG] Stuck on ladder

    I was able to be stuck on a ladder while moving forward and hitting a stone. I was not able to get away from the ladder tile. The issue was discovered in the mines. Would be cool if there would be collision detection. Cheers Xy
  6. Solved [HELP] I opened the last chest in the mines with a full inventory, and the item disappeared

    I reached level 120 of the regular mines, and not realizing I had a full inventory, I opened the chest and got the key to the skull mines along with the quest to find out what it does. But when I looked in my inventory it was not there, the chest was gone, and the key was not on the floor or...
  7. Laissez_Faire_Farming

    Give Us Some Background Stories for Quarry Mines and Mines

    Would you please update additional information on the origin of the Quarry Mines and the Mines? Why? I am sure people like me are interested in skeletons lying on the ground. – there are also some corpses and mummies. I suggest writing a short background story of Quarry Mine and the Mine...
  8. CJSkully

    Switch [BUG] Mines won't go back to normal (1.5)

    Hey guys, Thought I'd bring this up here as I've seen it's been a recent problem for a bunch of people, I've been playing a multiplayer farm and we just switched the mines to hard mode, then got the qi challenge for LVL 100 skull caverns (other people say doing this while the mines are on hard...
  9. Switch [BUG] No monsters in mines

    I’m on the Switch and Monsters aren’t spawning in the mines. I’m in winter year 5. Over multiple play sessions no monsters appear in the mines 90% of the time with the exception of iridium levels. Exiting and re-entering the mines doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t seem to correlate with any...
  10. heytheresunshine

    Solved [BUG] Mines Floor 44 Spawns as Stone Biome

    As you can see, I'm in the mines on floor 44 (mountain mines, to be clear). Normally this would be an ice floor, and the previous three floors were ice. But I went down the ladder on floor 43 and ended up in this floor that was empty except a couple of barrels, and obviously no ladder.
  11. Forte2718

    PC [BUG] Copper and iron ore veins require 2 strikes with iridium pickaxe in Shrine of Challenge mines

    Hello, I've encontered the following bug in the mines after activating the Shrine of Challenge or accepting the "Danger In The Deep" question from Mr. Qi's Walnut Room: copper and iron ore veins require 2 strikes to break with the iridium pickaxe, when normally they only require 1 strike to...
  12. Forte2718

    PC [BUG] Mine floors 40-80 may not spawn an exit ladder after activating Shrine of Challenge

    Hello, I've encountered an occasional bug on floors 40-80 of the mines' alternate version after activating the Shrine of Challenge or accepting the "Danger In The Deep" quest from Mr. Qi's Walnut Room: sometimes, forested mine floors do not spawn an exit ladder even after breaking all rocks...
  13. PC [BUG] Mine glitch

    Having played Stardew many times, in my most recent game I was given the chance to make the mines harder which I did. I then tried to turn them back to normal and despite it saying the mines should have returned to the way they were they haven't. Any thoughts on how to get the mines to return to...
  14. Solved [BUG] Mine and Quarry mine floors glitch

    Hi, I'm on the mac version through steam, if that makes a difference (game fully up-to-date, single player, english language). Since unlocking the quarry, every few floors of the normal mine will flip to the quarry mine. I.e., I'll be in the normal mine, say I'm on floor 72, when I click on...
  15. PC [BUG] mining, no stairs on level 41?

    -I haven't seen this one so hopefully this isn't a duplicate. came across an odd issue in the revamped mines from 1.5 on PC. I am in year 10 winter, day 17 I think or around that day. The bug happened on Level 41 while attempting the quest to get to level 120. I killed everything on the floor...
  16. DZK312

    PC [BUG] Advanced Mines Glitch

    I've been playing a (lightly modded) multiplayer game with some friends and we've ran into some issues with the advanced mines being stuck. We've done a number of Qi's quests in both the mines and skull cavern, and after a couple attempts, they got stuck. We completed 1 Advanced Mines reset...
  17. PC [HELP] Mines frozen on multiplayer

    After leaving and re-entering the mines through the elevator, occasionally everything will be frozen in place and weapon and tool hit boxes stay floating in the air after swinging. Enemies can be killed but don't disappear and items can't be picked up. Leaving the mines and waiting a bit usually...
  18. PC [BUG] Mines/Skull Cavern stuck after Danger in the Deep/Skull Cavern Invasion Quest

    After my friends and I had accepted, then promptly failed the Danger in the Deep and Skull Cavern Invasion Quests, they had not turned back to their normal variants. We had tried to use the altar on floor 120 for the mines and it had not worked after multiple attempts to turn it off and on and...
  19. PC [BUG] Crashing in the hard mode mines

    Hello! I keep crashing in the hard mode mines (single player), it seems to be happening after attacking enemies. The game freezes for a second and then closes. The crash seems to occur around the same in-game time, each time. I have the Qi beans challenge active, and have not encountered the...
  20. PC [BUG] My game freezes when I (farmhand) or host go down a level in mines

    We started a new farm on the forest map and everything runs smoothly until I or they (the host) go down a level in the mines. My game instantly freezes and I cannot do anything except restart. It happens even if I'm not in the mines myself. We've tried playing with invite code or LAN but both...