mac os

  1. Mac [Challenge bait] Fish will disappear if inventory full

    Was fishing using challenge bait on Ginger Island west (ocean, south of the farm). Caught what would have been 2 Tuna but my inventory was full. Rather than the usual chest pop-up appearing, the fish disappeared. The treasure chest I got DID provoke the usual chest pop-up, but the fish never...
  2. Solved Game Not opening on MacBook Air from GOG galaxy game [Mac]

    Hello, Im having this problem with the game having an error for opening on my MacBook Air M2 where it says the game quit unexpectedly. I purchased the game from Stream first but it wouldn't open so I purchased it from GOG galaxy instead but the same thing is happening and I don't now what to...
  3. Issue smapi says 7 mods warnings on my mac, how to fix it?

    hiii, i'm new to the community and i really want to try some mods so i downloaded it on my mac but when i try to open stardew valley, the game opened but the mods aren't showing.. and the terminal shows something like this. how can i fix it??? T___T
  4. Mac [HELP] fps suddenly dropping game-wreckingly low

    I'm running MacOS Monterey 12.4 and the 64bit version of SV through steam. My partner and I have been playing multiplayer for a good while now, and before the weekend we had a good playing session with no problems. This Monday when I opened the game it was stuttering like all hell, and from...
  5. Mac [HELP] I can't play stardewvalley on My mac book

    I haven't played the game for a while and recently started again. When I opened the game, a file icon appeared on the MacBook (not the usual chicken icon) and it just kept loading. I had to force quit. So I also try to erase the smapi. I tried deleting the mod, but nothing worked. I formatted...
  6. Issue Trouble with operating SAMPI (Mac)

    Hi all! I'm having a lot of trouble making SAMPI (and by proxy, the rest of my mods work). I've been playing Stardew for three years, and this is the first time this has ever happened. I'm playing on a mac. Every time I open the page that usually downloads SAMPI, I get a code in terminal that...
  7. PC HELP Game random crashing when playing Co-op mode:Mac air m1

    Mac m1:It usually crashing when I play co-op mode with my Windows friends.Can someone know how to fix this problem. Thanks!
  8. PC [BUG] Seagull ripple bridge error

    If seagulls sit on the beach river, they have ripples under them. If you build the bridge and a seagull from when it was still water is sitting there, it'll still have ripples under it, despite being on the bridge.
  9. BooJoy

    PC [MAC] [BUG] Multiplayer not working on MAC after updating steam client update, June 7

    After Updating Steam Client Update, June 7 Unable to join/invite fellow friends.. tried all the fixes.. Invite code button also not showing up.. NOTE: Please Add Prefix[platform] section for MAC too ... THANKS 🙂
  10. iOS [HELP] Mac Catalina Error w/ Smapi

    Please help. I am so frustrated. I update my Mac yesterday to Catalina. I have Smapi. This game has ALWAYS worked fine with me. I go to pull up my lovely game last night, and it just flat out wouldn't load. So my brain thinks, okay. Maybe it's a Smapi issue. I go to reinstall Smapi. Get this...
  11. PC [BUG / HELP] Cursor freezes in some selection screens

    Howdy, I'm new here! And I need some help with what looks like a bug. About a week ago, I started playing on my computer instead of my phone. A problem I've noticed is that the cursor will freeze in certain selection scenes. Whenever I (A) visit the museum and attempt to donate an item to the...
  12. PC [BUG] Right click/x action oftentimes does not work, changing the key binding does not help either

    I just bought Stardew Valley to play with my partner who is a longtime fan. Within my first few minutes of playing my right click/x action has been acting up, and it has made playing a single in-game day impossible. When I start the game my right click/x action is fine but usually later in the...
  13. Issue Can't select items to donate to museum - Mac

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had this problem. I have the latest version of Stardew Valley on my Macbook via Steam. When I want to donate an item to the museum I can't click on the item or select it with my keyboard arrows. It's almost like the mouse goes a bit crazy and I can't move...
  14. PC [HELP] 1.5 Bug on Macbook Pro - Unplugging device crashes game

    Happens on both Catalina and Big Sur. Playing with DS4 controller, it will crash if you unplug it. This happens anywhere in the game.
  15. Issue [BUG] Horse needs to be renamed every morning (MacOS)

    Hey all, I did a lot of Googling on this but can't find sufficient information for Mac. There's been some suggestions of editing the save file but in the xml itself I can only find <horseName /> without really any indication anywhere that I won't break my game or just render whatever edit I make...