
  1. Switch Lagging related to multiple pets

    I did a little testing after experience lag every few seconds while on my farm. The lag only occurs while on my farm and only when multiple pets are present. When my pets go into my home at night, the lag then occurs inside of my home.
  2. Switch 1.6.9 Lagging on Switch

    Hey, I’ve noticed some lagging with 1.6 on switch since the update. This mostly happens when walking around but it’s also happens during the fishing mini game and freezes the green bar. I play single player in English. Started a new save on the forest farm.
  3. Switch 1.6 Stuttering issue

    so whenever i first loaded up my save file after the update i went and put a hat on my cat. after i did that, i would walk around or ride my horse and every few seconds the game would freeze up and then id be a few steps ahead of where i previously was. it would do this over and over and over...
  4. AmphibiaRefrenceHere

    PC Multiplayer Delay

    Hi, I've started playing co op stardew with a friend yesterday, it's fun, but I have a few issues. For starters, I play modded, they play vanilla, I removed all my mods besides from tractor mod, cjb cheats, and one mod that replaces the fishing tackle sound with "you know what that means...
  5. Issue mods causing lag

    hi! i got a new laptop today and was trying to launch stardew 1.6 (64bit) with mods. im usually a console player so i have no experience in modding, but i had a friend help me and was successfully able to get about 12 mods before starting my new town, including content patcher. i started my...
  6. ForeverZella

    Issue Need Help With Stuttering and Crashes

    Hello, I'm not necessarily new to modding but I've never been one to mess with or really even understand code without a lot of explanation, so I'm more than a bit lost with what's currently happening with my game. I already had what my friends and husband say is a hefty mod loadout, but I wanted...
  7. Linux Huge lag spikes on specific save

    For a few days I've been experiencing major consistent lag spikes that make the game unplayable on my steam deck. My other computer has no problems its also running Linux. It seems to be a problem specific to this save as there are no FPS problems on other saves. This save is also fairly recent...
  8. Windows [Help] Co-op lag but only the host.

    Me and my friends are playing Co-op, and I am the host. I will suffer some lag in random situation. Mostly happened when I move to another map. But all my friends are fine at all. And the lag/problem is: when I moving or doing anything, my game will stopped for a little while, I can’t do...
  9. Issue [HELP] My game stutters when I'm in my Farmhouse, specifically at every 10 minute in-game increment

    (I'm unsure if this is a mod issue or an actual game issue) This stuttering has been happening for a while now, and it's one of those things that's just noticeable enough to be an issue. I thought maybe it was the custom farmhouse layout mod I was using, but I got rid of it and it only made the...
  10. Mac (1.6.3 ) My game is stuttering after patch

    I have 1,600+ hours in this game and have never had this problem before. (My current game is unmodded) I was in the first year of my game when I updated to 1.6 and it worked perfectly fine there were no problems at all. But after the 1.6.3 patch, my game started stuttering. It wasn't too bad at...
  11. Windows [1.6.3.]Game stutters after latest pacth

    When Stardew received that 1.6.3 hotfix game started having microstutters. When you move sometimes you kinda teleport a little bit. Before the patch it was working flawlessly. Happens with and without mods, both in coop and singleplayer. Any suggestions?
  12. Windows Stardew plays normally then crashes and lags

    I start playing normally after a few minutes, it starts to freeze and lag, I've played without mods, but the same thing happens, I don't know what to do anymore, the game runs fine on my laptop and then this happens I really need help to solve this problem I really like Stardew Valley
  13. Magically Clueless


    PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES IN YOUR GAME HERE! Please be aware that spoilers ARE allowed in this thread! A template you can follow: explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); full error text (if any); what OS you are using; in-game language; single-player or...
  14. Windows Multiple daily disconnects / extreme lag in online Co-op

    Our party of 3 has experienced many disconnects and extreme lag in our co-op farm. The host doesn't ever disconnect, only the two of us that were invited to the farm. We are playing an unmodded game. We are all playing on the most recent Steam version of the game on Windows machines. We're...
  15. Android Game Crashing Out of Nothing

    I'm in version and my game crashes out of nowhere, I don't know what it can be, usually it's when I'm in the mine, or when I enter some place, the game starts to give slight crashes until it comes out completely, sometimes it also happens when I do manual backup, my entire progress is...
  16. Windows Stardew Valley Multiplayer Disconnection Issues

    hiyaa, so i've been experiencing this issue on steam multiplayer where my friend would start to lag, and then suddenly randomly disconnect from the game in the middle of the day only to rejoin and respawn in the bed they woke up. On their screen, they would just randomly stop being able to...
  17. Mac Multiplayer Lag and Crash

    My girlfriend and I have been playing non-modded multiplayer, and she constantly runs into lagging and crashing issues. She plays on a Mac and I am hosting the farm on a Windows PC and this issue has caused multiplayer to be near unplayable on her end.
  18. Windows Crashing and lag/de-sync during multi-player on steam

    Title says it all. It hasnt always been this way but around a year or so ago an update completely broke the game for my sister and I. Its literally unplayable for us in multiplayer now. Ive seen others with this issue and its never addressed and each patch... never fixed.
  19. SMAPI Running Slow Causing Game Lag

    hello, I've been having a lot of lag recently in game...I have quite a few mods, but I looked up someone else's issues with this, and it may be due to mods not loading/outdated? So, I copied my log....If anyone can help; I'm racking my brain currently trying to figure out why some of them say...
  20. iOS Adopting cat, lag and effect sound(s) muted

    (Pardon for grammar mistakes, English is not my mother tongue) Device: iPad Pro / mobile version iOS Game version: In-game language: English Single player Issue #1 Adopting cat Whenever I just started the day or it’s late at night; it doesn’t matter what time it is in the game, when I...