journal scraps

  1. TastyFish

    Windows Journal Scraps Bug (Solution)

    I've been struggling with not being able to find Journal Scrap #10 or #11 and it seems to be an issue a few other people are struggling with, but there didn't seem to be a certain fix beyond reloading the game, which did not work for me on PC. I'd tried carpet bombing the caves, fishing in the...
  2. Windows Journal scrap 10 not working

    I've hoed the ground around the journal scrap 10 area many times and haven't received anything, I have the scrap but the loot isn't spawning, is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm a completionist and want all the walnuts.
  3. Switch No journal scraps at all

    I have already been searching for a solution to this and have tried all the recommended fixes but nothing is working. I have finished the volcano multiple times, have most of the walnuts, I have been playing the game for years (real life time) on switch and have never had this issue in a save. I...
  4. Cant find and see Journal scraps

    I dont see journal scraps on ginger island i tried everything to find them. But i cant see and find one of them. Please help for to fix this bug.
  5. PS4 [BUG] No journal scraps on Ginger Island

    Just started playing the game in January and I love it! Only problem is that I made a new beach farm and journal scraps won't appear. I haven't opened Mr. Qi's Walnut Room yet (I'm 73/100). I didn't have this issue on either of my 2 other farms, as they started dropping quickly when clearing the...
  6. Xbox [BUG] journal scrap bug -- not dropping

    I'm playing on Xbox and am on the most recent version of the game. I've only been able to find journal scraps on Ginger Island on one save file. All subsequent game files have failed to produce journal scraps; two of my save files have found all the golden walnuts minus the three that the...
  7. lingogo

    PC [HELP] [Steam ver.] Journal scraps bug???

    I'm playing with my sister in multiplayer mode. My sis found all the journal scraps first while I'm still missing 4. We've found all the golden walnuts and unlocked everything in Ginger Island forged and enchanted my weapon and tools. Done a few Mr's Qi quest. Leo had moved to Pelican Town as...
  8. Solved [BUG] Journal scraps bug?

    Hi! I have had the island for a little bit, I’ve unlocked every area except for Mr. Qi’s place, I’ve done Birdie’s quest, I’ve gotten through the volcano multiple times, and I’ve yet to find a single journal scrap. On my other save file on the switch, I got a journal scrap on my first day on...
  9. PS4 Possibly Bug Journal Scraps

    Anyone able to help me out? I think I might of bugged my game, when the expansion came out I didn't know you had to read the journal scraps and I stored all the ones I could find, getting up to 20 of each of the first four scraps. But once I noticed u had to read them I started to spam read all...
  10. Switch [129/130] Golden Walnut Bug?

    I'm stuck with 129/130 golden walnuts according to Qi's tracker. The parrot says "hidden in the pages of the journal," but I've checked and double checked Journal Scrap #3, #4, #6, #9, and #10 and found nothing. Are there any other walnuts hidden in the journal? I worried that this is a bug that...
  11. Solved [BUG] Missing Journal Scrap #10 - SOLVED

    UPDATE: It was in a dirt spot - using the hoe tool or bombs. For whatever reason the loot was locked until I received the scrap, but I have it now. 🙂 I've played through a full year with the new update [my farm isn't a new save; I'm somewhere past year 10] and can not find scrap #10. I have...