
  1. Is there any tips for a newcomer?

    hiii i'm new to the community and really wondering is there any tips & tricks for me to get gold faster or easier? or perhaps any other tips to maximize my experience playing the game for the first time??? thank you in advance <3
  2. Windows can't enter my coop

    hi! i'm in summer, year 2 so i've been playing for a while and this is the first time i'm having this problem. i can actually enter the coop (i've had it for some time too) but once i've entered it i can't do anything else, because even if i try to walk i stay in place. i waited for it to be...
  3. Issue PLSHELP

    Hello Stardew valley friends! trying to figure out how to answer this question as it has been confusing, I did it once before but that was a very long time ago and I just need a straight forward answer please! here is the question I'm needing help with it shows up on the terminal- Type the...
  4. Windows Game keeps crashing when I open a specific save

    Today I download the 1.6.2 patch but my game bugged and first my file didn't appear.Then after moving some files manage to make de save appear in the game, but when I click on that save It crashes the game. It shows an errorlog, I will attach the file . I have like 89 hours there and I played...
  5. Switch 1.6 update assistance inquiry

    Hello! I play on switch and I still have yet to receive the download for the new update still, it’s march 21 lol. I have the space/storage and I don’t know what to do, I’ve had a few people tell me to delete the software but I’ve never done that before and idk if really should because I’m scared...
  6. Windows Broken save file

    this was my first save file... i opened it after a long time, it said loading... in the corner, and then it crashed :( can someone help?
  7. Lalapoo!?

    How do I sythesize a mod?

    Platform: Windows 11 Game vers: 1.5 Expected results: To open the zipped file and see a folder of the mod Actual results: When I opened the zipped file it only showed a chinese note The problem is that when I opened the zipped file it only shows the image and a note in chinese saying "...
  8. Sleeping crashes the game

    Greetings, whenever I return from Skull Cavern late at night and go to sleep, a never-ending black screen greets me. The SMAPI log repeats a message continuously until I alt+f4 the game. I play on Windows and here's the log: The 3...
  9. rageleader

    Mods no longer working.

    Hello! Many of my mods no longer are working. Alot of the mods were not working before I made any attempt to fix anything. My only fix attempt was to update two mods that SMAPI was telling me I needed to update but now those are seemingly not working either...
  10. Issue Can't proceed to next day.

    Hey so basically what is happening is whenever I go to sleep in game my screen goes black and I continue to hear the sounds from inside my house but the day does not move on to the next one or save. I have not really changed my mods for the past year of in-game time, besides recently when a...
  11. Windows "This character belongs to another player"

    (Playing through Xbox App on Windows) Hey, I recently got hacked and my Stardew Valley game got transferred to my new Microsoft account. However, we have been playing multiplayer on my bf's computer and now I can't join as my original character. Is there a way I can still play as my original...
  12. Windows Game Crashes Randomly

    I love to play this game once in awhile, but it always crash randomly, I could be doing anything like mining fishing or just standing still and it would crash, it can go for multiple days without crashing or in the same day. I've checked the log in %appdata%\StardewValley\ErrorLogs but I can't...
  13. HELP | FPS Drop :/

    I want to apologize in advance for my English, I don't understand it well and I use a translator. I've been playing Stardew Valey with mods (SMAPI) for some time now. Everything was fine, the game ran normally, but suddenly at some point the fps started to drop. After that, downgrades of up to...
  14. Windows FPS Drop (HELP) 🚨

    (Read everything please) I want to apologize in advance for my English, I don't understand it well and I use a translator. I've been playing Stardew Valey with mods (SMAPI) for some time now. Everything was fine, the game ran normally, but suddenly at some point the fps started to drop. After...
  15. stardrop not detecting SMAPI

    I'm trying to use stardrop as a mod manager as idk how to really mod or manage mods myself or really even HOW to mod, this is my first time even trying, I've been following this video but when I go and click "File" at the top, and add a zip...
  16. yummi


    Got a quick question? How can I make my clothes or dye them in sdv? Do I need specific items? Or do I have to unlock something?
  17. [HELP] Ok so i downloaded stardew valley on mobile but it keeps closing if i uninstall it do i gotta pay again?

    As the title says i downloaded it and payed $5 for it and it keeps closing so i cant play it, If i uninstall it and try to reinstall it will i have to pay again? I need to know before i try. (This is my first post on this website so if i made a mistake sorry)
  18. yummi


    So I've been playing stardew valley for 2 days and I recently discovered the Spa? But there's nothing special about it? So what's the purpose of it? And there's this book either the tree symbol on it [idk the name of it sorry] do I first have to get all items if every season? I okay on switch...
  19. yummi

    Help a new player?

    Hello♡ I'm new into stardew Valley (started 2 days ago) there's A LOT I can do so can y'all give me some tips or basic things I could start with? And which bachelor would be the best to marry? I like Alex, couldn't find much things about him tbh ☆