help & bug reports (non-modded)

  1. Jade.x0

    Xbox 300+ hours no Auto petter?

    So I’m closer to 400 hours now that I look I’ve never gotten an auto petter, done each Qi mine quest hand full of times, check fortune and cook extra lucky recipes before mining. I got to the point I checked if it was a mod a dozen times cause I honestly thought it must since I’ve never gotten...
  2. Windows Game won't launch (first install)

    TL;DR - something wrong with graphics maybe xna idk Bought the game on Steam last night and am having the issue where when you try to run it, Steam shows running, nothing happens, and then it crashes. Takes maybe 15 seconds. I've followed all sorts of threads and fixes to no avail. Certain...
  3. Windows Game crashes before save every night

    My game keeps crashing when I go to sleep before the save happens. I've uninstalled it through steam, deleted the game from my computer files then uninstalled it and nothing fixes it. The error log will be copied
  4. Switch unable to place items?

    omg can someone please help me lmao. i can’t do anything like put milk in the cheese presses, grapes in kegs, cheese in the cellar barrel things - like the items just remain in my inventory and don’t get placed/processed. it only went whack when i put a void egg in the incubator so idk what’s...
  5. Windows [HELP] Game Crashing Before Saving Each Night

    My game keeps crashing when I go to sleep before the save happens. I've uninstalled it through steam, deleted the game from my computer files then uninstalled it and nothing fixes it. The error log will be copied
  6. EbbZilla

    Windows Game is not loading!

    Hello, again! I posted this following thread in March: “Hello! I’ve seen this post a few times before regarding this “same” type of bug, so I apologize, but I just can’t seem to be able to fix my problem with those forums, YouTube videos, or anything, really. My game won’t launch when I...
  7. Solved Fishing bug

    So I don't know what's going on I've been playing for a few days and could fish just fine, was even fishing earlier today with out a problem. Then I started a new farm and any time I catch a fish I get to the mini game but when I press the button the bar doesn't move up at all and it shakes like...
  8. Android *[BUG] copper trashcan as a tool

    I'm playing the last version in android, when I upgraded my trashcan in my inventory appear a copper trashcan, like if it was an item, I can't put it on the ground but it has the animation of a tool like an axe or a picaxe, but doesn't do anything.
  9. KingSundew

    Windows Windows Screenshot not working

    I use Windows Key + Print Screen to take screenshots with Windows 10. However as of late it doesn't save what is on the screen but instead saves a screenshot of the starting screen. I am in-game and I'm hitting the screenshot keys, but it saves this instead. .
  10. Nortmar

    Windows XML whitespace between tags cause crash

    Hey. I've been working on a tool in the fashion of Stardew Checkup/Predictor where you have to work on top of a save file. Accidentally, I formatted my game save file XML content using VSCode, so instead of the minified versions, the tags were in different lines and with whitespace. Before...
  11. Windows my game crush,how to fix it

    Message: There is an error in XML document (1, 2097150). InnerException: System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 2097150). ---> System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 2097150. at...
  12. Windows [HELP] Connection Failed

    I am desperate at this point, I feel like I've tried all the fixes on the internet so here I am. I've been playing modded Stardew with some of my friends, but one day, multiplayer stopped connecting. We've tried it without the mods, and are still struggling, so it's not a mod issue. In...
  13. Windows Wrong Leo Dialogue!

    Hi! I am at 7 hearts with Leo and he has moved from Ginger Island to Pelican Town, but I still get Ginger Island dialogue with him. At first I thought it might just need few days, but he has been in Pelican Town for over a season and the problem has continued. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  14. Windows Game Freezing when i move mouse

    every time i try to move my mouse while playing, my frame rate drops sigificantly, i can move around and everything, but when i move my mouse its unplayable
  15. Android UI bug

    I already posted but I got no replies so here we go again i guess.. I already deleted and reinstalled but this is what happened. I don't know as to why it bugged out really. I suspect it's my own phone but I really don't know. The only thing that would somewhat help is if I use full screen...
  16. Xbox [HELP] Lost save file

    me and my boyfriend have been playing co-op for maybe a week together, and we got to winter of year 3 and even completed the town hall just today. but two days after we had finished the hall we decided to sleep and get off, when we slept we got connection errors and didn’t think anything of it...
  17. Jarorix123

    Solved Steam: Stardew Valley crashes on launch.

    Hi there, I bought Stardew Valley on steam wanting to play it on Mac but it keeps crashing on launch. Restarted my MacBook, reinstalled steam and the game. Nothing...Any tips? Thanks in advance, Jarorix
  18. Windows [HELP] Error in the screen

    Hi, i was playing SV in months and i come back, i can't start the game, i try every tutorial and nothing, the only form of playing is changed to the 32 bit system compatibility, but when i open it the right side of the game didn't work, i contact groups of SV, the support email and evrything...
  19. Windows [HELP] my game only runs in compatibility mode after it wouldn't launch

    hi, after i installed win10 on my computer stardew valley wouldn't launch trough steam, i tried everything that was on the steam discussions and the only thing that worked was to change it to compatibility mode. The problem's that i want to use mods but smapi doesn't run in compatibility mode...
  20. Windows Can't load into a new save file. (Please help!)

    I wanted to make a new save game ,but when the intro ended the game told me that "Your progress has been saved", and the screen turned into black. I waited 30 minutes and the screen still black. What should I do?