help & bug reports (non-modded)

  1. Solved Community Center Crashes

    I've had this issue since 1.5 launch, I play it in portuguese and single-player, I play in PC without MODS. This bug happens every time I enter in the community center, the screen goes black, and the game crashes, please help, I can't play my save since january 2021!! there is no error code, the...
  2. iOS my game is really bugged

    ipad pro i logged in the bed 1: the text of the speeches got really smaller 2: i cant do the 6 hearts event with sebastian, like it starts just fine but then when i have to choose it doesnt make me choose and it crashes 3: when i want to make an item it doesnt work, even tho i have all the...
  3. iOS iOS save gone after update

    I finally updated the game after a few months and all my hours of progress were lost. It’s really frustrating because I truly enjoy this game and I wanted to keep playing it. However I am not able to find any information that tells me how to retrieve my save file on my iPhone. When I went to...
  4. Android Can't get off of profession choice screen after sleeping!

    I went to sleep and got the fishing profession choice but it won't let me choose, when I exit out it restarts the day. I'm on an android, galaxy note 10 and I'm on v.1.5.6 build 36
  5. iOS Special orders

    When trying to complete the special order requests something goes wrong with the delivery bins . You can’t place the requested items in them it won’t let you . I’ve tried three different quests and it’s the same . The bins are the ones in the museum and Pierre’s and robins and Willy’s . I’m on...
  6. lolamoon_

    Windows (HELP) I can't open the game

    I won the game as a gift through steam, I downloaded the game but I can't open it. "Running" appears and right after it closes without even having opened the game, I use windows 7 and my steam account is Brazilian. Can anyone help me please? Does anyone know how to resolve? I'm a big fan of the...
  7. Windows help very difficult problem

    I recently installed Stardu, but I can’t play because after a while of playing the game, the fps drops to sluggish, even closing the game is difficult, I decided to transfer the game to my brother, everything is fine, my computer is completely suitable for the game
  8. iOS Unable to start game

    Purchased from App Store. After creating character when clicking the tick to begin game it’s not responsive. Every other thing moves around can be adjusted. Unable to find help. This isn’t working on iPad Air 4th Gen iOS 16 or iPhone 11 PM iOS 14 (still says it works on my phone).
  9. Windows [HELP] NO CONNECTION - Multiplayer

    Yeah so I wanted to play with my friend who has Stardew Valley and he had no connection while trying to log into my world. We tried reopening the game, going by invite code, going by "join to the game" reinstalling Visual C++ and disabling our antivirus and firewall. Now I too cannot connect to...
  10. Xbox Cross platform issues with items dissappearing!

    So grass does grow in winter if you plant starts in winter, but whenever I plant starts then play via cloud gaming on my PC when I return to my xbox all the game data has saved apart from the grass is immediately missing, I'd doesn't die it dissappears as when I play xbox only and don't play on...
  11. iOS Please read

    Good evening! Sorry for my bad English but I have a problem with Stardew Valley. I’ve been playing the game on my iPhone and 2 days now the game is stuck and I can't play. I have bought the game and I talked to apple about this issue but they didn't answer me. Yesterday, while I have saved...
  12. Mac Game restarts/crashes my Macbook Air

    Hi, I really need some help! The game will restart my Macbook Air without fail at some point (the screen says something like your computer restarted because of a problem) but when I try playing the file on my friend's PC, it works fine, it's just on my laptop. I have tried doing reinstalls...
  13. aki_aki

    Xbox Broken marriage lines?

    So I’ve been married to Sebastian for about a year in my current save file, but I haven’t ever seen one of his cute lines! Every single morning he repeats either “I’m going on a walk”, “I couldn’t sleep last night, so I made some coffee”, or “I took my bike out to Zuzu city.” Occasionally I see...
  14. Xbox Split screen co-op not working

    My fiancé and I were playing on the base Xbox one when we shut the console off for the night but forgot to exit out of stardew and the next time we played she was controlling both her character and mine switching characters every time she paused, we restarted the game but now I can’t join spit...
  15. Jade.x0

    Xbox 300+ hours no Auto petter?

    So I’m closer to 400 hours now that I look I’ve never gotten an auto petter, done each Qi mine quest hand full of times, check fortune and cook extra lucky recipes before mining. I got to the point I checked if it was a mod a dozen times cause I honestly thought it must since I’ve never gotten...
  16. Windows Game won't launch (first install)

    TL;DR - something wrong with graphics maybe xna idk Bought the game on Steam last night and am having the issue where when you try to run it, Steam shows running, nothing happens, and then it crashes. Takes maybe 15 seconds. I've followed all sorts of threads and fixes to no avail. Certain...
  17. Windows Game crashes before save every night

    My game keeps crashing when I go to sleep before the save happens. I've uninstalled it through steam, deleted the game from my computer files then uninstalled it and nothing fixes it. The error log will be copied
  18. Switch unable to place items?

    omg can someone please help me lmao. i can’t do anything like put milk in the cheese presses, grapes in kegs, cheese in the cellar barrel things - like the items just remain in my inventory and don’t get placed/processed. it only went whack when i put a void egg in the incubator so idk what’s...
  19. Windows [HELP] Game Crashing Before Saving Each Night

    My game keeps crashing when I go to sleep before the save happens. I've uninstalled it through steam, deleted the game from my computer files then uninstalled it and nothing fixes it. The error log will be copied
  20. EbbZilla

    Windows Game is not loading!

    Hello, again! I posted this following thread in March: “Hello! I’ve seen this post a few times before regarding this “same” type of bug, so I apologize, but I just can’t seem to be able to fix my problem with those forums, YouTube videos, or anything, really. My game won’t launch when I...