
  1. PC [BUG] Forging 2 rings

    Just attempted to put 2 rings into the forge, however didn't have enough cinder shards to complete the forge process, but it still consumed my second ring :(( It's no longer equipped or in inventory
  2. imnvs

    1.5 SPOILERS - Rings

    So, what ring combinations are people rocking? Before 1.5 I was going with 2 iridium bands. Now? I have an iridium band/burglar's ring and an iridium band/napalm ring. (Mining by exploding enemies is just the best, let me tell you.) I considered the vampire ring, but since I got a vampiric...
  3. PC [BUG] Player sprite freezes when you water the lava in the Forge in the Ginger Island

    The first time I encountered this bug, it was by accident. I accidentally watered the lava in the forge room when I was trying to get a golden walnut. My character automatically freezes and the energy bar rapidly drops to 0, but your character just stays there while frozen. You also can't access...