
  1. Switch [BUG] Infinity Gavel Enchantment Loop Help!

    Hi! I desperately need help to get out of an enchantment loop. I'm trying to get Artful on my infinity gavel, but it keeps rotating/is stuck in a loop of 3 enchantments: Crusader -> Vampiric -> Haymaker --> Crusader --> Repeat ad infinitum (apparently - only have enough shards for 10...
  2. jackharvest

    Solved [RESOLVED in 1.5.4] PC - Game Crashes When Interacting With Objects After Warping with Wand

    If you warp with the teleportation wand, and immediately engage with the forge (edit: Or other object, as seen below in examples), the dialogue will successfully come on the screen even though your character has already performed the warping animation, crashing the game. How to Replicate: I was...
  3. Solved [BUG/HELP] Item description for Combined Ring is incomplete

    Hi! Not sure if I simply messed up or if this is a bug, but I combined the Crabshell ring and the Immunity Band and the resulting Combined Ring only shows +5 defense stats (image attached.) I read in the Wiki that you cannot combine rings with the same stats, but I thought that this would be...
  4. PC [BUG] Forging 2 rings

    Just attempted to put 2 rings into the forge, however didn't have enough cinder shards to complete the forge process, but it still consumed my second ring :(( It's no longer equipped or in inventory
  5. imnvs

    1.5 SPOILERS - Rings

    So, what ring combinations are people rocking? Before 1.5 I was going with 2 iridium bands. Now? I have an iridium band/burglar's ring and an iridium band/napalm ring. (Mining by exploding enemies is just the best, let me tell you.) I considered the vampire ring, but since I got a vampiric...
  6. PC [BUG] Player sprite freezes when you water the lava in the Forge in the Ginger Island

    The first time I encountered this bug, it was by accident. I accidentally watered the lava in the forge room when I was trying to get a golden walnut. My character automatically freezes and the energy bar rapidly drops to 0, but your character just stays there while frozen. You also can't access...