Solved [BUG/HELP] Item description for Combined Ring is incomplete


Hi! Not sure if I simply messed up or if this is a bug, but I combined the Crabshell ring and the Immunity Band and the resulting Combined Ring only shows +5 defense stats (image attached.) I read in the Wiki that you cannot combine rings with the same stats, but I thought that this would be okay since the stats are defense and immunity. Is this user error or a bug? If it is a bug, is it simply visual (ring should still contain +5 defense and +4 immunity) or something else? Thanks so much!



Local Legend
Yeah, it's actually unsure if it is a display problem or a bug where you only get the defense and don't get the immunity. If you want both of those, and say, an iridium band/burglar's ring... you could instead go iridium/crabshell and burglar's/immunity, you know?


Staff member
This should be fixed as of 1.5.2! Please mention if it's still an issue for you after updating.