
  1. PC [BUG] No events occur in the mountains and display error message(Japanese language)

    On the 2nd of winter, when I went to the mountain, I got an error message. (Event script error:入力文字列の形式が正しくありません。がエラーになりました On line #0:spring_day_ambientがエラーになりました) An error was displayed both when going from the left and when going from the bottom. I was getting off my horse automatically, so...
  2. GaelicXolotl

    Kent and Harvey heart event

    Kent clearly has some untreated PTSD , if you get max hearts with Kent and Harvey you will be able to go to Harvey and for the right amount of money to cover the costs for Kent's therapy, over the next months (mabe a year, idk) you may see progress in Kent's mental health.
  3. plagueborn667

    Disable farm events option

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm a bit ocd with my crops, and I HATE it when the fairy shows up. I'd really like to be able to individually enable/disable all the nighttime farm events that could happen.
  4. Android [BUG] Mayor shorts/Wrong Person

    Greetings, like in tittle. I have problem with return mayor shorts after using them as Lau(Lua or how its called) soup ingredient event on beach. Ive tried talk to him with have shorts in inventory and tried give them as "present" or anything else. All the time getting popup "wrong person"...
  5. redbobcat

    iOS [BUG] Caroline sunroom event off center (and few more)

    *FIXED* A small bug. 2 hearts Caroline cutscene in a sunroom is off center - shifted to the bottom right to be precise. Although steam and sparkles from a teacup and a tiny cup are centered. You can see it on the attached screenshot. iPad Pro iPadOS 13.5.1 Game Ver
  6. Andre

    Cooking competition!

    Hello members of the board! My suggestion: a cooking competition event! Could be once every season. I mean, the pieces are almost all there already. So the specifics: 1) For each event, 3 judges are chosen randomly among the village characters. Each of them have their own tastes, preferences...