
  1. Mac Co-Op Game Crashing Randomly

    Hi! I play unmodded, up-to-date Stardew with my girlfriend sitting next to each other on different computers on a shared wifi network. I host using my PC (Windows 10). She joins using her MacBook (whatever the latest iOS is). Her game crashes frequently when we play, seemingly randomly. Mine...
  2. Issue 'Stardew Unexpectedly Quit' after loading save, help!

    I'm running SDV on a macbook air 2020. I've reinstalled SMAPI and verified my files on steam, as well as reinstalling the game and removing some new mods so now all I have in the game are the ones I was previously using. Its like I logged out, added a mod, now the game refuses to open even after...
  3. Issue Crashing when going to sleep I tried removing a baby that disappeared , didnt work using debug clearchildrean and removenpc . I think i have more issues but no idea and i didnt add any mod that day, everything was fine before day1 of summer .
  4. Switch sleep crash

    I play on switch and recently every time I try to sleep (save), the game crashes. I lose all progress of that day, I've tried many times to save the day but it just crashes. I'm on version 1.5. I don't know what to do, I'm not able to play.
  5. Mac Can't make it through a day on LAN without crashing

    Intel Mac never had the issue before nothing changed on the computer. Game crashes every time for no reason. if the game had cross play we could just switch but now we just won't play.
  6. v4llerie

    Issue SMAPI force quit after sleep & continuous quit when trying to load farm back up.

    At first, SPAMI force quit when I slept. I tried to load up my multiplayer world after that, and the game always force quit before loading me into my farm. I've tried to go back into save files and uploaded an older save, but when I slept in that the same thing happened! When I try to load up...
  7. Windows Crash on game

    So at 13 July I just download stardew on steam,i really enjoy the game but after playing the next day, when i play the game keep crashing, it crashed while playing sometimes it freezing and there's voice crack in game.... I don't really understand why i just playing and didn't do anything.... I...
  8. RabidRabbit

    Windows Game Crashing when loading Save that was transferred from iOS to PC

    I have been playing Stardew on iPad for many hours now, and just recently got Stardew on PC to finally be able to mod it and wanted to transfer the save file to my PC. I followed all the instructions and made sure I got all the files transferred with all the right names. I am not currently...
  9. Issue Crashing on multiplayer :( has gotten worst in the past year (6)

    Hi, I hope I'm linking the right thing:) :frog: I've even playing modded multiplayer on Mac with my boyfriend for a while now, we're currently on year 6. From about year 5 on we've been experiencing random crashes here and there, and can't determine the cause :junimo...
  10. yifansgf

    Android Can't dye using the sewing machine

    Everytime i dye using the sewing machine, at the last few seconds my game will crash. Almost completely kills my will to create outfits =(, i can use the sewing machine just fine, i just cant dye clothes with a prismatic shard or a rainbow shell. Even the sewing machine at emily's crashes the...
  11. Windows Game crashes randomly

    Hey, my name is Marcell. My problem is that my game crashes randomly in multiplayer, and we don't use mods. The crash only happens to me, and I've tried everything, like running as administrator and updating everything I can, but I can't find a working fix. We really want to play, but after...
  12. Markiza297

    Game crashing picking up custom furniture

    Hi everyone! First time posting here I've faced a problem trying to rearange my decorations on my farm and in the house, but every time I pick up an item and try to place it, game freezes and crashes. I've tred to remove mods but it doesent help. This problem is present only with Elegant...
  13. eriestrella

    Issue Game crashes when loading a new day

    Hi! I'm new to modding satrdew and I think I went a little too crazy with mods, and now my game crashes when I go to sleep, it won't even save my progress. I'm on Windows, here is my log: I deleted a custom NPC (Milo) because I proposed to...
  14. sunhill0w

    Mac MacBook Pro Ventura Crash Support

    Hi! I've been playing Stardew on my switch for years and I love it! I wanted to get it on my computer so that I could run mods, but I've been having some issues with the game. I have a 2020 MacBook Pro running the Ventura 13.0.1 operating system and a 2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 processor...
  15. Windows [Spoiler] Co-op legendary fishing bug

    Hi, first post here. Could not find anyone who had the same issue so here is what happened: My boyfriend and I have a co-op save in Stardew, and we are currently in spring on year 2. I have a singleplayer world on year 7 and achieved perfection, but he is completely new. Anyways, he really...
  16. Mac Crashing/Multiplayer isn’t working

    Hello, my bf and me play stardew a lot. Today we tried to play with no success, it wouldn’t connect him at some points and others it would then kick him. We gave up and tried everything then I later realized I was crashing even without him trying to join and saying something about the Lobby’s...
  17. InfernalFeline

    Issue Game crashes at first arrival on Ginger Island

    hi everyone, i've had some issues with my latest SDV game. it happened first with the night market: as soon as it starts it crashes. doesn't matter if i've been at the beach before or just got to the area, it gave me an error message about some sound effects/music. i could not find anything...
  18. iOS [HELP] Game lags then crashes consistently while playing.

    I started playing on my iPad a month ago, and the issue has been happening the whole time. Unless I remember to close and restart the game every 30 minutes. It always seems to crash at around 1pm game time, and always makes me lose all the progress from that day. It is extremely frustrating to...
  19. OwlSound

    Windows [HELP] Stardew Valley is Crashing After Launch

    I have been experiencing a horrible bug for some time now, and it is making me very frustrated. I have bought my copy of Stardew Valley on steam around the time of when covid hit to keep myself entertained, and at the time, my Stardew Valley worked, and all was good. Recently, i've been watching...
  20. brancasterr

    Linux (Steam deck) Emily’s Dream Cutscene Crashing Game

    Hey all! Just ran into a game breaking bug on my main save on my Steam Deck. When I enter Emily’s house, her dream cutscene starts. As it fades to black, the game crashes. Every time. Has anyone else experienced this? Any solution?