
  1. GreedyJello

    PC [HELP] Game Won't Launch or Crashes Momentarily After (Steam/Big Picture Mode)

    I've had Stardew on my Macbook for over a year and never had a problem playing it through Steam. Recently, I've been trying to figure out how to connect my PS4 controller so I can use it with my laptop while I play. I finally figured out how to configure the controller and get it working in Big...
  2. Solved [BUG] Game crashes/closes if clicked on taskbar

    Not sure how to describe this. It happens during fishing, when I'm madly clicking, and my hand moves just so, and the mouse drops down on or around the game frame edges or task bar. It closes and/ or crashes and I lose everything I've done that day. This has happened at least three times now...
  3. PlayStation [HELP] CO-OP Not Working

    Hi having issues joining co-op game today. Either not loading co-op screen (crash) or partner is being kicked out of game continually. No issues prior to today. PS4. Other multiplayer games working on PSN.
  4. iOS [BUG] iPad Pro iOS crashes freezes on keyboard input #bug

    I wanted to start a new game and I can't input any text into the create a character screen. The game freezes and I have no option to do anything but close the game. This is frustrating as I uninstalled the app to see if this would help–and my all previous save data is gone. #iOSbug #crash...
  5. PC [BUG] Game crashes upon clicking anything relating to joining a co-op game

    Version 1.4 When trying to join a multiplayer game through clicking on LAN or invite code in the co-op menu the game crashes immediately. there is no error message, it just says the game stopped working I did find 2 crash logs in the event viewer I will attach in case they help
  6. Lulamay

    Mobile [HELP] mid game crashing on my iOS

    There seems to be no rhyme or reason. Morning, noon, or night in the game itself it crashes and completely takes me out of the game. I’ve tried to track the cause, but to no avail. Regardless of the actions I’m in process of; ie: fishing, mining, planting, waking in the morning, greeting my...
  7. Xbox [HELP] Co-Op constantly disconnecting on Xbox Live

    My wife and I have been playing co-op for the last few days, and we're getting nonstop disconnections-every few days, both of us will lose connection when we go to bed, and frequently she'll get booted out of the game, it seems like every other day she'll get disconnected randomly. Both of us...