Solved [BUG] Game crashes/closes if clicked on taskbar


Not sure how to describe this. It happens during fishing, when I'm madly clicking, and my hand moves just so, and the mouse drops down on or around the game frame edges or task bar. It closes and/ or crashes and I lose everything I've done that day. This has happened at least three times now and it's maddening. I'm getting really tired of having to redo entire days. Why does it do this? Is it a bug? How can this be stopped?

Is there another way of saving the game without having to go to sleep in the cabin? I've played this game before, years back, and it never did this before. Any insight appriecated!

I'm on Windows 10/Steam.


try to go to fullscreen? usually the game on instalation starts in borderless-window mode so check your setting s

while this did caused some bugs to me not, the one you are mentioning