community center

  1. Solved [BUG] Remixed Fall Forage Bundle Community Centre Crash

    Hi. I've posted about this over in the modding bug forum, but it's looking like it may be a game issue, not a mod one. (Here's the link to that thread) I'm playing on PC, in English, version 1.5.1. I selected the options for remixed bundles, without guaranteed first year completion. When I...
  2. Solved [HELP] can't add items to the community center bundle

    Hi, I have recently started the game and I have an issue with the community center spring foraging bundle. I have all the items needed showing on the left side but I can't seem to be able to add them to complete the bundle. When I drag them in the lower right cells they don't fall into the...
  3. PC [BUG] Community Center icon bug

    Just reporting a bug where certain items when hovering over them makes the community center icon blink even though they're not needed for any bundle. That is, prior to opening up the community center window. After doing so, it seems to update the current list and no longer shows incorrect...
  4. CyberLink20XX

    PC [HELP] Community Center Reopening Crash

    Every time I try to attend the CC reopening, the game crashes. At first, I thought it was SMAPI, as I play with mods, but even after uninstalling SMAPI it still crashes
  5. PC [1.5.1] Split-screen glitch on multiple events

    Hello, I got the first event of the community center with Lewis while my girlfriend was entering the mine for the first time (adventurers event) Both launched normally and I didn't touched my controller so we could see both, after finishing the mine event she got teleported to the community...
  6. PC Community Center BUG

    Every time that I try to open a bundle from community center(either clicking in the slab inside of the building or opening the bundles from my inventory) the game crashes and closes, what can I do?
  7. Vegan Community Center Bundles in base game.

    As a vegan, my preference is to mod the game so that the community center bundles are vegan, and I don't want to sell animal products for completion. Since the remixed community center bundles are now an option at the beginning of the game, I want to suggest the option to have completely vegan...
  8. Josiman

    I need help pls

    I didnt read and cklicked yes and now is the community center a storage hall, is this bad and can i still interact with the luminos?
  9. PC [BUG] Community Center Boiler Room Not Rendering Fully

    Graphics settings (as shown in game): Windowed Borderless 1720 x 1440 (greyed out), actual monitor resolution is 3440x1440 VSync on UI scale 100% Zoom level 75% Lighting Quality MEDIUM Snow Transparency MAX Flash Effects ON Hardware cursor OFF
  10. PC [BUG] New Animal Products bundle in 1.5

    Playing on PC via Steam, in English, using version 1.5.0, keyboard and mouse, no mods (but I am running SMAPI in preparation for them later) I chose randomized bundles, no guaranteed year 1 options when starting this new file. In the Animal Products bundle in the Pantry, it has changed with...
  11. PC [BUG] Crash: Community Center

    When I try to use the community center my game crashes. I tried to solve the crash by changing the language of the game (English and Portuguese) but it had no effect. I don't use mods, I play in PC on Steam and I play in Portuguese language I'm afraid of losing my save
  12. Woven in Fur

    Android [BUG] Duplication glitch in Stardew Valley Mobile?

    While viewing the community center books, I (I'm using a Chromebook so idk if this works for phones) duplicated my sword several times and then managed to make my 5 golden parsnips into one golden parsnip which promptly disappeared when I tried to put it in the book thingy. Does anyone know what...
  13. PC [BUG] Multiplayer Community Center Teleport Fishing Glitch

    It was really hard to fit the entire explanation into the title. So basically, in multiplayer, when one player activates the community center cutscene (the first one, which teleports everyone to town) while another player is fishing, there is a graphical glitch which resolves when the fishing...
  14. Switch [BUG] Community Center Reset and Unusable

    Hello. I am on the switch, most recent version. Multiplayer. So I had the issue on multiplayer, where the game had a connection fail and the save file now shows as the default character with no information and the base gold/time. No biggie, I was able to fix it, my game shows in multiplayer...
  15. Syuka

    Solved [HELP] Crash when enters the community center (help me pls i beg you :c)

    Henlo :wchick: I play on PC, and as I explained in the title, everytime I enter the Community Center my game crashes : the game closes and there's a message saying " StardewValley has stopped working ". It hapends both when I play solo or in multiplayer. I've searched on internet and everywhere...
  16. Americandream48

    Solved [BUG] Charcoal Kiln disappeared

    I completed the crafts room bundle in the community center and was awarded with a charcoal kiln. When I returned to my farm, one of my two charcoal kilns had disappeared and was replaced by a small plant. (The weeds that you chop for fiber).
  17. levy

    Retriggering (deleted) Quests

    Basically, in line with a mostly console-control based issue further established in this thread, I think a neat addition would be to re-trigger quests in the game (especially the main-quests). There are multiple ways something like this could be approached. - installing a game-option where the...
  18. Ashleywilko21

    iOS [HELP] Community center issues

    Hey everyone, Im on day 14 of year 1 spring and I haven’t unlocked the community center yet, I was wondering if it is a glitch or am I missing something? thank you everyone :)
  19. New update, let's USE the community center?

    So I've been thinking as so many of us have been lately about what I want to see in the update and what I'm excited for and everything. One thing goes through my mind over and over. I wish that after all the trouble we go through to fix the community center that we actually used it from time to...
  20. SophiaJB

    Android [HELP] No bundle rewards for Android mobile

    I have been playing the mobile version lately, for Android, and have come across an issue where I don't receive a reward for completing a bundle in the Community Center. I'm not sure if bundle rewards are not implimented in the mobile version or not, but it seems weird that they wouldn't be...