PC [BUG] New Animal Products bundle in 1.5


Playing on PC via Steam, in English, using version 1.5.0, keyboard and mouse, no mods (but I am running SMAPI in preparation for them later)

I chose randomized bundles, no guaranteed year 1 options when starting this new file.

In the Animal Products bundle in the Pantry, it has changed with 1.5 to require one regular Egg, and one large Egg (among other things of course). The image shows brown eggs, but hovering over them just says 'Egg' and 'Large Egg'.

I *assumed* from this and based on the old Animal Products bundle which required both white and brown eggs individually, that the intention of this new bundle was to accept *any* egg (white or brown) for both of these slots.

However, my first chicken was randomly a white chicken, and the Animal Products bundle would not accept white eggs for neither the regular egg nor the large egg.
So I bought a brown chicken, and found that brown eggs *are* accepted.

I am not certain this is a bug, since what's accepted *does* match the image. However I didn't think that was the intention, since color is not included in the tooltip when hovering over it.
It's an easy workaround, regardless - just buy a brown chicken - so not a *big* deal, but figured I should report it just in case.

Thank you for this lovely game.