co-op issues

  1. haleyes98

    Issue SMAPI reports game, not mod, error--random crashing during multiplayer. Not sure what to do to fix it! Please help!

    Hi all! My partner (guest playing on a Mac) and I (host playing on Windows) have been struggling with Stardew crashing on his end randomly during multiplayer gameplay. I have no issues on my end. we're not sure what's triggering it. Here's his SMAPI log...
  2. Windows [HELP] Malaysia Co-Op Servers Connection Fails around GMT12.00PM to GMT4.00PM

    Hello, my friends and I from Malaysia have been experiencing trouble connecting during Co-Op every time we try to log in at around 8.00p.m. to 1.00a.m. local Malaysian time, which should be peak hours for us gamers to be playing this fun game. This results us to play only during midnight to...
  3. corvus_v

    Windows [HELP] Windows Store Co-Op constant disconnecting

    Me and my girlfriend started a farm where I host and have been playing on it for a while, but the past 2 days she's been frequently disconnecting without either of us having any internet or bandwidth issues whatsoever. It's become a bit of a problem because it's starting to happen so often she...
  4. tsuna

    Windows [HELP] Co-op problem. This character belongs to anoter player.

    Hi! My friend has a farm were he plays with another friend. I recently got SV so he invited me to his farm. When i type the code and press "ok" it shows me his other friend's character and when i try clicking it, it says "this character belongs to anoter player". It doesn't give me the option...
  5. Switch [HELP] Switch local co-op issues

    I'm having issues connecting or staying connected to a local co-op session. Either it won't show up on the list to join or I get regular disconnects when playing. I've restarted both switches, router and modem. I've confirmed that both switches are up to date and that the game itself is up to...