beach farm

  1. Boat Painting Problem

    There is a painting in the game that can only be obtained in the Beach Farm. Which makes this completely unobtainable in any other layout without cheats or glitches, I would like there to be a alternate way to obtain this, so you can actually get everything in every layout. Perhaps adding it to...
  2. Sana

    *MAYBE SPOILERS* Starlight Beach House

    Unlocked Ginger Island yesterday and spent today exploring and designing my beach farm :butterfly:
  3. Igorferreira72

    Standard Farm My All Farms in the Game.

    Hello everyone, I decided to make a summary of all my Farms, First you need to know that some were made during the 1.4 Mobile update, Since I don't play on Computer, So I never mess with them again, I like to preserve the Classics, I own some Disgner prototypes that I never finished, well let's...
  4. Fun Art Sam

    Add Ocean Wave Sounds to Beach Farm

    Hello! :) I love playing Stardew Valley! It’s been a great way to learn life management skills, have fun, and help with my anxiety issues. Recently, I’ve been working on the beach farm. It’s my dream farm! Farming and fishing is a magical combination. I have one suggestion for the beach farm...
  5. Modded Farm Dragon Cove Farm Progress (Modded + Custom Map Beach Farm)

    I thought I'd make a little thread to track the progress of my farm, it's become a special farm to me and although its not much yet I thought it would be nice to share and look back on. Early Spring Year 1 ~ the empty farm Late Spring Year 1 ~ had mostly focused on mines to prep for...
  6. Green House (Probably a dumb question)

    Okay, So. I have the beach farm, and the description of it said sprinklers won't work on the farm, but will they work in the Green House? Sorry if this question's already been asked/ is dumb.
  7. Cloud0101

    Windows Wrong Translate

    I see a translate problem in the beach farm info when someone try start a new game, in spanish say powder(Polvos), but need to say Sprinkler(Aspersor).
  8. Nuka-Quantum Knight

    PlayStation Looking for ppl to play with 18+

    I'm planning to make it on the beach farm because I like the layout and look, and its nice and big with lots of space to work with. I wanna focus on getting every type of animal we can in game, slimes included, and making artisan goods alongside animal products, but other than that I'm happy to...

    Switch Beach Farm, looking for someone c:

    This game is a lot better with friends!! Would anyone like to start a new beach farm ? :]
  10. torabisu831

    Switch New 21+y/o Multi Beach Farm anyone?

    Was thinking of trying to start over and do a fresh farm but with a team! I sometimes play with my gf when she can. So I was thinking if there’s any other couples out there could do something and have some fun! We’re both 27/28 so I figured some older people would be better to vibe with. She’s...
  11. imnvs

    Beach Farm Amethyst's Purple Farm (late game, spoilers)

    Summer 16, Year 4 Coop: 2 Gold Chickens, 2 Blue Chickens, 2 Void Chickens, 2 Ducks, 2 Rabbits, 2 Dinos Barn 1: 2 Cows, 4 Goats, 1 Pig, 5 Ostrich Barn 2: 2 Ostrich (Currently working on hatching 5 more ostriches in Barn 2, will eventually move the other 5 over to Barn 2, and then get 2 more cows...
  12. Stardew Planner Issue

    Hi, I love the stardew planner on the stardew wiki page. However, the beach farm does not allow it to render to see the final product. All the other farm types work. @ConcernedApe
  13. Switch Supply Crates Seeds

    After the blue floor glitch olfix on switch all I have gotten are seeds from supply crates are seeds. I am on the beach farm. Is it bad luck or a bug?
  14. Switch Beach Farm issue

    Hi! I posted this on Reddit and was directed to bring my issue here. I played 1.5 on the PC when it came out and started out with the beach farm. I loved it because the “care packages” that would wash up were suuuuper helpful so, obviously, I chose the beach farm when 1.5 came out on the...
  15. Switch [BUG] Lots of bugs in 1.5

    Not sure if this is just the beach farm but I've noticed a fair amount of bugs on the switch since I updated the game last night. Overall I still love the game and the update added things I am really excited for but Can't place torches in the mines Can't plant trees or fruit trees in sand or...
  16. BringsTheSnow

    PlayStation [BUG] Tools destroying tree seeds after 1.5 update.

    I just updated to 1.5 and am playing on PS4. When I try to dig up any tree seeds on my farm they are destroyed. Before I updated, if the seed had not sprouted yet then it was able to be dug up. I tried the next morning (in game) and had no problem. I even tried diging them up with different...
  17. PC Cave overlaps Windmill on Beach Farm

    It's really minor but I figured I'd post it. v1.5.4
  18. PC [BUG] Catching freshwater fish on Beach Farm

    I am playing a multiplayer game and just reached Fall of year 1. I caught a Smallmouth Bass (freshwater fish) while fishing on our Beach Farm. I do have mods installed, not sure if that could be affecting it.
  19. KDashing

    PC HELP! BUG? Recipes from Farming Skill 6 not learned?

    Hi! So, I started up a single-player beach farm on my laptop, and I'm on the 25th of Summer. I got to level 6 at some point, but the notification never triggered and I didn't learn the cheese press of hardwood fence recipes. Is this a bug, or am I losing my mind? I included screencaps I thought...
  20. PC [BUG] Beach Forageables on Beach Farm are base quality (home, not Ginger)

    Running 1.5.3, PC, Steam, English, single-player, no mods though SMAPI is running. I've found a bug thread about an issue like this on Ginger Island Farm, but this is happening to me on the *home* farm (I chose the new beach farm). I wasn't able to find any threads about this one. Forage that...