I really tried to like Starfruit.
Made it into Pickles for Haley, made it into Wine for Elliot. Sold a bunch of it and pranced around the Joja entrance with g just falling outta my far-too-small pockets just to cheese off Morris.
But, the effort!
Even just growing 10 or so in the Greenhouse to then pop into the Cellar for Wine (that will fill the Cellar almost perfectly over time), was just too much. I want to enjoy my time in-game, not be kaijustomppped by the impending guilt of:
Great Luck Day
Mentally up for Skull Cavern run
Have my Backpack magically empty of 30+ pieces of junk.
Actually have my Ginger Ale and Spicy Eel and Iridium Cheez and Galaxy Sword and Bombs ready
But then... it's Starfroot day.
Just kill me now.
No, no, Ancient Froot loves you today and always by never making you replant it and need to use this Fertilizer or that Speed-Gro or whatever. Always shiny and happy and blue, welcoming you to pick at your leisure.
Butbutbut, you say... you can just wait on that Starfroot as well!
Heh, you don't know yourself well enough do you? If you're going the Starfroot run, you're MIN-MAXXing, you dern fool! You can't skip a single day and still hold your head up high as a min-maxxer if you just skip days willy-nilly.
No, Ancient Froot is for the sensible player who is at one with the Universe.
I like g but don't need to obsess over it.
I want to Farm, but maybe tomorrow.
I'd like to open the Barn door for those whatevers I got in there, but it's allll the way over there.
I'd love to finish the Community Center but this tree's been making that shade just for ages and I'm a very accommodating sort.
That Legend isn't going anywhere.
Willy will totally hold on to that Bamboo Rod for another few years.......