I only used Soldier because that's what Kent is and it resonates with his character.
PTSD is mostly unknown... as in there's a lot we don't know about it.
The amount of accuracy in Kent's character is astounding and terrifying. But, I can understand the desire to see him happy occasionally. Although that may just be the selfishness of the player coming through, I do like positive outlooks even if occasionally they are not realistic.
I honestly never really took a hard look at Kent before. It's interesting. But, my husband knows a guy who has the war time, soldier PTSD and those are some scary stories he has of the guy. My husband saw this chat and started telling more of those stories, so I could better understand it, he said.
He forever equates PTSD with that specifically. Which belittles other forms of PTSD, I only find it irritating because I have cptsd. If you don't fly off the handle in a terrifying and scary way, than you don't have it.... If you learn to cope with it he also thinks your "getting better" and further disregards it. Sorry, if my aggravation with him was reflected in the conversation. He only understands one type of ptsd and that has never been the form I have. And his stories of this guy are terrifying!!!! I couldn't sleep at all last night!!!