
It was happening to me last night, I’ve tried again tonight and still the same thing :( when will they fix it ?


Same here. I downloaded and installed the update yesterday (for Switch) and have been trying to play, but every time I try to crack open geodes at the blacksmiths my game encounters an error and closes. I just lost three whole (in-game) days worth of playtime in a row. Very frustrating.
I've worked out it's specifically when I try to crack open Artifact Troves my game crashes. So I'm still able to play the game, just not processing the Artifact Troves I find.


@FrogInAJar @Mango-25 @mzbrink @JuliaStar @GreyOfLight @loosinder @Lizplaysgames @Frederique @lucanconducts @rosiemann @XenonXyrxys @OsirisTheFeared @Guezou @larsmaur @Patate @krombop26 @libbysandi @Cissilas @NamelessLyctor @calheli @tears_of_satan @ijbrewsky @serenity4596 @distantdreamer29 @lydiajbry @Mindnight_Queen @7liu7 @shamWOWSER64 @AstralPhysician @sneakykiki @WitherinRoseYT @Claudie125 @joanneplans @meowster79

Hey everyone, thanks again for reporting the issue! I've been informed by the porting team that they've identified the issue, and have figured out a fix. I can't currently share anything about when the next patch will release, but this problem will be fixed as soon as it does. Hopefully, it will be a quick review process by Nintendo.

Thanks for the patience everyone, and I'm sorry that these bugs have arisen.
I hope soon. It’s frustrating


Hello all, first time posting on this site so apologies if I miss anything. I play on switch, and on my main save I’ve been trying to open an artifact trove (and ONLY the artifact trove, I just saw some staff members asking about other geodes so I thought I’d clarify) but my game keeps crashing every time I try. It says “error, software closed because of an issue” or something similar, I’m not currently logged on, but it crashes and closes me out of stardew valley.
Well wishes to everyone playing stardew!!
thank you ConcernedApe for making the game and putting so much effort into it, I hope you get a break sometime soon from all the bug issues.


Hello all, first time posting on this site so apologies if I miss anything. I play on switch, and on my main save I’ve been trying to open an artifact trove (and ONLY the artifact trove, I just saw some staff members asking about other geodes so I thought I’d clarify) but my game keeps crashing every time I try. It says “error, software closed because of an issue” or something similar, I’m not currently logged on, but it crashes and closes me out of stardew valley.
Well wishes to everyone playing stardew!!
thank you ConcernedApe for making the game and putting so much effort into it, I hope you get a break sometime soon from all the bug issues.
This just happened to me, and it is why I am here. Trying to have Clint open Artifact troves crashes my game with the same error code on Nintendo Switch


I updated the game on my switch & now it keeps crashing and kicking me out the game its ruined the game for me ngl
especially when i open an ancient trove and its upsetting that they dont like most of the gifts anymore.

whens this getting fixed :'(


@FrogInAJar @Mango-25 @loosinder
Does it always crash when attempting to crack the artifact trove? Does it also crash for other types of geodes, or just the artifact trove?

If any of you can also record a video of the issue occurring, and post it to a service like YouTube or Streamable and link it here, that would be helpful to the porting team to figure out what is going on.

Thanks for the report, and I hope we can get this fixed up as soon as possible.
it's only the ancient trove ive had to replay my day 3 times now and its really upsetting