1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Um, no.

Make that 5:

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Clearly the Iridium contained inside them is magnetic or something as they really really REALLY seem to like this corner of my Farm.

Also the house is rather like a Where's Waldo book when I'm looking for Emily before 10pm to get the evening dialog and hug as recently she's been well hidden. Only to make herself obvious with a wave of her hand as she saunters to bed with an impish smile at 10pm, and giving me the silent treatment for my woeful inability to pick her out from all the clutter.

But no longer, I found her hiding place because most often I've seen her sneaking to bed from the bottom of the map:
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Probably reading to the kids and then taking a siesta behind whatever kind of oversized stuft toys are most comfortable.

As for JotPK, I can regularly get to the first boss but aside from one apparently lucky run where I got him down to less than half, he continues to quickly and easily dispatch me. Sucks being a one-shot, now I know what it's like to be a redshirt or NPC.

A general recommendation I'm using which keeps me in a relatively good mood after failing again and again is to do JotPK near the end of the day after getting done what you want in the Valley, as I find it jarring to exit the game and return to Stardew. Leaving a little time to putter about and talk to the spouse usually gets me into a reasonable frame of mind again.
Looks like your family is safely hidden In a submarine or underground bunker…maybe cause they keep hearing those explosions in the night from all your iridium meteorites? Also Emily has substituted hanging out with thr stuffed Junimo since you’re too busy with your new found obsession with Journey of Prarie King. Are you out at the saloon playing that each night? Emily is like she used to love making clothes with me instead. 😢. I can’t figure that game out. I get killed before I can see any idea of which one is me and which one is the bad guy. 🤣


Got Dragontooth Club just now. Quite pleased that I don't have to go to the volcano anymore. What a grind.
You will miss it soon enough. The volcano is my favorite. Well it was in 1.5. In 1.6 so many of the new layouts are so crazy you are lucky to make it out by the time you need to warp home. I miss tons of ores and nodes and barrels now. I used to be able to grab most every one until I had to warp home.


After this small glimpse into my "polyamorous future" and having determined that having 30+ spouses will NOT cause the Stardew Expanded Ridgeside Yoba-verse to collapse, I have restored my save to the day that I had initially proposed to spouse #3. So we now return to our regularly scheduled programming...

After having gotten Morris to 10 hearts and helping him build his dreamhouse in Pelican Town, we have witnessed something that few of us who are new to the Expanded Yoba-verse had thought possible: Pelican Town has elected a new mayor!

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As the new Mayor, Morris wasted no time....

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I guess that my farmer Max's role in these developments is no secret. He had maximum hearts with Pierre, Caroline, and Abigail only a day before Morris' grand project was complete. But this just seconds after Morris' announcement:

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So what will they do now???

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Well, perhaps Max can make it all up to dear Abby sometime in the not-too-distant future! 💍😉
Wow I’ve never done Joja on the SDVE yet. I had no idea he became the new mayor (that’s a real coin toss who’s worse) and it had such a direct impact on the families and their storylines. Normally they just say I don’t know how the bus, coal cart, bridge, etc got magically repaired. A true mystery they say.

Pierre has never been one for family harmony, or willing to swallow his pride and his passive aggressive capitalism. If he gave up the store he could get a better job in the city, Caroline wouldn’t have to work (but would have to give up Jodi and the Wizard lol.). Abigail could live in the city like she’s wanted to and go to a real in person college and meet more people like herself. It could be a good thing for them all. Who knows.


I dunno. Sebastian seems more cheerful single again. Trixie wishes him the best and hopes he makes it to Zuzu City before Abby can pin him down.
Yeah he doesn’t seem like he likes the dating, marriage, family life, socializing with anyone other than frogs thing.

Lew Zealand

Looks like your family is safely hidden In a submarine or underground bunker…maybe cause they keep hearing those explosions in the night from all your iridium meteorites? Also Emily has substituted hanging out with thr stuffed Junimo since you’re too busy with your new found obsession with Journey of Prarie King. Are you out at the saloon playing that each night? Emily is like she used to love making clothes with me instead. 😢. I can’t figure that game out. I get killed before I can see any idea of which one is me and which one is the bad guy. 🤣
I did about 5 days of JotPK and burned out on SDV entirely, LOL. Just got back to playing it today after a break. Nothing bad but it's like I mentioned in another topic here: When I start Stardew up I don't have a plan nor do I remember what my plan was from the last time I played. So it's a mostly clean slate and that first day is all the basics, Check:


to see if anything needs anythinging. Mostly I can let it go though I'll harvest anything that's ready or Trees with 3 Fruit. And then Emily will come up with:

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"Well you see dear, on rainy days when nobody else is at Ginger, I've been playing music for and chatting with this fishwoman who's not overly fixated on fashionable clothes."



The previous line is a thing which Farmer Bobbi was about to blurt out but this day her brain, possibly only for reasons of laziness, decided that maybe not complicating things is a better way to exist. Saved by taking the easy way out. The time will come when Emily should know about her past and her true family but that time should include at a minimum more coffee and Bobbibrain being less surprised and more prepared.

Like years of more preparingness. Shouldn't rush important things.


However sometimes Farmer Bobbi's brain runs maybe too slowly and needs a slap on it's brainbutt, which is one of Emily's favorite things to do to encourage her wife to finish the things she starts with so many good intentions.


"C'mere you." Emily said smartly as she reached for Bobbi's hand, leading her over to the meditation spot. "Let's sit and chat awhile." Bobbi knows this means she's forgotten something but of course she doesn't know what. Every day's a new and fun experience when you don't remember stuff!

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After settling her mind for a few minutes while Bobbi fidgeted only a little bit, Emily started, "Robin finished the store upgrade 2 days ago and I see you got it painted too so that's a great start." Yeah that's done!, Bobbi thinks. Emily continues, "we should get started on the inside then."

A short pause. "I'm wayyy ahead of you, I already got the wallpaper and carpet in there," Bobbi remembered at the last second. Of course she'd forgotten to tell Emily. OK or even consult her about it, but Emms was probably at the Saloon or something. Feeding the kids. Asleep because it was 12:50am when Bobbi finally remembered. All sorts of good reasons and one might even be the right one, but what she did was find the closest thing to Emily's room in the Catalog and paste that into the new building's interior.

It looked... probably perfectly fine for a store.

"Oh that's wonderful, dear" Emily brightened up. "The it's ready to start laying out all the locations and where things are gonna go." Emily hopped up, bouncing on her feet in a not very typical meditative stance. "Oooo and I had a great idea, I can sell some jewelry in a corner of the store if anyone's interested. I'll just leave it out and see if people are interested!"
"Whaddya think?"

She seemed very excited about this idea so all Bobbi could do was agree. As they walked back to the Farmhouse hand-in-hand, Bobbi's very slowly churning stomach brain clunked into gear. "Iiii-- could sell all those extra rings I've found." A pause. "And even crafted."

Emily looked to the side at her wife. "You've been making rings and not telling me? Let's see those fingers." She raised Bobbi's hand in front of her face, comically close. "Nope these are the same ugly mashed-together ones you always wear for your cave monster friends. You can keep these." She licked Bobbi's hand and shoved it away, running up the steps into the house.

"Ewww gross!" Bobbi did her best Haley impression and ran in after Emily but she knew she'd never find her better half. Emily was a pro at blending into the house, making a game of seemingly materializing out of thin air to walk to bed at 10:00pm, too far away for Bobbi to notice or reach her in time. Bed was the designated safe zone with the game ending at 10pm and Bobbi had been "it" for about 7 weeks now. Sometimes Bobbi would play Journey of the Prairie King at the Saloon just to avoid the game and pretend it didn't bother her, but then Emily caught her passing time on the video game one Friday as Sam and Abby were gathered around, which just encouraged Emily more.

"I'm getting pretty good at JotPK you know," Bobbi said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, it's good for everyone to find their niche." Emily said with a wry smile. "Mine's in various places in our Farmhouse..." She finished and walked away to deliver Shane his sparkling water.

Waitiminute, does she mean... Bobbi thought after a few seconds. Once the smoke cleared, Bobbi went home to start the work in earnest. So far she's come up with this:


Still lots to do...
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Thanks to Maher's reminder, I now have a quarter-greenhouse full of starfruit, and in a few days I can harvest them. Collecting things for the beach and desert portals. Planning on building two fish ponds to replace farming in the lower field. I always forget to check it. (Riverside Farm.) Beat Willy in the ice-fishing fest, neener neener. Accidentally cheated on Penny when I triggered the "Emily and player camp out together in the secret forest" cutscene. Penny's used to me passing out in the middle of nowhere, so presumably my player pulled it off.
Not penny being an enabler!
I'm married to Penny and our house is basically a keg shed with a kitchen. :laugh:

So, year 5 is done. I used the winter to gather stuff for the summoning pillars, though they'd take most of my money at this point so I'm not going to go just yet. Built a second silo for the spring-1 hay generation. I also cleaned up the house a bit -- the above is an 'after" shot. Before it was cluttered with random plants.



That's quite the panning haul indeed, you somehow panned an entire chair?!
Maybe it's like the opposite of those mini monsters (or rudely shaped things) you used to find in joke shops, you put them in water and they got like 50x bigger. Furniture that gets smaller in water would actually be handy if you're moving house. You could transport a whole room in a goldfish bowl. Although soggy cushions take forever to dry out... but you can vacuum-bag those down pretty flat, so maybe just the frames... I'm overthinking this. 😆


Today I tried to catch a silver quality Legend II and failed miserably. I have at least 2 of every quality of every fish (because I'll need to make a smoked one when 1.6 releases), excluding the legendaries of course, and the Legend II. I'll try some more ^.^