1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


So what's up with Trixie? Well, winter came in. So she figured "the animals are locked up, I think I'll turn on Night Terrors and see if I can get a living hat." Come 9:30, she steps outside and finds a shadow creature.

"Oh how nice, Krobus has come for a visit!"
**Shadow Creature attacks**
"Krobus, what are you doing? I just gave you void mayonnaise for your birthday yesterday and you loved it!"
**Shadow Creature attacks**
**Trixie dispatches shadow creature with her very souped up infinity sword**
"Oh yeah, night terrors. That wasn't Krobus after all. But boy, was that unsettling."

A few days later, the honey, Ancient Fruit, and Diamonds all came in at once and she bought the Gold-Darned Clock. She placed it next to the Mausoleum of Eternal Judginess, and planted a bunch of Mahogany trees for a dense canopy that would hide them both from view for most of the year. Instantly regretted not using pine for year round obscurity.

She then got Elliott a bouquet.
Elliott: I'm a little nervous. Are you a little nervous?
Trixie: This ain't my first rodeo, kiddo! Wait, are you telling me it is yours?!?!
She smoothed it over with some squid ink the next day, and his infatuation continues to deepen.

The next day she had to roll her ex out of bed and foist a frozen tear on him. That's the nice thing about the statue of endless fortune: it means never having to pull something out of inventory for the ex's birthday.

So now she's saving up for the mountain obelisk because she thinks perfection is a good idea. Between the backwoods path and the mine carts there are enough ways to reach the NE corner of the map that the mountain obelisk has no real use case, but what is perfection about if not the pursuit of useless things?
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Finally finished up summer, year 5. Took longer than it should have because I was distrcted by Fields of Mistria. Going to begin trying to build the special wizard stuff: right now I need starfruit, so I'm hoping the traveling lady will have some that I can risk turning into seeds. I'm still planning to scale back farm operations, and will begin with what I still call "Cow Island" because it was originally my barn. Right now it's still growing corn from summer, but once winter comes my plan is to convert it entirely to pasture and orchard.

Yo I've been cheating on us with Fields of Mistria... & feel a strange amount of guilt for loving it XD
Stardew Valley 8_20_2024 5_40_38 PM.png

Beat my record by one. Got 4 perfect catches on the scorpion carp within one day using on qi seafoam pudding. The gold quality one was just me trying to observe its patterns

This was just for practice. Setup was qi seafoam pudding + master iridium rod, cork and scorpion carp target bait. Blessings of waters and quality bobber were not used


so with the xbox one controller on the pc, i started a new game on 1.6. i was scared of fishing in the other game so did fishing right away. it worked well and i am at level 8 fishing and just one the fishing contest. i think the green bar is bigger at my fishing level instead of the older games in 1.5. i am winter 1 this game and fishing is a good method of making money.


Trying to manage an ultra-tiny farm. I will have to go through the coop and barn one by one, then demolish to un-block spouse :)

With such a farm, it would be more fun to have panning instead of mines, and so on.
hello, do you have an updated version of this for 1.6?


I know! And it gets worse when I try to use "E" to interact with things, or jump. It's like calling the wife by the mistress's name.
hahahaha "the mistress" So funny though bc in first SDV (before I discovered expanded) I married Shane and I absolutely have a thing for March in FOM... XD Do the same thing in both games and am just feeding March beer until he loves me. Apparently I have a type because my husband is very much like this lmao
hahahaha "the mistress" So funny though bc in first SDV (before I discovered expanded) I married Shane and I absolutely have a thing for March in FOM... XD Do the same thing in both games and am just feeding March beer until he loves me. Apparently I have a type because my husband is very much like this lmao
He likes ore, too! And mocha. One of his lines is, "Are you trying to butter me up by plying me with things I like? ....fine, give it here."

Penny had another baby, Amalia. More importantly (to me, not my character), I GOT FIRST PLACE IN THE GRANGE COMPETITION! Every lousy year Pierre has beaten me, but this time my iridium wine and iridium peaches and flowers and gold vegetables brought home the win with 95 pints.


As far as I know, yup. I don't think I can really blame them though, from their point of view you were happily married until you suddenly divorced them out of nowhere. They have to move back to their old residence and you keep the kids (if you have them). I'd probably be a bit miffed too. 😆
Not to mention except for Harvey, Leah and Elliot in law parents get stuck with a now even sassier, grumpier and in some cases more depressed grown adult under their roof again. And they don’t even get to see their grandkids anymore on top of it.


Late last week, a monster from Dangerous Skull Caverns dropped a Perfect Ice Rod for me :awe:
Yesterday, I decided to spend close to a full day in the Dangerous Skull Caverns with more than one Hot Java Ring functionally equipped and the Parrot Level 4 Trinket. It wasn't even a Stardrop luck day -- just a "completely neutral luck" day. I wasn't trying to get as far down into the Caverns as I could or even trying to grind for Radioactive Ore... just trying to kill as many monsters as possible. This Level 4 Parrot is something else -- sometimes, it gave me as much as a 2000g drop from killing one monster! And small slimes that arise from "breaking apart" big slimes each have a chance to drop gold with this Parrot! Also, on those floors that seem filled with those heavy armored bugs, with my Bug-Killer enchanted Battle Dancer's Fan (from Ridgeside Village), those bugs are a piece of cake to kill by swinging fast to further increase those gold-drop opportunities! And mummies always seem to come in big numbers in Dangerous Skull Caverns! Not that much of a problem to deal with equipped with a Crusader-enchanted Infinity Gavel! By the end of the day, I had picked up over 100,000g just from killing monsters and was able to sell over 200 cups of coffee from Hot Java Ring drops. Not bad for a day's work! 😎
If you mine a lot you can really make a ton of money from that Java ring’s drops or save a ton of money on speed boosts without having to grow your own through beans and the brewing them in kegs.


Not to mention except for Harvey, Leah and Elliot in law parents get stuck with a now even sassier, grumpier and in some cases more depressed grown adult under their roof again. And they don’t even get to see their grandkids anymore on top of it.
I dunno. Sebastian seems more cheerful single again. Trixie wishes him the best and hopes he makes it to Zuzu City before Abby can pin him down.
So I decided to do an experiment in my current save:

I'm sure that almost everyone here has heard of the the concept of "Speed Dating". Well, in my save, I decided to do "Speed Marrying" (with no divorce 😈). First a little background:

Earlier this week, the Custom Spouse Rooms mod posted on Nexus combined with the unofficial Free Love Mod caused my game to crash right after I had given a Mermaid's Pendant to a 3rd person (without divorcing the other 2 first 😈) and tried to reenter my Farmhouse. So, to fix this problem, I had downloaded and installed an unofficial update to the Custom Spouse Rooms mod that fixes this known problem that I had found referenced by browsing the "Posts" tab for that mod in Nexus. That seems to fix the whole game crashing after I propose to marry a 3rd spouse bit, but at a cost: no more spouse rooms would be added to my Farmhouse after the first 2 (EDIT: My mistake... the spouses DO add their own rooms... you'd have to reload the game to see them). Oh well... the gameplay is more important to me now than seeing how ridiculous the Farmhouse would look with so many spousal rooms.

So as for "Speed Marrying". The concept was simple. Give a Mermaid's Pendant to that 3rd person. Sleep until the wedding. As soon as the wedding has ended, give a Mermaid's Pendant to the next person with 10 hearts on the same day. Rinse and repeat. The purpose here was to find out if the game would crash at some point after marrying that many people. After being married to 32 people at once, no game crashes so far. (Though I have yet to play a full day until 150ish AM since marrying that many)
One interesting thing that I discovered:

The Ridgeside NPC Kiarra despises Joja so much that she will refuse to marry anyone who has completed the Joja route.
Kiarra rejection.jpg

When I had first seen this, I noticed the portrait and assumed that this was a bit of a prankster who would at first give the farmer that kind of face and act all puffy, but later, her face would turn bright and cheerful and say "Of course I'll marry you!" But no, she really really hates Joja that much. And before anyone asks, yes, I do indeed have 10 hearts with her. I even did a triple take at my Relationships tab to make sure of that.

As for my "Speed Marrying" experiment, I had backed up my save from before I had given the Mermaid's Pendant to that 3rd spouse, so after I play a full day with my 32 spouses in tow with no game crashes, I will go "back in time" to my previous save and you know... actively play out those days. Marrying 30 people took almost a full in-game year! 😆
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After this small glimpse into my "polyamorous future" and having determined that having 30+ spouses will NOT cause the Stardew Expanded Ridgeside Yoba-verse to collapse, I have restored my save to the day that I had initially proposed to spouse #3. So we now return to our regularly scheduled programming...

After having gotten Morris to 10 hearts and helping him build his dreamhouse in Pelican Town, we have witnessed something that few of us who are new to the Expanded Yoba-verse had thought possible: Pelican Town has elected a new mayor!

1 - Election Results - New Mayor!.jpg

As the new Mayor, Morris wasted no time....

2 - Joja Public Works Complete.jpg

I guess that my farmer Max's role in these developments is no secret. He had maximum hearts with Pierre, Caroline, and Abigail only a day before Morris' grand project was complete. But this just seconds after Morris' announcement:

3 - Pierre's Family is Bitter.jpg

So what will they do now???

4 - Pierre's rxn 1.jpg

5 - Pierre's rxn 2.jpg

7 - Caroline's rxn.jpg

6 - Abigail's rxn.jpg

Well, perhaps Max can make it all up to dear Abby sometime in the not-too-distant future! 💍😉


So Trixie steps into the farmhouse after a long day of - um - killing things, and going full on Kurtz with the path to the GI farmhouse to discourage curious villagers:

And Elliott hits her with this glurge:

When I behold thy wondrous face, a precious jewel of form and grace, my heart... torn by the dread of night, is purified with golden light.​
Trixie got on to the phone right away with Gunther to find out what the donation premium might be for The Sonnets of Petrarch. That thing is clearly a Bad Influence. Heck If Gunther promises to put it out on Inter Library Loan to an unreliable borrower in the Gotoro empire, he can just have it!

And if Elliott misses it? Well, the Dwarf is very frank about how he acquires inventory.