1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Started a new run to give Riverland Farm/Mushroom Cave a whirl to try Free Stuff, and out of help wanted requests in the first two weeks I've gotten requests for iron bars and gold bars and two requests for Eel. Y'all. I just want some prize tickets and mystery boxes. Please. At least Caroline had my back with a quest for seaweed.

Lew Zealand

Ups and Downs.


Spent my first week wearing the long-sought Tiger outfit. But then I found the Crystal Shoes so needed to build an outfit around it. I don't want the Tiger Hat to become too everyday and it's very warm for Spring so I needed something breezier.


But that was too much white so I settled on:


'ssok, still considering other things but the Crystal Boots look great! Oh and, heh... I found another pair in the drawers. I should organize it some day...

Put all The Legends in the Community Center fishtank with a Treasure Chest, Coral, Seaweed and a Snail. Looks pretty good now.

Went to the Desert Festival for some shopping and bought/got:

and Penny's items. But...


I got to Abby's stall 5 seconds too late to get her associated item and I'm MADDDD about that. I didn't know they left at midnight, I totally had all the items needed for the trade too. GRRRR!!!!

I combined Meowmere with a Galaxy Sword (which went well) and then upgraded it to the Infinity Blade. Which stripped Meowmere away. It's gone, permanently I think. NOT HAPPY!

[sad capybara noises]
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Lew Zealand

Based on the wiki, it's a middle of the road blade with a Hello Kitty hilt that throws rainbow sparkles with kills so exactly the sort of thing Lew would love. I can see the desire to use it to skin a high end weapon, and I think the lesson we all learn from Lew's experience is first upgrade, then skin.
Yep that's what I've learned. I haven't tried yet but if I can't get another one, I'll skin my now-extra Infinity Blade as the Insect Head, then search that in my save and do an item # replacement.

I will not be denied sparkles.


Sparkly Success! You can get another, however many you want as long as you have the initial item needed, I had 6. In the course of trying to get the above screenshot properly (and this one kinda stinks), this happened:


Like a million years without one and now in a week I got a second. Probably start using them as dishrags or something...
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Staff member
What's a meowmere?
It's a reference to Terraria: https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Meowmere
I assume this is a reciprocal easter egg as it was added to the game after Terraria added some Stardew references (spoilers for how to obtain the weapon in Stardew):


Local Legend
It's a reference to Terraria: https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Meowmere
I assume this is a reciprocal easter egg as it was added to the game after Terraria added some Stardew references (spoilers for how to obtain the weapon in Stardew):
That's pretty cool. What kinda stardew easter eggs did they put in terraria?

Lew Zealand

That's pretty cool. What kinda stardew easter eggs did they put in terraria?
Kid plays Terraria and lessee if I remember. I believe the Stardrop was added as a Buff, and Joja cola but I forget if they're linked directly or not. And there's something else I'm forgetting but as much as I get Stardew, Terraria bonks off my thick skull. I should like it and I do to some extent, but I don't get it.

The 2 games are inexorably linked as they're indies and 2D, yet still 'somehow' with big sales and most impressively, generally duke it out on Steam as the highest rated game with loads and loads of reviews. Like they are #1 and #2 and flip flop over each other. Higher than The Witcher 3, Knights of the Old Republic, any COD or CS-GO, even Baldur's Gate 3 and other GOTY winners.
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I've been playing my Wilderness Farm save, returning to it in hopes of beating my personal best for reaching level 120 of the mines. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish it in spring as hoped, bogging down in the 50s when my weak sword had trouble doing anything with the ghosts. Usually I get a good sword from monster drops, but this time it took me forever to get to level 60 where the crystal dagger is. I kept visiting the League of Adventures to see if they had any promising swords, but I also kept dithering because after all, I always get a monster-drop sword. Should get to the bottom of the mines by the end of summer, but I can't exactly remember my earliest completition date: I just figured if I managed it in spring, I'd definitely have beaten any priors.


I was playing a new world with a friend and they got radioactive goggles out of nowhere, it was day 3 of spring year 1 so no way they had the sewing machine yet, but other than that just making progress on the mines


Most of my days are the same and largely uninteresting, but I'd like to share my early morning work out routine.

Every single morning, the instant I get up, I eat Spicy Eel and make a bee-line, on my horse, to the nearest trash can in town and rummage through it. As quickly as possible I systematically search every trash can in town and then "poof"! I teleport back home.

This game is sick.
I finally got a prismatic frog egg! Still hunting the void frog egg and level 5 fairy.

I could reroll on the anvil but I get a handful of trinkets every time I go cash & coffee farming, usually with a few more interesting random drops and some crates to break, more fun that way. :cool:
I like to collect trinkets too. I am hunting the Level 5 Fairy and the Level 5 Parrot -- all WITHOUT using the Anvil.



here’s an update on my greenhouse, it’s a lot more productive than it was two in–game years ago, and:

this is a slightly blurry screenshot of my entire farm. there’s a lot of empty pockets, and I am considering adding the more buildings, but I don’t know what to add… I might add a second barn, just for pigs, since since I decided it would be a good idea to get rid of all of them lol. and it took me long enough, but I finally got the movie theater, it’s really fun although my only complaints are that you can’t get snacks for yourself, you only get to see one movie a week (for me anyways, I don’t know if that changes), and there’s this big dude who keeps taking up the crane machine :P but I ended up getting three junimo plushies on the first try, and four trees, and a little rabbit :D
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View attachment 24179
here’s an update on my greenhouse, it’s a lot more productive than it was two in–game years ago, and:
View attachment 24180
this is a slightly blurry screenshot of my entire farm. there’s a lot of empty pockets, and I am considering adding the more buildings, but I don’t know what to add… I might add a second barn, just for pigs, since since I decided it would be a good idea to get rid of all of them lol. and it took me long enough, but I finally got the movie theater, it’s really fun although my only complaints are that you can’t get snacks for yourself, you only get to see one movie a week (for me anyways, I don’t know if that changes), and there’s this big dude who keeps taking up the crane machine :P but I ended up getting three junimo plushies on the first try, and four trees, and a little rabbit :D
Apple trees at the entrance! Nice. :)


Today I finally managed to make it to Winter year 1 for the first time! I did a lot of fishing, up to level 6 which is really exiting, and ive been trying to catch the last few fish for cc. Also, i spent the money i was going to spend on my watering can on a christmas tree, but it looks so cool and i will get more within like 4 days so i dont feel bad. I love that winter gives you the opportunity to focus on skills like mining and fishing, from a gamplay perspective its a really good way to gently push you into branching out if youve focused exclusively on farming.


Today on a new vanilla farm at year1 fall day 9. Working my way through the mine and after finishing a few levels I then went to dump my goodies into chests deciding which to keep or sell and to my surprise there was a living hat in my inventory from cutting weeds with my sword on one of the levels, also picked up all 4 Dwarf Scrolls A good day in the mine.

BTW my in game character is bald with white skin and completely white outfit and looks like a living mannequin.
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