Our first cat pet (i always choose cat), must be somebody's transformed by witchcraft spouse, in the same fashion that children become birds... That is why the cat happily gives us items in the form of gifts, ones that she thinks are edible (various fish etc), much like our mate does. Our real spouse is also instictively drawn to the pet, hence it happens very usually that she waters the poor thing's bowl.
The dwarf is actually a giant, in its place of origin (extraterrestial being) and by its standards.
The UFO seen at money counting screen after falling asleep sometimes, is the extraterrestial equivalent to santa Klaus, who is also seen flying with his reindeers. That is why we suddenly find a Strange Capsule present sometime, randomly in our fields.
The strange green head seen at the beach, isn't a monster, but a scooba diving dude who got many seaweeds stuck on his helmet.